Chapter 38
"Very well, you know the consequences of not being able to provide funds tomorrow, and I can already see your tragic end in advance." Khalifa gritted his teeth, "It will be useless for you to beg me tomorrow."

"You think too much." Li Tian shook his head, "How much money does the general need?"

"Boy Li Tian, ​​13 billion US dollars." Zanyou laughed, showing boldness, "What? Do you have an idea?"

"I have no idea." Li Tian responded with a smile, "I have some money, account number, transfer it directly."

Would this be too crazy, too high-profile?

What about the low luxury style?
"Boy, you are crazy." Khalifa thought that the young man was supporting Zanyou, and did not leave, wanting to discern the authenticity of this matter.

"Li Tian, ​​what are you doing?" Tang Jing patted Li Tian's wrist lightly as a reminder. She also thought why Li Tian would be so impulsive and speak such nonsense.

13 billion U.S. dollars, converted into nearly [-] billion dollars.

Zanyou rubbed his chin with a half-smile. He didn't think Li Tian was joking, but instead guessed Li Tian's identity, then waved his hand, "Secretary Luo."

Soon, a fax with the account number appeared in front of Li Tian.

He fiddled with his mobile phone, as if he was sending the account number, but he quickly entered the system in his mind.

'Ding, the host has successfully exchanged 13 billion US dollars, the exchange rate is 1:7, 9100 system points are deducted, and the remaining points are 1110 points. '

Listening to the voice in his mind, Li Tian put down his phone, "Okay, check it out."

Except for Zanyou, everyone's eyes widened. Such a large sum of money was transferred in less than 5 minutes?
Generally, don't you have to hold the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders?

Or, does this young man have so much cash himself?


Cash is king!It's not that they don't know this truth.

Li Tian's performance refreshed their perception.

Secretary Luo sat in front of the computer, looked at Zanyou in disbelief, and nodded.

There is no such thing as a road to heaven.

"Khalifa, it seems that you are very disappointed?" Zanyou was in a good mood, "I have already completed the money needed for tomorrow."

"Huh..." Khalifa snorted coldly, and when he left, he took a deep look at Li Tian.


After Khalifa left, Zanyou's voice sounded, "Boy Li Tian, ​​you surprised me."

Zanyou was more than surprised.

Tang Jing also stared at Li Tian with strange eyes. Nearly [-] billion in cash, just turn it around?

so casual?


Are you sure it's not the House of Trillions?

"Barely enough to meet the general's needs." Li Tian didn't expect much, and this investment almost wiped out his family's wealth.

Only now did he realize that tens of billions was nothing special, it was not enough at all.

"That's right, young, neither arrogant nor impetuous!" Zanyou praised appreciatively, "Come on, let's talk inside."

Then, Li Tian and Tang Jing followed Zanyou into the side hall of Rongzhuang Banquet Hall.

Although the area is much smaller, the decoration is more delicate.

"Where is Li Tian from?" Zanyou spoke first as they sat down one by one.

"Guangshen City." Li Tian responded.

"Then we can be regarded as fellow villagers, and my ancestral home is also in Guangzhou and Shenzhen City."

Li Tian nodded, no wonder he spoke the same language as himself and was still so fluent.

Zanyou then asked: "You just transferred the money directly, aren't you afraid of being implicated?"

"It's okay, I can't find it." Li Tian said lightly.

He just exchanged the corresponding funds directly in the system, and then withdrew the cash to the account designated by Zanyou, with the system backing him up, he was completely at ease.

Zanyou is messed up.

Can't find it?
what energy?
He was dubious, but at the same time he had a decision in his mind.

Followed by.

"Thank you for your kindness today."

"After seven days, 13 billion will be returned in full, and an additional 5000 million will be added. What do you think?"

The more Zanyou looked at Li Tian, ​​the more pleasing to his eyes, he directly transferred such a large sum of money to help him without asking anything.

Such a spirit, he even sighed.

Li Tian doesn't have to ask, but he can't not talk.

The conditions proposed by Zanyou are exactly the same as the information given by the system, and Li Tian is going to choose another reward.

Zanyou's network status is unmatched by this mere 5000 million people.

"There is no need for 5000 million, pure friendship and help." Li Tian waved his hand and responded firmly.

Zanyou was slightly taken aback.

He knew that Li Tian was not joking.

"You kid, you are dozens of years behind me, and you still have friendship?" Zanyou laughed heartily, "Okay, I will recognize you as a friend from now on."

From Li Tian's body, he saw the shadow of himself when he was young, and he was several years younger in an instant.

'Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 25 favorability points, Zanyou 95 favorability points. '

Reached 95 points of favorability, and now is the best friend status.

"General Zan, there is one thing that needs your help." Li Tian thought it was time to settle Zhou Tai's matter.

"If you have something to do, feel free to speak up, as long as I can do it." Zanyou replied without thinking.

"A friend's father was arrested by your people." Li Tian said truthfully.

"Your friend's father?" Zanyou asked suspiciously, "What's his name?"

"Zhou Tai!"

"Zhou... Tai." Zanyou repeated the name and shook his head, "I don't know this person, could I be mistaken?"

"General Zan naturally doesn't recognize him. Zhou Tai was captured by your subordinates." Li Tian explained, "As far as I know, you don't know about it."

"Which one?"


Immediately afterwards, Li Tian explained the ins and outs of the matter, and the fact that Mason had received [-] million from Lushui Group through his own investigation.

When Zanyou heard the name, he snorted coldly, "I was just demoted to the team leader, and I still keep going."

Coincidentally, due to personal problems, this Mason even dropped five levels in a month, which attracted Zanyou's attention.

"Go, arrest this Mason immediately, and bring Mr. Zhou Tai here." Zanyou issued an order to the person at the door.


"Boy Li Tian, ​​I didn't restrain my subordinates." Zanyou smiled helplessly, "Don't worry, they will definitely bring Mr. Zhou Tai safely."

"Then there will be General Lao." Li Tian nodded.

In this way, Zhou Tai's matter will be settled.

Li Tian breathed a sigh of relief, he thought this trip to country T would be extremely difficult.

But unexpectedly, things turned around.

I met Tang Jing first, and because of her, I quickly narrowed the distance with Zanyou.

Furthermore, he helped Zanyou, who was in trouble, and gained a lot of goodwill.

Without these conditions, Li Tian might still run into walls everywhere.

As the saying goes, there are surprises everywhere in life!
In the following time, Zanyou chatted with Li Tian and Tang Jing.

From the chat between Zanyou and Tang Jing, Li Tian knew that Tang Jing came here in the name of a cousin in her family.

Her cousin has a business in country T, and two days ago, he arranged for [-] million US dollars to help Zanyou.

It's just that he has something to do temporarily, so he asked Tang Jing to participate in this chamber of commerce activity as a representative, just going through the motions.

While chatting.

'Ding, the system has detected danger...'

(End of this chapter)

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