After the international lawsuit between Long and Han was over, the Longguo lawyers left the United Nations immediately and boarded the returning steel bird.

Thousands of feet above the sky,

Lin Chuan looked down at the scenery outside the window.

When he saw the clusters of colorful fireworks lighting up the night,

Lin Chuan knew that he had returned to the embrace of Longguo.


The steel bird landed steadily, and ten minutes later,

Lin Chuan walked towards the airport exit.

At this moment, a short-haired beauty with a model figure suddenly broke into Lin Chuan's sight.


"I am Bai Xue"

"I have received an order from the organization. From now on, I will be responsible for protecting your safety."She has neat short hair, delicate and picturesque cheeks, and a heroic look between her eyebrows. However, Bai Xue speaks in a cold tone and fast speed.

Lin Chuan infers that she is a typical iceberg beauty.

"You... protect me?"

Lin Chuan felt that Bai Xue was joking.

In fact, the organization had said hello to Lin Chuan, because Lin Chuan had fought many lawsuits and made too many enemies, especially the lawsuit of the black schoolmate case.

He not only caught the Japanese spy, but also provided important clues to the Luzhou drug police.


Lin Chuan's current situation is actually very dangerous.

Many drug dealers are secretly looking for opportunities to kill Lin Chuan.

In addition,

Lin Chuan is also on the list on the dark web.

Although it is unknown who has offered a reward for Lin Chuan, the two million reward has attracted many killers to try.

Therefore, considering this situation, the organization appointed a brown Nanhai bodyguard to protect Lin Chuan's safety.


Lin Chuan never expected that the bodyguard sent by the organization was actually an 11-year-old female bodyguard... and she was an iceberg beauty type female bodyguard. Is this... reliable?

"Are you questioning my ability?"

Bai Xue maintained a cold attitude.

It seemed that she was talking to Lin Chuan at this moment, but she was already looking around from the corner of her eyes.

"No no"

"I just think... it's not very convenient to have a female bodyguard, eating, living and sleeping with her... if I can change to a male bodyguard……"

Lin Chuan had just finished speaking when suddenly, bang, bang, bang!

The cold-faced Bai Xue suddenly had an exquisite pistol in her hand.

She pulled the trigger decisively and fired three shots at three points. In a flash, the assassins hidden in three directions had just revealed their guns and aimed at Lin Chuan when they were shot in the head by Bai Xue and fell in a pool of blood.


Lin Chuan's eyes widened.

His first instinct was... this woman definitely has a system.

He had wanted to ask the organization to give him a male bodyguard, but he didn't expect that

Bai Xue's shooting skills were so powerful.

Lin Chuan felt safe instantly.

"Come with me!"

Bai Xue, who was 1.7 meters tall, stretched out her long legs and pulled Lin Chuan to run out of the hall.


"Hold my waist!"

Bai Xue rode on a motorcycle and twisted the accelerator with his right hand.

The restless motorcycle let out a low roar.


Lin Chuan hugged Bai Xue's slender waist tightly.

He really couldn't imagine how such a slender waist could have such amazing explosive power.


The motorcycle was like a shot arrow, constantly shaking its body and shuttling through the endless stream of cars.


Two hours later,

Lin Chuan returned to his rented house.

In the small room, there was only a large bed.

"Top Lawyers"

"Annual salary of 10 million"

"You live here?"

Bai Xue looked around the rental house of more than 20 square meters, her eyes trembling slightly.

"What else?"

Lin Chuan washed his hands and lay down on the bed.

Originally, he planned to buy a villa and a sports car after the Chinese New Year.

However, this plan fell through.

In order to fight the international lawsuit between Long Han and Zheng Feng, he activated the system's super memory.

The price was that the balance in Lin Chuan's bank card flowed out like tap water.

Now Lin Chuan is back to being penniless.

"You are very low-key"

"This is important for my protection work."

"It's a good thing."

The more flamboyant a person is, the harder it is to protect him.

Bai Xue found a quilt from Lin Chuan's closet and spread it on the floor next to Lin Chuan's bed.


"We can sleep in the same bed."

Lin Chuan offered an olive branch.

To be honest, he really didn't want to take advantage of her.

"No need."

Bai Xue lay on the floor with her eyes closed , seemingly resting, but in fact, she always held a pistol in her right hand, ready to shoot at the first sign of trouble.


"How old are you?"

Lin Chuan was curious and his eyes fell on Bai Xue.

However, what Lin Chuan didn't expect was that

Bai Xue's answer was even more pretentious than his statement in court.

"State secrets.

Bai Xue replied calmly.


Lin Chuan rolled his eyes.

Bai Xue's cold answer left him speechless.


The next morning,

Lin Chuan was not awakened by the sound of firecrackers outside, but by the vibration of the mobile phone under the pillow.

At this time,

Bai Xue was brushing her teeth in the bathroom.

She turned her head and reminded

"This is the seventh call."

"You'd better answer it."

After saying that,

Bai Xue continued to brush her teeth.

"The seventh call in the morning?"

Lin Chuan took out his phone from under his pillow and found that there were indeed six missed calls.

At this time,

Lin Chuan stared at the screen of his phone.

The number of the incoming call was very familiar. It seemed to be Minister Wang Qi's phone number.


"Minister Wang"

"Is there anything wrong?"

After the call was connected,

Wang Qi asked anxiously

"Lawyer Lin." (To read the story of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"There was a gunfight at Jinghai Airport last night"

"Are you okay?"

Hearing this,

Lin Chuan nodded.

It was very dangerous yesterday, but fortunately, Bai Xue was there to protect him, otherwise he might have ended his life early.


"I'm fine."

"The police in Jinghai have launched an investigation into the three deaths."

"Currently only know"

"They are all killers on the international list"

"You've been put on a hidden bounty!"

"As for who is the mastermind behind the scenes, the police are still investigating."

After Wang Qi finished speaking,

Lin Chuan's brain was already spinning rapidly.

There were only a few suspects on the list, and

Lin Chuan had two answers in his mind.

First, the Jiang family[]

Second, the drug trafficking organization destroyed by the Luzhou police


"Have you watched the morning news today?"


"Lin Chuan Lawyer"

"The country may need you to take action again!"

"If you watch the morning news you'll know what's going on."

"The TV station will report the relevant news later."

Foreign Minister Wang Qi also just received the news from the military. At five o'clock yesterday morning, at Diaoyutai, a conflict broke out during the confrontation between the Chinese and Japanese fleets.

The Longguo fleet sank two cruisers of Xiaorizi.

According to the intelligence department,

Xiaorizi seems to want to bring this matter to the International Military Tribunal.

They accused our Longguo of crossing the maritime border, bullying the weak, and deliberately provoking an international war.

At present, the US fleet has assembled in its territorial waters, and it seems to want to support Xiaorizi, and is heading towards the Asian waters at full speed.


"Minister Wang"

"I'll watch the morning news."

Lin Chuan hung up the phone and turned on the TV with the remote control.

CCTV's legal channel was only broadcasting today's morning news.

"Today's morning news"

"The first news broadcast by this station is about the international lawsuit between Long Han and Feng"

"It ended in the early hours of yesterday morning"

"Our legal team won a great victory"

"Luzhou genius lawyer Lin Chuan single-handedly"

"Kerry all over!"

"He is the MVP."

"With his efforts"

"Not only did it help the country recover 512 traditional cultures that were plagiarized by South Korea,"


"South Korea also needs to pay my country 51.2 billion US dollars in compensation for the loss of national cultural reputation"

"in addition"

"According to reporters in South Korea"

"After yesterday's international lawsuit, South Korea's global image has plummeted, and thief has become South Korea's first label."


"Countries around the world have severed cooperation with South Korea"

"South Korea lost trillions of GDP"


"The second news report of our station is about the mysterious death of Chinese female journalist Ms. Zhang Chunru in Japan."

"According to reports from our correspondents in Japan"

"Ms. Zhang Chunru"

"Died in the early hours of yesterday morning"

"The Japanese police let out a whistle."

"They all agreed that Ms. Zhang Chunru was���Suicide"

"To this"

"I remain skeptical"

"About Ms. Zhang Chunru"

"Maybe you don’t understand"

"Although she is a foreign Chinese"


"The blood of the Dragon Kingdom flows in my body"

"All along"

"Ms. Zhang Chunru is committed to exposing the truth about the Japanese massacre in Nanjing"

"In Japanese history textbooks"

"They did not record the brutal massacre of the Japanese army in Nanjing"

"To this"

"Ms. Zhang Chunru not only wrote a historical book"Nanling Massacre""


"Over the years"

"Traveling around the world"

"Revealing the truth about the Japanese army's Nanjing Massacre to people of all countries"

"this time"

"She came to Japan to reveal the truth"

"did not expect"

"Died mysteriously in Japan"

"Although the Japanese police gave the cause of death as suicide"


"My station 500 letter"

"There must be something else behind Ms. Zhang Chunru's death, but unfortunately... no one has cleared her name."


"Friends watching TV"

"We mourn for Ms. Zhang Chunru"


"The third news report from our station is about the sudden change in the situation in Diaoyutai"

"At five o'clock yesterday morning"

"During the standoff between my country and Japan at Diaoyutai"

"Fierce conflict broke out"

"We sank two Japanese cruisers."

"at present"

"According to the grapevine"

"The US military plays the role of a peace envoy, openly supports Japan, and is gathering its fleet and heading towards Diaoyutai at full speed."

"in addition"

"Japan has filed a complaint with the International Military Tribunal"

"They accused our country of crossing the maritime border"

"Deliberately provoke war"

"at present"

"The International Military Tribunal has accepted the case"

"or in the near future"

"In the Diaoyutai Sea"

"Conduct a trial of the International Military Tribunal at Sea to publicly examine the Diaoyutai conflict and determine the ownership of the Diaoyutai waters."

"To this"

"I want to say"

"Since ancient times"

"Diaoyutai is the inherent territory of the Dragon Kingdom, sacred and inviolable"

"I hope Japan can pull back from the brink"

"Don't make a big mistake"

"in addition"

"The Japanese side also illegally detained 17 Chinese fishermen"

"To this"

"We strongly condemn"

"Japan needs to send back innocent fishermen as soon as possible"


Lin Chuan finished reading the morning news in one breath.

It was New Year's Day, and each piece of news was more explosive than the last.

Especially the second and third pieces of news.

No wonder Wang Qi gave Lin Chuan a heads-up in advance, saying that the country might need Lin Chuan to take action again.

It turned out that a conflict broke out over Diaoyutai.

Two Japanese cruisers were sunk.

No wonder the Japanese side was so excited that they even brought up the International Military Tribunal.

Judging from Wang Qi's meaning, he probably hoped that Lin Chuan could represent Longguo to attend this international military trial.

Lawyers of Cao Tianyuan's generation are all old.

There are only a handful of lawyers in China who are proficient in international law.

Talents are fading like yellow leaves after autumn.

If it weren't for Lin Chuan's sudden appearance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would really not have the confidence to take on this international military lawsuit. Every man has a share of responsibility for the rise and fall of a country!

Lin Chuan certainly wouldn't refuse.

But before that, he needed to start a live broadcast.

Circle Yuanzi.

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