Trainee lawyer sent to prison by judge to sew on sewing machine

Trainee lawyer sent to prison by judge to sew on sewing machine


135 Chapters Ongoing Status

Story of: Trainee lawyer sent to prison by judge to sew on sewing machine

In a parallel world, Lin Chuan became a lawyer.

At the end of his internship, the first case he took over shocked the world.

Defendant: I am a minor, I suffer from


Story of: Trainee lawyer sent to prison by judge to sew on sewing machine

In a parallel world, Lin Chuan became a lawyer.

At the end of his internship, the first case he took over shocked the world.

Defendant: I am a minor, I suffer from depression, and I want to be released in court.

Lin Chuan: The first demand is that the defendant be sentenced to death! Executed immediately.

Defendant's lawyer: My client has not violated the law.

Lin Chuan: The second request is that the defendant’s lawyer be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than five years, and his lawyer’s license be revoked.

Presiding Judge: Are you teaching me how to do things? Or you can be the judge!

Lin Chuan: The third appeal is that the presiding judge sentences him to life imprisonment and deprives him of his political rights for life.

After a court trial,

The only people left at the scene were the shivering spectators.

"Brother, I'm just here to watch the fun. I don't want to go in and operate the sewing machine, do I?"

Netizen: What a thrilling trial!


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