Legal Channel.

Because of the delay in live broadcast, the TV station's real-time news is always a beat behind.

At the International Military Tribunal at Sea,

Lin Chuan had already turned the court scene upside down, but

CCTV had just broadcast the content of the Japanese lawyers' appeal.

"Our reporter's text"

"The Japanese side accused my country of three things"

"Three appeals to the International Court of Justice"


"Japan demands sea area"


"Japan detained 16 fishermen"


"Japan demands my country to make a public apology"

"Pay 20 billion US dollars in compensation to Japan"


When Shen Bingbing, the host of CCTV's Legal Channel, announced the text message from the court reporter, the domestic lawyer veterans at the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast were all angry.

"Japan is so shameless that it actively provokes our country and even shamelessly demands compensation!"

"Let me say"

"Let’s just get down to business!"

"Let them see the blood of our Dragon people"


"And the American guy who plays the role of the messenger of justice"

"Can't let it go either!"

"Let them taste the power of Dongfeng missiles!"


The TV audience was discussing the issue, and several top leaders of the Longguo Lawyers Association also expressed their opinions.

"The Japanese lawyers are coming aggressively"


"They have made careful preparations." Shi

Jian, the president of the Longguo Lawyers Association, showed a trace of worry in his eyes.

Although he believed in Lin Chuan

, judging from the previous situation, this was a tough battle and it would not be easy to fight!

Vice President Gao Changlin"020" was more relaxed.

He knew that no matter how well prepared the Japanese lawyers were,

Lin Chuan would break through their defenses.


Gao Changlin had not thought about what means Lin Chuan would use to disrupt the Japanese lawyers' position.

At this moment,

TV host Shen Bingbing received another live report.

"Latest reports from our reporters"

"Regarding the three complaints and demands of the Japanese lawyers"

"Our lawyer Lin Chuanjun disagrees"


"Lin Chuan told the court that our Longguo is the plaintiff!"

After Shen Bingbing finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room laughed.

"Hahaha... This is Lin Chuan's style."

Other lawyers all follow the framework.

"After the other party made accusations and demands"

"Defense lawyer answers whether he agrees with the charges"

"Point out the unreasonableness of the plaintiff's claims"

"Then through rebuttal and evidence"

"Strive to lower the plaintiff's claim standard"

"This is the fixed process for general lawyers to handle lawsuits"


"Arrived at Linchuan"

"He tore the frame apart."

"Not playing by the rules"

"Muddy the water"

"Taking control"


Shi Jian and Gao Changlin looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

They understood Lin Chuan's idea at this time.

The International Military Tribunal was a neutral party.

To them, it was not important who was the plaintiff and who was the defendant. What was important was to prevent military conflict between the two countries through fair legal judgments. Maintaining peace was the original intention of the International Military Tribunal.


"Cough cough cough……"

"The International Military Tribunal is a very serious place"

"Longguo lawyer Lin Chuan, please stop joking"

"Our International Military Tribunal was the first to receive the lawsuit application from the Japanese lawyers"


"Japan is the plaintiff."

The presiding judge Harvis touched his hooked nose and looked at Lin Chuan with a headache.

He had seen the international lawsuit between Longguo and Hanfeng fought by Lin Chuan.

To the court,

Lin Chuan was like a thorn in the side, often shocking the court scene and giving the judges a headache.


Harvis was mentally prepared. He was only slightly moved by Lin Chuan's statement. However, he was very curious about how Lin Chuan could make Longguo get rid of the identity of the defendant and turn around to put on the clothes of the plaintiff.

"presiding judge"

"I think the definition of plaintiff and defendant in the International Military Tribunal is flawed"

"Military lawsuits between countries are different from civil, criminal, and administrative lawsuits."

"The subject of the lawsuit is the state"

"not human!"

"Since a conflict has broken out between the two countries"

"That means"

"Before the conflict"

"Both countries have their own positions"

"If the time when a country first files a lawsuit with the International Military Tribunal is used as a reference standard for the plaintiff,"

"International military legal standards are somewhat biased"


"Many countries were the first to provoke"

"But disguised as a victim"

"Then file a complaint with the International Military Tribunal"

"Such behavior"


"In today's international military lawsuit, Japan played such a role."

Facing the majestic International Military Tribunal,

Lin Chuan was not the least bit timid.

From the legal space, he had seen through the plans of Japan and the United States. This was a long-planned conspiracy against Longguo.

Including this lawsuit.

Everything was designed by Japan and the United States.

The evidence in their hands could make the charges against Japan convicted.


Lin Chuan decided to turn the tables from another breakthrough.

That is, to take off the identity of the defendant of Longguo and become the plaintiff!

But before that,

Lin Chuan must make the judges of the International Military Tribunal agree with his point of view.

"presiding judge!"

"Lawyer Longguo made outrageous remarks in court!"

"Need to be punished"


"He questioned the International Military Tribunal's definition of plaintiff and defendant"


"He slandered us, the Japanese, as the first to file a complaint!"

"These two charges"

"It is enough to expel him from the court!"

Yamamoto, a member of the Japanese lawyer team, stood up indignantly.

In his perspective,

Japan was the victim.

It was a fact that two Japanese cruisers sank to the bottom of the sea.

Therefore, Lin Chuan's description of Japan as the first villain to sue involved insulting Japan's image.

After Yamamoto's words fell, the presiding judge Harvis could not help but nodded.

The definition standards of the International Military Tribunal for plaintiffs and defendants have continued for decades.

Before Lin Chuan filed this lawsuit, no one had ever questioned it.

Because the International Military Tribunal's definition of plaintiffs and defendants is based on civil, criminal, and administrative lawsuits in various countries.

This is a recognized standard at the international legal level.

"Longguo Lawyer Lin Chuan"

"You need to be responsible for your words!"

"The court considers your words to be sophistry"

"The Japanese lawyers' group accused you of insulting the image of another country"

"I'll give you three minutes now."

"Make a final statement"

"State what you think are fair definitions of plaintiff and defendant in international military litigation."

"After you finish your statement"

"Three judges and ten jurors will vote on your opinion."

"If you get seven votes or more"

"The court will re-evaluate who is the plaintiff and the defendant between China and Japan"


"If more than half of the people do not agree with your opinion"

"I will expel you from the court on behalf of the International Military Tribunal." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


"You have three minutes left"

"Cherish it."

The chief judge Harvis had a smile on his face.

He could already imagine what was going to happen next.

No judge would agree with Lin Chuan's point of view.

After all, the definition of plaintiff and defendant in the International Military Tribunal had lasted for decades and had withstood the test of time.

It was a very fair legal principle.

Lin Chuan could never overturn this principle.


Lin Chuan and the Dragon Country he represented would face one result.

That is,

Lin Chuan was expelled from the court, and all the charges against the Dragon Country were established.

At this time, all eyes in the courtroom were focused on Lin Chuan.[]

Except for the people from Longguo who had hope for Lin Chuan, the audience from other countries all looked at him with contempt. In the 20th century, the definition criteria for plaintiffs and defendants were formulated by hundreds of top lawyers from various countries and were recognized by all countries and all legal professionals.

Lin Chuan's behavior not only questioned the International Military Tribunal, but also questioned the professional qualities of hundreds of top legal professionals in the last century.

Lin Chuan's behavior was like an ant trying to shake a tree.

If he really overturned the crystallization of hundreds of top legal professionals from various countries, wouldn't it mean that the International Military Tribunal's definition of plaintiffs and defendants had always been wrong?

"Haha, Long Guoxiao is asking for trouble"

"Wait until he finishes."

"Judges, please vote again...."

"This lawsuit is over."

"We won so easily."

Hanajima Shinichi bared his teeth, feeling that the lawsuit was over.

Yamamoto nodded in agreement.

And Fujiwara Saya, who was always cautious, let down his guard.


Lin Chuan actually openly questioned the court's rules in court, which was a very stupid behavior.

Even if Lin Chuan was eloquent and had strong sophistry skills, the judges would not turn their elbows outward and agree with Lin Chuan's point of view.

Because, once they agree with Lin Chuan's point of view, it proves that the standards for identifying plaintiffs and defendants that the International Military Tribunal has been using to this day are wrong.

Facing countless pairs of questioning eyes, Lin Chuan was not disturbed at all.

"presiding judge"

"Two judges"

"and ten jurors"


"Let me explain the more fair criteria for the identification of plaintiffs and defendants for the International Military Tribunal."


"I agree that the order of precedence is important in defining the plaintiff and the defendant in the International Military Tribunal."


"I do not agree with the chronological order in which the lawsuits were filed."

"As the identification standard for both the plaintiff and the defendant"

"There are huge loopholes in this identification standard"

"Like I just said"

"Because both the plaintiff and the defendant in the International Military Tribunal are states."

"Not a person"


"The conflict broke out because"

"Each country has its own position"

"In the International Military Tribunal"

"The plaintiff has a natural advantage"


"In order to seek plaintiff status, many countries adopted the method of filing a lawsuit with the International Military Tribunal."


"The current International Military Tribunal"

"Legal loopholes in the definition criteria for both plaintiff and defendant"

"Using this definition rule"

"The International Military Tribunal cannot accurately identify who is the real victim.

" Lin Chuan paused here and looked at his watch.

Only one minute had passed.

He had just pointed out the legal loopholes in the International Military Tribunal's definition of both the plaintiff and the defendant.

He had not really expressed his point of view.

Next, he had two minutes to elaborate.

At this time, after Lin Chuan's voice fell, the people in the judges' seats groped their chins and fell into deep thought.



"What this guy said makes sense."

The presiding judge Harvis was shaken.

Because what Lin Chuan said did make sense.

In lawsuits between people, the definition of plaintiff and defendant in international law is very applicable.

However, in lawsuits between countries, as Lin Chuan said, everyone has their own position.

From the perspective of 2.8 of the two countries, their actions are just.


"What the Dragon Country lawyer said makes sense." The American lawyer Chris Amen

, who was sitting in the Japanese lawyer's seat, nodded.

He thought what Lin Chuan said made some sense.


"Who is this American in league with?"

Yamamoto rolled his eyes.


Lin Chuan's words just now pointed out the loopholes in the identification rules between plaintiffs and defendants that have been used by international military tribunals.

Next, he will propose a more fair identification criterion.

"My point is"

"Sequence in time"

"Can be used as a criterion for judging the plaintiff and the defendant"


"This temporal order"

"It definitely does not refer to who filed a lawsuit with the International Military Tribunal first."


"Based on facts"

"The judgment standard is which country caused harm to the other country first"

"If Longguo caused harm to Japan first"


"Japan is the plaintiff and Longguo is the defendant"

"on the contrary"

"If Japan causes harm to Longguo first"

"Zelongguo is the plaintiff"

"Japan is the defendant"

"Your Honor"

"The above is the more fair rule for identifying the plaintiff and the defendant that I proposed."


After Lin Chuan finished speaking, the judges fell into deep thought again.

On the Japanese lawyers' side, everyone was confused.

Even if the new principle of identification of plaintiff and defendant proposed by Lin Chuan was used,

Japan was still the plaintiff!

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