
"Please ask the plaintiff's lawyer to state the case."

The chief judge Miao Renwu's eyes fell on the plaintiff's seat.

At this time,

Lin Chuan was leaning on the table, and seemed to be asleep.

In other words,

Qin Xuan, a new lawyer, was needed to state the case and make the appeal.

"presiding judge"

"I will be the one to present the plaintiff's case."

Qin Xuan spoke as slowly as a sloth, and her tone was a little nervous, her nails pinching her flesh, obviously not letting go.

"January 25, 2023"

"Our client Cui Guangyao heard that Shandong Province allowed the setting off of fireworks and firecrackers, and he sensed a business opportunity, so he wholesaled 8,000 yuan worth of fireworks and firecrackers from the Heluo market."

"January 26, 2023"


"Our client Cui Guangyao drove a farm tricycle from Anding City, Beihe Province to Lvzhou."

"Anding City and Luzhou City are adjacent to each other"

"Cui Guangyao entered Shandong Province from the small road connecting the two provinces."

"1:00 p.m."

"Our client Cui Guangyao set up a stall on Liyuan Street to sell fireworks and firecrackers"

"Three o'clock in the afternoon"

"The urban management patrol came to our client's booth"

"Not only did they confiscate our client’s two hours’ turnover, they also seized our client’s tricycle and goods."

"Because our client is old"

"Suffering from long-term deafness"


"He did not hear clearly the reasons why Ge Haiquan and Jiang Qin, two urban management officers, detained him."

"And they believe that the urban management has unfair law enforcement practices"

"So he grabbed Ge Haiquan's sleeve"

"at this time"

"Ge Haiquan attacked our client"

"Push our client to the ground"

"As a public official, I think Ge Haiquan's behavior was excessive.……"

Qin Xuan spoke slowly, and everyone was listening attentively, but at this moment, the defendant's lawyer Ji Lingyun suddenly raised his hand to indicate that he had something to say.

The presiding judge Miao Renwu noticed Ji Lingyun's movements and made a pause gesture to the plaintiff's lawyer Jiang Xuan.

"Defendant's lawyer"

"Do you have any objection to the case presented by the plaintiff's lawyer?"

Ji Lingyun nodded, stood up and said:

"presiding judge"

"The case just presented by the plaintiff's lawyer is biased."

"Our defendant, Mr. Ge Haiquan, is a member of the Urban Management Team and a public servant who enjoys the benefits of a public institution."

"His duty is to maintain order in the city."


"His seizure of Mr. Cui's illegal turnover and his seizure of his vehicle and goods were all legal actions."


"This is exactly the opposite of what the plaintiff's lawyer said."

"Far from being unfair in enforcing the law, Ge Haiquan and Jiang Qin's strict enforcement of the law against Mr. Cui was a manifestation of professionalism."


"Cui Laohan has no qualifications at all"

"These include fireworks operation permits, fireworks transportation permits, and fireworks storage permits."

"in addition"

"Shandong Province also issued a fireworks and firecrackers safety assessment"

"Must pass the safety assessment"

"Only individuals can sell fireworks"



"The plaintiff's lawyer's statement of the case contained personal subjective emotions and did not respect the facts of the case."


"I want to explain the plaintiff's lawyer's accusation that our defendant Ge Haiquan assaulted Cui Guangyao."

"That's right"

"Our defendant Ge Haiquan pushed Cui Guangyao"


"Why would our defendant do this?"

"Because Cui Guangyao took action first"

"He committed illegal acts of provocation and restriction of personal freedom against (abba) state officials"


"The plaintiff's lawyer's case statement is too exaggerated"

"Our client only gently pushed the plaintiff."

"There's simply not enough force to push it down."

"The plaintiff fell to the ground."

"His intentions are very clear"

"Pretending to be a victim of law enforcement"

"in addition"

"The plaintiff's lawyer's statement still evades the main point"

"The plaintiff Cui Guangyao grabbed the defendant Ge Haiquan's arm. This was just a superficial phenomenon, as evidenced by the law enforcement video."

"At that time, the plaintiff Cui Guangyao had a ferocious look on his face."

"He grabbed Ge Haiquan's arm fiercely"

"No one knows what impulsive thing he will do next."

"Does he have any dangerous equipment?"

"Will he attack law enforcement officers?"

"There are many precedents for this in the history of law enforcement. How many law enforcement officers have enforced the law impartially but suffered unprovoked disasters?"


"Our client's behavior of pushing away the plaintiff"

"It's not an aggressive act at all."

"It is a preventive protection"

"presiding judge"

"My opinion is over."

"I applied to play the law enforcement video at that time."

Ji Lingyun is worthy of being a gold medal lawyer, and his professional level is online.

He immediately put three labels on Qin Xuan.

First, it was unprofessional to substitute personal emotions into the case statement.

Second, the case statement was exaggerated and suspected of fabricating facts.

Third, the case statement avoided the important issues and only talked about the case that was beneficial to the party, without considering the other party's perspective.

Once these three labels are attached to you, it will be troublesome.

In the following case statement, all public officials, including judges, and the audience will subconsciously think about whether Qin Xuan's case statement is reliable? Will personal emotions be added, and there is a possibility of deviation from the facts.

This is very unfavorable to Qin Xuan's litigation work.

Moreover, Ji Lingyun's move was very clever.

He set a threshold for Qin Xuan.

���(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Qin Xuan must get rid of the label on her body and restore the trust of the judge and the audience.

Then Qin Xuan can continue the lawsuit.

If she does not get rid of the label on her body and proceeds with the lawsuit, it will definitely be a waste of time and effort.

"The video evidence of the urban management law enforcement on January 26 is allowed to be played."

The presiding judge Miao Renwu signaled the staff to work.

Because the urban management often conflicts with vendors during the law enforcement process, the urban management law enforcement is now equipped with recorders.

All law enforcement processes will be recorded in full.

Ji Lingyun watched the law enforcement video of that day more than once.

He found that it was indeed Cui Laohan who started the fight first and pulled Ge Haiquan's sleeve with great force.

He even tore the urban management uniform, and then the angry Ge Haiquan pushed Cui Laohan down.

As a gold medal lawyer,

Ji Lingyun was very sensitive to the fact that he might be able to make a big fuss from this and beautify Ge Haiquan's extreme behavior as self-defense.

That is,

Cui Laohan started the fight first and tore Ge Haiquan's urban management uniform.

His behavior was very dangerous.

No one could imagine what impulsive and extraordinary things Cui Laohan would do next.

Out of defense,

Ge Haiquan pushed Cui Guangyao away.


At this time, the law enforcement video recording was played at the trial.

The scene started with the tug-of-war between Cui Guangyao and Ge Haiquan.

In the video,

Cui Guangyao shouted in Beihe dialect,"Don't seize my goods," while tightly grabbing Ge Haiquan's sleeve.

His face was quite hideous and terrifying.

The two of them were in a stalemate for about thirty seconds.


A crack appeared on Ge Haiquan's urban management uniform, revealing his flesh.

At this time,

Ge Haiquan was visibly angry, and he pushed Cui Guangyao hard, causing Cui Guangyao to sit on the ground.

"Now everyone sees it clearly, right?"

"There is video evidence"

"It was the plaintiff Cui Guangyao who started the fight first. He tore Ge Haiquan's clothes."


"Everyone saw clearly how excited the plaintiff Cui Guangyao was at that time, and how hideous his face was!"

"No one knows if he has any dangerous equipment."

"No one knows whether he will do something even more outrageous!"

"in this case"

"My client, Mr. Ge Haiquan, chose to take precautions and gave Cui Guangyao a push."

"This is reasonable and legal behavior"

"It does not constitute any criminal charge."

At this point,

Ji Lingyun's voice stopped abruptly, and he had already sat down confidently.

After watching the video, the judges, the audience at the scene, and the audience on the Internet all agreed with Ji Lingyun's defense.

From the footage of this video, it was indeed Cui Guangyao who started it first.

He tore Ge Haiquan's clothes...

The presiding judge Miao Renwu couldn't help but nodded.

He and Ji Lingyun were old acquaintances.

One specialized in presiding over administrative lawsuits, and the other specialized in taking over administrative lawsuits.

Miao Renwu knew Ji Lingyun inside and out.


Ji Lingyun had no reservations and exerted all his strength.

Now, just from this video and other evidence submitted by Ji Lingyun... Qin Xuan's three labels are confirmed.

She is in big trouble now!

"Plaintiff's lawyer"

"Did you hear clearly the defendant’s lawyer’s rebuttal just now?"


"Does the plaintiff's lawyer have anything else to add?"

The presiding judge Miao Renwu moved his eyes to Qin Xuan, and everyone focused their attention on the plaintiff's seat.

At this time,

Qin Xuan was visibly panicked. This was her first time to go to court, and she encountered a top lawyer.

As soon as she faced off, she unexpectedly fell into a headwind.

The key point was that

Ji Lingyun also put three labels on her that were not conducive to the lawsuit.

If the labels were not washed off, it would be disadvantageous to the lawsuit.

But how to wash off the labels?

Qin Xuan, who was in the plaintiff's seat, panicked.

"Qin Xuan"

"You are too soft.……"

At this time,

Lin Chuan just came out of the legal space. He stretched unscrupulously, but unexpectedly his fist touched Qin Xuan's bun...

Qin Xuan blushed immediately.

Lin Chuan hurriedly explained……

"Not this soft"

"I mean your litigation style is too soft!!!"

At the same time, the small movements of the plaintiff in the focal position were seen by everyone, and Lin Chuan's words were clearly audible.


"Court trial"

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