Zhang Changming froze, speechless at Lin Chuan's barrage of questions. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation in all his years in the industry. After the surveillance video was exposed, the blood pressure of the audience in the live broadcast room rose.

"Damn, this kid threw stones on the highway on purpose!"

"Sentence! Support the death penalty!"

"Lawyer Zhang Changming also defended him, saying that it was an unintentional act. Now that the evidence is irrefutable, how can he make excuses?"

"Lin Chuan is really good. I underestimated him before. He actually has a killer trick."

"I was busy just now and didn't watch it. What's going on now? Why did the situation reverse? Didn't Zhang Changming just ask Lin Chuan to make a public apology?"

"That was all old news. Now Zhang Changming's momentum is overshadowed by Lin Chuan."

"It's true that there is a chance of winning this lawsuit."


He Tianyi's bad behavior was clearly shown in the video, and the audience in the live broadcast room cursed him while supporting Lin Chuan.

No one expected that this lawsuit that was originally doomed to fail would actually have a spark of hope!

"Lawyer Zhang Changming, please uphold the ethics of a legal professional and answer me directly"

"Does He Tianyi's behavior in the video constitute a crime of subjective consciousness?"

Lin Chuan's body seemed to be pumped with chicken blood.

This lawsuit was not only for seeking justice for the deceased Ms. Zheng, but also mixed with his personal grudges with Zhang Changming.

In order to let his son enter Xinyang Law Firm, Zhang Changming took Lin Chuan's position.

This lawsuit was a matter of both superiority and inferiority, and a matter of life and death.

The evidence in Lin Chuan's possession was enough to destroy Zhang Changming's reputation accumulated in 30 years of practice, and could also put him in jail.

"Uh... yes, the defendant's behavior constitutes a subjective crime."

Zhang Changming thought for a long time, but still couldn't think of a way to get out of this situation, so he could only compromise with Lin Chuan.

At this time, the three judges and the jury also expressed their opinions.

"Based on He Tianyi's behavior in the surveillance video, we all agree that He Tianyi's behavior constitutes a crime in the subjective consciousness of the driver."

"Convicted of premeditated murder"

"He Tianyi, do you have anything else to say?"

Chief Judge Qi Jun pointed at He Tianyi in the dock and asked

"How could it be... Impossible... This video is synthesized!"

He Tianyi clenched his fists.

His father, He Xiao, was the chairman of Anxin Monitoring Group.

On the day of the Lvzhou car accident, he destroyed the video immediately.

How could Lin Chuan have a backup?

He Tianyi was confused.

""Defendant, our court's professional technicians have already verified that the video is not fake. Do you have anything else to say?"

Qi Jun looked at He Tianyi, who was sweating profusely.

He thought that his father had hired the best lawyer for him and destroyed the relevant evidence, so he could rest easy.

But reality gave him a head-on blow, and He Tianyi was completely panicked.

"Since you have nothing to say, does the defendant's lawyer have anything to add?"

The presiding judge Qi Jun looked at Zhang Changming again.

"Mr. Judge, fellow judges, we acknowledge that He Tianyi's subjective dangerous behavior"


"Please ask the presiding judge to dismiss the plaintiff's lawsuit request"

"Our defendant suffers from depression. This is the proof from the hospital. He tends to be irritable during the period of depression."

"That's why they did something that endangered others."

Zhang Changming has been in the industry for more than 30 years. He is not a gold medal lawyer just for fun.

Since the current situation is not favorable to them, they must stabilize the situation first and strive to make breakthroughs in other aspects.

"Please ask the law enforcement officers to present the depression certificate."

Soon, a law enforcement officer handed He Tianyi's depression certificate to the jury.

After inspection, the official seal on the depression certificate was authentic and valid, and had legal effect.

Seeing that the situation had stabilized, Zhang Changming continued to add

"According to Article 18 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of my country, any patient suffering from severe depression shall bear criminal responsibility if a crime is committed, but the punishment may be mitigated or reduced."

"The death penalty proposed by the plaintiff's lawyer is very unreasonable"

"I suggest that the court reject his appeal and impose a lighter sentence."

After the voice fell, the members of the jury whispered to each other, and the three judges also began to exchange opinions.

Three minutes later, the conclusion was unanimous.

"After the discussion between the jury and our three judges, according to my country's criminal law, the defendant's lawyer Zhang Changming's request is legal."

"Therefore, please ask the plaintiff's lawyer to re-file the lawsuit"

"Pay attention, it must be reasonable."

Chief Judge Qi Jun spoke on behalf of the court. After discussion, they felt that Zhang Changming's suggestion was in line with the law and should be adopted.

But Lin Chuan waved his hand, his face full of determination.


"I insist that the litigation requirements remain unchanged. The defendant He Tianyi must be sentenced to death!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole room was in an uproar.

Because only reasonable litigation requirements will be approved by the court, but now it is obvious that with the depression BUFF yellow robe,

He Tianyi cannot meet the requirements of the death penalty.

If Lin Chuan blindly pursues the death penalty for He Tianyi, the judges will dismiss his lawsuit request.

After the trial,

He Tianyi will not be subject to any criminal law and will be released in court.

Therefore, many lawyers in the industry who came to listen to the scene believed that Lin Chuan could make appropriate concessions at this time and lower He Tianyi's criminal law requirements.

For example, let He Tianyi stay in the correctional institution for a period of time

"Damn, can depression exempt him from the death penalty? He committed murder intentionally!"

"It's not very reasonable, but that's what the law says."

"That's right, do you know a mentally ill person?"

"People with mental illness will not be punished even if they kill someone. The same is true for depression."

"Therefore, many people want to spend money to buy a mental illness certificate."

"Having a mental illness certificate is like having a murder certificate! Isn't that amazing?"


The audience in the live broadcast room started a heated discussion.

No one expected that depression could have such a big effect and could even reduce the punishment.

"Plaintiff's lawyer, since you insist on keeping your lawsuit unchanged, we, the judge and the jury, will begin to discuss the sentencing standards for the death penalty."

"Before that, do you have anything else to add?"

Chief Judge Qi Jun asked coldly.


"I have a recording here, and I request that it be played in court."

Lin Chuan suddenly had a recording pen in his hand, and the recording of He Tianyi's depression proved the hidden trick.

"Oh shit!"

"What is he going to do now?"

"A USB flash drive and a recorder, this guy is really capable!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was boiling with curiosity in their eyes.

There were only two people at the scene who were not curious.

One was the defendant He Tianyi, who was trembling and observing the recorder at this time, fearing that something would happen again.

The other person who was not curious was Zhang Changming, the top three gold medal lawyers in Luzhou.

At this time, he was sitting on pins and needles, with beads of sweat on his forehead and a feeling of explosion in his bladder.

"Presiding Judge, I request to go to the toilet, please interrupt the trial!"

I thought it was a game of fish bombing, but when I played against Lin Chuan, I realized that the intensity was full, and the game was all about details.

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