At seven o'clock in the evening,

Lin Chuan sat in front of the computer and opened the live broadcast room on time.

As the news reported by CCTV and Luzhou TV continued to ferment, many passers-by squatted in Lin Chuan's live broadcast room early.

The moment Lin Chuan started broadcasting, the real number of people in the live broadcast room soared from zero to 20,000.

In the next two minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast room actually reached an astonishing 100,000.+

"Anchor, you did a great job on the study partner case, and sent Lao Hei to jail!"

"A spy was found in court. It's a pity that Lawyer Lin didn't become a detective."

"The case of three children not being biologically born can be converted from civil to criminal in court. Anchor, you are so proud!"

"Everyone, don’t just type, give a reward to Lawyer Lin Chuan!"


The first people to rush into the live broadcast room were basically Lin Chuan's die-hard fans.

After they entered the live broadcast room, they gave him tips without saying a word.

【The level 50 rich Xiao Xiaozhu sends a gift to Jade Dragon Ranger!】

【Level 62 super rich man Wang Defa gave out 10 spaceships as gifts!】

【The Level 57 rich man Tomorrow is a mystery and gave out a gift of a hot air balloon × 999!】


In the background of the live broadcast room, there was a beeping sound, which was the sound effect of receiving gifts.

Lin Chuan stared at the gift data in the background.

In less than ten minutes, the value of the gifts in the background exceeded one million yuan.

This feeling made Lin Chuan feel like he had a money printing machine!


Twenty minutes later, the gifts in the live broadcast room were no longer flying all over the screen, and Lin Chuan began to stare at the bullet screen in the live broadcast room.

He found that the proportion of white bullet screen in the live broadcast room today was very high, which meant that a large number of passers-by had poured into the live broadcast room.

"Anchor! I heard you are going to represent Dragon Country?"

"Lawyer Lin, is the report by Lvzhou TV true? The reporter said you have never studied international law.……"

"It's normal that he hasn't studied international law."

"You don't even look at how old the anchor is."

"Host, I heard a blogger on the Internet say that international law is very difficult to learn. He has studied it for ten years but still can’t get started."

"Can you learn it in this month?"

"Time is tight and the task is heavy. Host, you should stop live streaming and focus on studying international law!"

"Cao Tianyuan and his men are old and are no match for the South Koreans."

"You are the hope of the whole village!"


The white comments in the live broadcast room exploded.

The white comments were all new passers-by fans who entered the live broadcast room.

"Welcome new friends in the live broadcast room"


"I really haven't studied international law."

Lin Chuan saw a colorful barrage, which is a privilege only high-level rich people have.

"Have you never studied international law?"

"How can the anchor represent Dragon Country in an international lawsuit? Isn't this just giving South Korea a head?"


"The anchor might as well give up the spot to other domestic lawyers who are proficient in international law!"

"Stop live streaming……"

"Time is precious."

"The anchor should quickly study the national law and learn as much as you can. This lawsuit concerns the country's 5,000-year culture and history."

"Don't be careless!"


The comments in the live broadcast room urged Lin Chuan to stop the live broadcast and study international law.

At the same time, many requests for microphone connection suddenly appeared in the background of the live broadcast room.

Their ID suffixes were all lawyers.

It seems that after the international lawsuit of Long Guozhengfeng was exposed, many lawyer colleagues came to Lin Chuan's live broadcast room.

"Why are so many fellow lawyers connecting with me via microphone?"

"Is there anything going on?"

Lin Chuan clicked the confirmation buttons one by one.

In the lower right corner of the live broadcast room, four avatars were stacked up.

"Lawyer Lin Chuan, President of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Lawyers Association Huo Changhong."

The head portrait flashes with a small speaker, which means that the audience connected to the microphone is speaking

"I am Wan Qinian, the gold medal lawyer of Jiangsu Province. Lawyer Lin, I have heard of your name for a long time!"

"Lawyer Lin Chuan, I am Gao Changlin, Vice President of Longguo Lawyers Association"

"Lawyer Xiao Lin, I, Cao Tianyuan, and Zhu Lin fought against each other in that lawsuit. Lou Zhenyu, Fan Chenlin, and I couldn't defeat you together."


It turned out that the four lawyers who initiated the live broadcast were all well-known big names in the circle.

Huo Changhong,

Wan Qinian,

Gao Changlin, and Cao Tianyuan, all four of them were old veterans who had been famous in the lawyer circle for a long time.

Today, they all suddenly came to Lin Chuan's live broadcast room, which made Lin Chuan confused.

"The four seniors also like to watch live broadcasts?"

Lin Chuan asked tentatively

"This is my first time watching a live broadcast. I don’t even know how to use a microphone. My grandson asked me to do it.

Although Cao Tianyuan is old, his voice is still loud.

"Then Mr. Cao, who are you?……?"

"Lawyer Xiaolin, please don't mind us. We are here to give you a vaccination.……"

Cao Tianyuan said hesitantly:

"you know too"

"The country takes this international lawsuit very seriously."

"In case of loss"

"It has a great impact on the country's cultural and historical image."


"Minister Wang Qi asked four of us, old guys, to supervise your study of international law."

"after all"

"We all know how difficult international law is."

"So." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Maybe I can give you some help"

"But if you can't learn faster even if we help you……"


"This month's time"

"You don't understand international law."[]

"So... the country... may……"

Cao Tianyuan stopped talking here.

Because the next words were not pleasant to hear.

He was worried about hurting Lin Chuan's self-esteem.

"Mr. Cao"

"You mean... if I am too slow in learning international law, I will give the opportunity to other lawyers to fight for my country?"

Lin Chuan was very smart and immediately heard the hidden meaning of Cao Tianyuan.

"Cough cough cough……"

"Lawyer Kobayashi"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand international law"

"after all"

"Time is so short"

"Less than a month"

"Who can fully grasp the national laws?"

"We old guys"

"It took me five or six years to study international law."

"I predict"

"A talented lawyer like Lawyer Kobayashi"

"Definitely better than us old guys."

"But one month... is still too much!"

Huo Changhong came out to smooth things over.

In his heart, he didn't believe that Lin Chuan could master international law in one month.

After all, it is a human brain. No matter how talented a lawyer is, it is impossible to fully master international law in one month.

Because it is one thing for a lawyer to remember the legal provisions, and it is another thing to apply the legal provisions flexibly!

It seems similar, but in fact it is a world of difference!

When lawyers study the law, the usual steps are, first

, to remember the legal provisions.

As we all know, legal provisions are obscure and difficult to understand, so they are not easy to remember.

Second, memorizing the detailed legal provisions is only the first step, and the next step is even more difficult!

Lawyers need to make decisions based on this legal provision, In-depth analysis of the corresponding specific cases.

Moreover, at least three cases are needed!

One positive case, one negative case, and one special case.

Normally, for one case, it takes more than ten minutes to read the case file.

It is also necessary to analyze the case in depth and then substitute the legal provisions into it to understand it.

To be honest, it takes half an hour to spend on a positive case alone.

In other words, it takes at least one and a half hours for an ordinary lawyer to study and understand a legal provision.

Even if Lin Chuan is a genius lawyer who can read ten lines at a glance and remember everything he sees, he still has to read the cases, right? By this calculation, it will take him at least half an hour to thoroughly master an international legal provision.

And how many pages are there in international law? 2024 pages!

How many legal articles are there on one page? An average of 10!

This is why some lawyers have studied international law for ten years but still haven't gotten started!

To master it, you need not only excellent memory and patience, but also talent!

Lin Chuan finally understood.

Four veteran domestic lawyers came to the live broadcast room, nominally to help him learn international law, but actually to persuade him to give up when he encountered difficulties!

And just now, Huo Changhong had given Lin Chuan a way out.

While talking about how difficult international law is, he also talked about how long it took these four old guys to learn international law.

The meaning is very clear.

Lin Chuan only needs to find an excuse, and he can step down decently.

However, they still underestimated Lin Chuan's ability.


"Are the four seniors here specifically to test me?"


"Look at it"

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