Chapter 37 Meeting Thousands of Miles?

"Hey, this young man is very unfamiliar, but he seems to have known each other!" Zanyou thought suspiciously, and in the end he could only regard him as a descendant of some family consortium.

The people who came to participate in the chamber of commerce today are undoubtedly people familiar to Zanyou, and some of them are businessmen who have been dealing with for more than ten years.

Li Tian also noticed Zanyou's gaze, but he was still neither humble nor overbearing.

"Everyone, as long as you can come, you are Zanyou's friends!" Zanyou paused, "You must have heard of it, right?"

As soon as the words fell, the crowd began to discuss in a low voice.

After a while, Li Tian finally understood, and it was all due to the language card in T country.

Because Zanyou held a different position from the West on some issues in the northern part of T country, he was severely restricted.

All properties under his name have been frozen, so this period is a particularly difficult period for Zanyou.

No wonder Zanyou also said that those who can still come at this time are friends.

Some of them were afraid of being implicated and had already separated their ties, let alone participating in any chamber of commerce activities.

"Ahem..." Zanyou gestured for silence.

"I called everyone here today because I have something to discuss with you!"

"Everyone is aware of Zan's situation now, so I won't say much..."

"Zan X issued short-term bonds in his own name. I hope everyone can subscribe more to meet the urgent need."

Zanyou's short words directly express today's purpose.

There are several types of bonds, including treasury bonds, financial bonds and corporate bonds.

But no personal debt.

Let alone personal debts, no one is willing to pay even for corporate debts, because the creditworthiness is not enough and it is not safe.

Li Tian also understood what Zanyou meant. The so-called personal bonds in his name were just borrowing money from the businessmen present in disguise.

It's just that Zanyou, as the leader of the army, can only do so because of face.

The businessmen here are all people who have been in business for a long time, so there is no one who doesn't understand.

But in their view, the risk is too high, the business is not worthwhile.

This can be seen from the shaking of their heads and the seriousness of their faces.

Then, many people discussed in low voices.

Sitting side by side with Tang Jing, Li Tian was very happy and relaxed.

In his opinion, few people should be willing to pay for this business.

at the same time.

Zanyou walked towards Li Tian.

Tang Jing stood up first, "Praise Uncle."

"Miss Tang, you are negligent, you are negligent!" Zanyou laughed.

Nima! ! !

This Zanyou... speaks the same language as himself, and is so fluent?
He felt that the T country language card was bought for nothing.

Immediately afterwards, Zanyou looked at Li Tian, ​​"Who is this?"

At this time Li Tian had also stood up.

"This is my classmate, Li Tian!" Tang Jing introduced, "But he also got the invitation."

"You can also meet classmates here?" Zanyou laughed loudly, "Is it because you are destined to meet thousands of miles away?"

Because of the relationship between Li Tian and Tang Jing, Zanyou seems to be less wary of Li Tian, ​​and his bold side is undoubtedly revealed.

Li Tian: "..."

"Uncle Zan, what nonsense are you talking about?" Tang Jing was a little impatient.

This Zanyou is also a man of temperament.

"It's all my fault that I can't control this mouth." Zanyou said with a smile, at this time he lost the fierceness when he first appeared on the stage, and was more easy-going.

While chatting happily, a voice rang out on the field, "General, after discussing with a few of us, we can't help you, sorry."

"It is also suggested that the general can make a compromise on the northern issue."

Hearing this, Zanyou's face darkened, and the battle-tested power gave people a strong sense of oppression.

Zanyou doesn't care if it's just that he can't help, but it's absolutely impossible to make him compromise.

"You can go." Zanyou said coldly.

The few people who stood in line together just now walked out of the living room without any hesitation.

They are not optimistic about Zanyou, and they don't believe that he can compete with the West.

"Those here, if you still want to leave, Zan will not force you to stay." Zan You continued.

In the next moment, a loosening phenomenon slowly appeared in the crowd.

"General Zan, we are just ordinary businessmen, there is really nothing we can do." Many people were worried about being implicated and left the venue one after another.

After a while, there were less than ten people left in the arena.

Zanyou didn't speak, and his face didn't fluctuate at all.

"General, there is someone out there who calls himself Western Company and wants to see you."

"Let him in." Zanyou replied.

"Hello General, my name is Khalifa, and I am a representative of Western Corporation."

"I don't know what's going on with your thoughts? Do you follow our wishes?" Khalifa said arrogantly.

"If you came to make me compromise, then you, now, can get out." Zanyou responded word by word.

"As long as you are obedient, we can send you a complete set of supplies for free." Khalifa continued, "If you continue to be stubborn, all your assets will cease to exist."

"Oh? Then we will wait and see?" Zanyou smiled instead of anger.

"All the merchant consortiums supporting you have run away. Are you still unable to see the situation clearly?" Khalifa said with a disdainful smile, "I hope you can still be so stubborn when you can't deliver the supplies tomorrow."

"Are you blind?" Zanyou said lightly, "Isn't there still a consortium supporting me here?
The few people left in the banquet hall were anxious and looked at each other.

"We all have a list of consortiums that support you." Khalifa took out a document from his arms, "If anyone supports you, we will also attack with all our strength."

Khalifa's words will undoubtedly shock the few remaining.

His words really played a decisive role, and the few remaining people also retreated and walked out of the banquet hall one after another.

Zanyou felt helpless, the disparity between the enemy and ourselves was too great.

Khalifa laughed triumphantly, "Now all the people who support you have run away, let's talk?"

"No..." Zanyou, who was about to speak, was suddenly interrupted by a voice.

same second.

"Are you blind?" Li Tian's voice sounded, "Isn't there someone still running away?"

From the very beginning, Li Tian was waiting for an excellent opportunity.

People, only when they are in trouble, can they understand the preciousness of sending charcoal in the snow.

Li Tian dared to speak out, and Zanyou's eyes lit up. He was very interested to see how the young man in front of him would respond.

"Young man, I advise you not to be too fussy." Khalifa narrowed his eyes and accentuated his tone viciously.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Li Tian smiled contemptuously.

"You'd better think about the consequences." Khalifa was a little angry and threatened, "You're still young..."

"When you threaten others, you'd better think about whose sphere of influence is here?" Li Tian shrugged, shook his head, and looked at Khalifa like an idiot.

Not to mention, the general Zanyou next to him wanted to applaud Li Tian, ​​it was so fucking relieved.

"You..." Khalifa gritted his teeth, and turned to look at Zanyou, "How? Should we talk about it?"

"I don't need others to teach me how to do things." Zanyou responded playfully.

"very good……"

(End of this chapter)

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