Evening News

"Our reporter reports!"

"According to the latest news"

"The content of the international lawsuit between Longguo and South Korea has been revealed"

"In recent years"

"South Korea, which adheres to the principle of taking what is useful, has applied for the listing of Chinese traditional culture as a world heritage site many times."

"Tug of War"





"They were all successfully applied for"

"The silence of Dragon Country in the past two years has led to South Korea becoming more rampant."


"Chinese characters, Confucianism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dragon Boat Festival, ancestral worship, movable type printing……"

"They also started the heritage application process"

"in addition"

"South Korea’s shameless behavior doesn’t end there"


"They also secretly tampered with history"

"He publicly declared"

"They, South Korea, have a long history of 6,000 years, which is a thousand years longer than the history of Longxia Kingdom!"

"In their history books"

"It is ridiculous to record"

"Tang Dynasty"

"South Korea has defeated Longxia many times"

"Longxia surrendered to South Korea and became a vassal state of South Korea, paying tribute to South Korea every year."


"Even Emperor Taizong of Tang, Li Shimin"

"Their general shot one eye blind."


"Faced with such absurd behavior of South Koreans"

"Our country has finally decided not to tolerate"

"Complaints filed with the International Court of Justice"

"This time"

"Our country not only needs to take back the traditional culture that South Korea has applied for World Heritage!"


"We must also correct the history that they have wantonly tampered with so that people all over the world can know the historical truth!"


Evening news, Luzhou TV

"latest news"

"The international lawsuit between Long and Han will be heard at the United Nations International Court of Justice on New Year's Eve"

"There are five Korean lawyers representing"

"They are Park Junsu, Kim Chan-chen, Jang Dong-wook, Lee Yoon-hee, Choi Jung-hoon"


"Park Junsu is the killer among the five lawyers"

"He just debuted"

"Show your prowess in the transnational financial case on Wall Street!"

"He became famous overnight"

"Dubbed the Dark Horse Lawyer"

"And then"

"He returned to South Korea and fought several tough lawsuits in South Korea, without losing a single one!"

"From now on"

"He is unstoppable in the South Korean legal world"

"Gradually grew into the top lawyer in South Korea"

"He is also an internationally renowned lawyer."

"According to statistics"

"Park Junsu has fought 387 lawsuits in his career"


"International lawsuits accounted for 127 cases"

"The success rate of litigation is as high as 87%%"

"The success rate of defense is as high as 85%%"

"A true hexagonal warrior!��


"in addition"

"The remaining four South Korean lawyers are also not easy to deal with."

"Although their achievements as lawyers are not as brilliant as Park Junsu"

"But it's not that weak."

"They have fought many transnational lawsuits."


"The winning rate is quite high"

"The average winning rate can reach 70%"


"On the other hand, our team of lawyers"

"The configuration is a bit worse.……"

"Our five representatives"

"They are Cao Tianyuan, Qu Xiangbo, Huang Xilai, Han Shijun, and our Luzhou genius lawyer Lin Chuan!"

"Although I am reluctant to admit it"

"But South Korea's lineup is indeed much stronger"


"Our lawyers"

"In addition to Lin Chuan"

"Most of them are over 60 years old."

"Although proficient in international law"

"But you should know"

"The lawyers in South Korea are all top lawyers, and they are also proficient in international law."

"In this situation"

"This will test the lawyers' ability to adapt flexibly."


"Since the four lawyers here are all elderly"

"So flexibility of thinking"

"They are definitely not as good as the post-80s lawyer team in South Korea."

"The only hope"

"Lin Chuan……"

"According to our gossip"

"He seems to have never studied international law."

"That is to say……"

"In less than a month"

"Lin Chuan wants to study international law thoroughly"

"At least"

"He must memorize all kinds of legal provisions in international law."

"As for flexible use……"

"It takes time to hone"


At eight o'clock in the evening, (for exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

CCTV and

Lvzhou TV reported two explosive news stories one after another.

Instantly, they caused an uproar on the Internet.

"What? South Koreans are so shameless... They applied for so many of our country's traditional cultures to be listed as world heritage sites?"[]

"In fact, they have been applying for our culture to be listed as a world heritage since the 1990s."

"But our country didn’t pay enough attention to it."

"But in the past two years"

"They are becoming more and more rampant!"

"I just checked their application plan."

"Chinese characters, traditional Chinese medicine, compass, movable type printing...are all in their plans"

"This won’t do. We must stop these shameless South Koreans!"

"It's fine if they apply for World Heritage, but they also tamper with history."

"When I was studying in South Korea, I found that their history textbooks had tampered with a lot of real history."

"The Tang Dynasty became a vassal state in their history books!"

"Song Dynasty they occupied our Kaifeng city"

"The Ming Dynasty was even more outrageous"

"It was Zhu Yuanzhang who gave them the title of the country, but in their history books, it was reversed."

"This became the title they gave to Old Zhu!"

"This is not a joke……"


On the Internet, the news reported by CCTV continued to ferment.

It was not until the Lvzhou TV Tower revealed the lawyer lineup of Long Han that the popularity of the first news declined.

But then, netizens paid attention to the comparison of the lawyer lineups of both sides.

Some professionals in the lawyer circle specially opened a post to interpret the lineups of both sides and predict the winning rate.


"I'm not trying to boost other people's morale and destroy my own prestige!"

"`.The lawyers in South Korea are too strong.……"

"The average age of their legal team is only 40 years old, which is the prime of their life!"

"And among these five people"

"Even the most inexperienced female lawyer, Lee Yoon-hee, has a 67% success rate in defending international cases."

"This winning rate"

"very horrible"

"To know"

"Mr. Cao Tianyuan is the best at international lawsuits here."

"It's only a 70% success rate for litigation."


"This is the statistics of his success rate in national lawsuits when he was young."

"So many years have passed……"

"Mr. Cao Tianyuan hasn't had an international lawsuit for more than 20 years."

"I feel……"

"His strength will decline."

"In addition, due to my advanced age, my litigation thinking is not as active."


"We are in danger here."

"As for the final winner"

"I was very optimistic about Luzhou’s talented lawyer Lin Chuan!"


"According to the news from the TV station"

"He has not studied international law.……"



"Do you know how thick the international legal code is?"

More than 2,000 pages!

"I have spent twenty years studying international law, but I still haven't gotten started……"

"(Li Li Zhao) Even if Lin Chuan is a genius"

"It's impossible for him to remember everything in 30 days."



"Don't put too much hope on our legal team."

"The greater the hope"

"The greater the disappointment!"


The popularity of the two news stories exploded on the Internet.

In less than half a day, the number of hits on both of them exceeded 100 million.


On the other hand.

After the three-child illegitimacy lawsuit ended,

Lin Chuan boarded the return flight.

In the evening, at seven o'clock.

Lin Chuan arrived at the live broadcast room on time.

To be honest, it was a bit tiring to fight two lawsuits in one day.

However, the live broadcast still had to be started!

Because, after each lawsuit, Lin Chuan's live broadcast room would receive a wave of strong rewards.

Last time, Lin Chuan won the case against Zhu Lin and received more than 7 million gifts in one evening.

After sharing it with the platform and paying taxes, he still had more than 3 million in his hands, which was much more than the lawyer's fees.

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