Facing the camera,

Lin Chuan held his lawyer qualification certificate and looked directly at He Tianyi, with two invisible murderous intents in his eyes.

"Your Honor, if He Tianyi was not a minor, what are the chances of him being sentenced to death?"

"Ninety percent."

Qi Jun didn't even think about it.

The answer was too obvious.

Killing someone for fun on the highway was already punishable by death.

"What if it is an adult and someone with a criminal record?"

"For example"

"This person once caused the death of six innocent citizens, injured eight citizens, and disfigured a young girl because of arson. She will live in the shadow forever."

"However, because he was still a minor at the time, he could only be given a lighter sentence and was sent to a juvenile detention center for two years of reeducation through labor."

"Now that he is an adult and has committed murder, should he be sentenced to death?"

When the presiding judge Qi Jun heard this, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and his nerves were tense.

"This... If it is true as you said, this person should be sentenced to death."

At this time, the defendant He Tianyi's expression suddenly twisted, and his pupils trembled as he looked at Lin Chuan, muttering

"Impossible... How could he know what happened in the past?"

At the trial, when Lin Chuan finished giving examples, the presiding judge Qi Jun, the lawyer Zhang Changming, and the defendant He Tianyi knew exactly what Lin Chuan was talking about, but the others were confused.

"What is Lawyer Lin Chuan’s intention in suddenly giving this example? Does it have anything to do with He Tianyi?"


"Look carefully, He Tianyi's expression in the dock suddenly becomes very unnatural."

"Yes, I also noticed that this kid's eyes were full of fear."

"Why do I feel like Presiding Judge Qi Jun has also become weird? Is it an illusion?"


The netizens in the live broadcast room noticed something.

Curiously waiting for the next step.

He Tianyi, formerly known as He Xiaolong"

"Born in Hong Kong on July 6, 2004, the son of wealthy businessman He Xiao, he was spoiled since childhood and became ill due to being spoiled"

"On January 3, 2020, he committed arson"

"A small supermarket was engulfed in flames because of his prank while the supermarket was still open for business."

"Two shop assistants were burned to death, four customers were burned to death, a total of six people died"

"As for the injured, the official statistics are eight."

"Among them was a teenage girl who was just a freshman in college. She was disfigured by the fire and eventually committed suicide by jumping off a building."

"He Tianyi at that time"

"Oh no"

"To be precise, it is He Xiaolong"

"Because he was under 18 years old, he relied on his status as a minor, and with the help of his father He Xiao,"

"Therefore, the law has lost its criterion"

"He was only sentenced to two years of reeducation through labor in a juvenile detention center."

"But even if it was two years of reeducation through labor, He Xiaolong did not have the patience to wait."

"In April of the same year"

"He Xiaolong suddenly disappeared in the prison, but a new person named He Tianyi appeared in Luzhou."

"The exact time was April 5, 2020, and the location was at the Luzhou Chengnan District Police Station. He Xiaolong transformed into He Tianyi"

"Not only did his name change"

"Even the date on my ID card has changed."

"On his ID card, He Tianyi's actual age is more than two years younger."

At this point,

Lin Chuan stopped talking, and the courtroom was instantly silent. Even the sound of a pin drop could be heard.

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

"Oh my god, this is so exciting! But is what Lin Chuan said true?"

"It was found that there was indeed a supermarket arson case in 2020, and the suspect's name was He Xiaolong!"

"Wow, God!"

"Oh my god, that means, what Lin Chuan said is true!"

"He Tianyi is such a bad person. He had burned people to death in an arson case before, but he still refuses to repent and is causing trouble again!"

"Shoot him, must shoot him!"

"That's right, for this kind of bad guy, execution is a light punishment. If it were in ancient times, he would definitely be torn into pieces by five horses."

"What a jerk! He took advantage of his family's power and treated the law as a joke."

"Stop talking, just shoot him. Without his status as a minor, He Tianyi will definitely be sentenced to death!"


"Lawyer Zhang... you think of a way!"

He Tianyi panicked.

He felt that the scythe of death was swinging towards him.

Because what Lin Chuan said just now was intact and true.

"Stay calm, don't panic!"

"The past has been dealt with."

"I guess Lin Chuan is still using the old trick. He is cheating you. Just don't admit it."

"As long as there is no evidence, you will not be sentenced!"

Zhang Changming was afraid that his teammates would not be able to withstand the pressure, so he took the initiative to admit it again.

But to be honest, he pretended to be calm on the surface, but a storm had already been set off in his heart.

Because there was a gray relationship between him and He Tianyi.

If Lin Chuan really had evidence in his hands, he would also be involved and sentenced.

"Yeah yeah!"

"I see!"

"Lawyer Zhang, I will listen to you. You must save me."

He Tianyi burst out with a strong desire to survive and nodded repeatedly.

But Lin Chuan swung the iron hammer and gave him a fatal blow.

""Mister Judge, here are all the evidence materials. Please read them, judges and judges."

Lin Chuan handed a thick stack of documents to the law enforcement officer, who then handed it to the jury for review.

Everyone at the scene held their breath, leaving only the rustling sound of turning pages.

One minute.

Two minutes


As time went by,

He Tianyi's sweat continued to flow from his temples.

He was really scared now.

From childhood to adulthood, in his impression, his father He Xiao was all-powerful and could handle any mistakes he made.

Therefore, he became more and more bold, even to the point of killing people with pranks.

He was not afraid at all, because he knew that his father He Xiao could save him.

But today,

He Tianyi smelled the blood of death, and his whole body seemed to have been drained of strength, and he couldn't even stand steadily.

Ten minutes later, the jury and the judge exchanged opinions.

The presiding judge Qi Jun announced with difficulty breathing

"The evidence submitted by the plaintiff's lawyer is true"

"The defendant, He Tianyi, is no longer a minor and has a criminal record. He committed arson in 2020."

"After deliberation by the jury and judge, it was unanimously decided to sentence He Tianyi to the following sentence:"

"1. The defendant He Tianyi forged an identity certificate. According to Article 280 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of my country, the circumstances are serious and he is sentenced to one year in prison."

"2. The defendant He Tianyi escaped from the prisoner management center during his reeducation through labor sentence. According to Article 108 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of my country, the circumstances were serious and he was sentenced to three years in prison."

"3. The defendant Wang Tianyi threw stones for fun on the Lvzhou Expressway, causing one death, which constitutes murder and is guilty of intentional homicide."

"According to Article 232 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of my country, if an adult intentionally kills someone, the circumstances are serious and he shall be sentenced to death."


"Multiple punishments"

"The People's Court of Luzhou City ruled"

"According to the plaintiff's request, the defendant He Tianyi is sentenced to death without a suspended sentence and executed immediately!"

After the presiding judge Qi Jun finished speaking in one breath, he was like a deflated balloon, with no energy.

At this time,

Zhang Changming's phone vibrated again.

"Damn Zhang���Ming, my son has been sentenced to death!"

"Money is not a problem, think of a way quickly."

Glancing at the text message,

Zhang Changming smiled bitterly and turned off the screen.

He inadvertently discovered that

Lin Chuan's sharp eyes were moving towards him.

Think of a way to save your son?

What the hell!

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