Chapter 36 Tang Jing's Appearance

"It's you?" Li Tian didn't expect to meet her here.

"Li Tian?" The person in front of him was equally astonished and a little dazed.

"Tang Jing, when did you come?" Li Tian was stunned.

"The plane last night." Tang Jing couldn't get out of surprise at this moment.

What's the situation, is the world so small? Country T is thousands of miles away from Guangzhou-Shenzhen City, can you still meet acquaintances here?
"Are you here to travel?" Li Tian asked.

"I, I just wander around?" Tang Jing regained her composure and returned to her quiet appearance.

Why is this line so familiar?

"Well, me too." Li Tian also smiled slightly, "Are you going out?"

"Yes, I'm going out for a while." Tang Jing responded.

"Then you are busy with your work, pay attention to safety." Li Tian doesn't know Tang Jing well, only knows that she is quiet every day and rarely communicates with others. Seeing her like this, Li Tian is not easy to ask too much .

"Hmm..." Tang Jing replied in a low voice, and walked towards the hotel door.


Back in the room, Li Tian simply washed up, ordered two steaks and ate them.

"Gu Ying, where are you?" Putting down the tableware, Li Tian called Gu Ying.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, you are safe now." Gu Ying's voice came.

Li Tian was baffled, and asked where he was, but he couldn't tell?

"Could you find a middleman, someone who can make a bridge?" Li Tian wanted to solve Zhou Tai's matter as soon as possible.

"There is no suitable candidate at present." Gu Ying continued, "Mr. Li, it's better not to startle the snake, lest the person who captured Zhou Tai have an opportunity."

Gu Ying's analysis is very reasonable. If he rashly finds someone to make a bridge, he may leak the news and get caught himself, and the loss outweighs the gain.

After all, the person who captured Zhou Tai received [-] million from the Lushui Group. He must ensure that the hostages are kept under house arrest, otherwise it will be useless.

"Well, I'll go and see the situation in the afternoon first."

Li Tian can only do this now, walk one step at a time, and cross the river by feeling the stones.

The next moment, Li Tian came to the T-style massage on the second floor of the Peninsula Hotel to relax.

Don't ask if there is any special service.

Certainly not, in this kind of hotel, it is very formal.

Besides, aren't those special 0 girls around Li Tian fragrant?
Do you have to come to this kind of place for adventure?
One bad thing is that life is in danger. What should I do with my more than 100 billion inheritance?
In a blink of an eye, two forty-five.

Li Tian walked out of the T-style massage on the second floor, full of energy.

According to the instructions in the invitation card, it was in the Rongzhuang Banquet Hall on the tenth floor of the Peninsula Hotel.

As soon as they got out of the elevator on the tenth floor, they saw a whole row of legions in camouflage uniforms.

After verifying the invitation, Li Tian successfully passed the checkpoints and finally came to the door of the Rongzhuang Banquet Hall.

Just like the name, the entire Rongzhuang banquet hall is full of antique flavors, even the gate of the banquet hall is made of rosewood.

A burst of woody fragrance came, which made people feel refreshed.

It is not difficult to see that this Rongzhuang banquet hall is the exclusive reception room of General Zanyou.

Immediately afterwards, Li Tian walked into the banquet hall of Rongzhuang generously. At this time, there were about 30 to [-] people in the hall, and the banquet hall of Nuoda seemed a bit deserted.

Li Tian scanned the audience, trying to find a suitable seat to sit down.

Tang Jing?

Li Tian was really confused now, why did he meet her again.

At this time Tang Jing also saw Li Tian coming in from the door, her face was reddish and she was a little flustered.

She told Li Tian that she was here for a casual stroll, but she never expected to meet him on such an occasion.

What should I do?
She didn't deliberately hide it from Li Tian.

Li Tian was also very surprised why Tang Jing would appear on such an occasion, but it was a bit funny to see her at a loss.

In the next second, Li Tian walked towards Tang Jing with strides.

"Li, Li Tian." Tang Jing said to the figure walking over.

"Tang Jing, what a coincidence!" Li Tian sat next to Tang Jing. He could see that the other party was embarrassed, so he chose not to ask any more questions.

"Yes, it's really a coincidence." Tang Jing echoed, and then asked, "Why did you come to this place?"

"I have an invitation card." Li Tian waved the red invitation card in his hand.

"Does your family have business in country T?" Tang Jing was puzzled. General Zanyou only posted to businessmen with contacts in Southeast Asia.

"Well, yes!" Li Tian didn't know how to explain, so he could only admit it.

Tang Jing didn't suspect that Li Tianneng donated 3000 million to his alma mater, so the family's business must be extensive.

The two chatted for a few words, and then became quiet. Li Tian didn't want to gossip about Tang Jing, but felt that this woman's background must be unusual.

After a while, it was not likely that anyone would come, and the door of the banquet hall was slowly closed.

At this time, a middle-aged man with dark skin and a capable figure came out from the inner room of the banquet hall.

As soon as this person came out, everyone in the audience stood up to welcome him.

Li Tian understood that today's protagonist is here.

Start scanning.

Identity: General

Age: 48
Favorite: 50
Investment: Urgently need a fund of 13 billion US dollars.

Duration: seven days

Risk: 10
Profit: $5000 million / 25 favorability points
Remarks: If the favorability degree reaches 90 points and above, it is a close friend.

Others are the same as female favorability.

"System, what happened to the profit section?" Li Tian asked.

"There are two rewards, the host can choose one of the two, as long as he refuses the 5000 million profit, he can automatically get the reward of the second option."


This investment is feasible, and the ten-point risk value is also within the controllable range.

Now Li Tian can only wait for the right time to make a move, and he can't be too aggressive now.

Maintaining the status quo!

"System, use the [Benevolence] card on Zanyou."

'Ding, starting card, countdown to 3.2.1'

'Ding, successfully used, Zanyou's favorability with the host has risen to 70 points. '

This time, in order to gnaw down this bone, Li Tian spent a lot of money, and the precious card was directly submitted without discussion.

At the same time, Li Tian quickly scanned the system mall. He wanted to buy a language card for country T.

Otherwise, you won't be able to understand what others are saying later.

"System, buy a T language card."

'Ding, the host purchase is successful, and 100 system points will be deducted. '

'Ding, the card purchased in the primary mall has a validity period of seven days, whether it is opened or not. '

"Open!" Li Tian said silently in his heart.

What a pit!

100 points are equivalent to 1 million yuan, but you can only buy a seven-day validity period.

Li Tian secretly decided that he must speed up the system upgrade after returning home.


Zanyou walked to the center of the living room, seeing only a few people coming, his face changed slightly.

Immediately adjusted, showing a smile, "Thank you all for being able to participate in the Chamber of Commerce activities held by Zan during this special difficult period. I am very grateful!"

After finishing speaking, he clasped his fists together, and glanced at everyone in the audience.

When his eyes fell on Li Tian, ​​Zanyou frowned slightly, full of doubts, "Hey, this..."

(End of this chapter)

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