Chapter 44 What a nuisance
Li Tian's act of directly swiping his card really made Naro's heart skip a beat.

What are you doing?
One million or hundreds of thousands of watches, buy it as soon as you say it, without any hesitation.

Is there enough money in Cary?

Naro felt dizzy.

Cheng Yuanyuan is also a little self-contained, who is his fan, who is so young, he can make such a move.

Tang Jing sat quietly, recalling the scene just now.

Why is Li Tian suddenly so strong and fierce! !

However, such a personality, so manly, quite handsome.

For some reason, there was a slight ripple on the calm lake.

Tang Jing clenched her little hands so tightly that sweat even leaked from her palms.

next moment.

The saleswoman walked towards Li Tian with a happy face.

Li Tian's behavior as a client caught her by surprise.

During the selection of watches, she also followed Li Tian's wishes and arranged styles of less than one million. However, Patek Philippe does not have many women's watches in stock, and there are even fewer watches above the million level. There are only three models.

She brought it here by the way, although she would definitely be able to sell it without thinking about it, but what if the customer takes a fancy to it?

As a result, it was really a deal.

The performance commission of this order can be quite a lot.

"Mr. Li, the card has been swiped successfully!" The beautiful saleswoman offered the bank card with both hands.

Successfully swiped the card! !
Naro opened his mouth wide, unable to speak.

He hated it.

Why can a young boy buy more than 100 million watches.

His heart was bleeding, why should this inexplicable boy overwhelm him.

He gritted his teeth, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, just wear the watch and don't need to clean it up." Li Tian said without doubt.

Tang Jing pursed her red lips and bowed her head in silence.

What a nuisance!


Li Tian wiped his nose, it was a little sore, and he almost sneezed.

"Okay, Mr. Li!" The saleswoman smiled and nodded.

at the same time.

Li Tian glanced at Naro and smiled, "What? Mr. Naro hasn't chosen the right one yet?"

Immediately afterwards, Li Tian raised his legs, "But yes, these cheap goods won't increase in value, right?"

Li Tianke still remembered that when he was trying on the watch with Tang Jing just now, Naro kept beeping.

Isn't it very jumping?
This time, he should be pushed down.

"You..." Na Luo suddenly couldn't find anything to refute Li Tian, ​​so he could only pull down his fleshy face again.

"Mr. Na, don't you think these cheap goods are too expensive?" Li Tian raised his eyebrows, "I don't know where to start?"

Li Tian's words really reached Naro's heart. Although he is the general manager of the Tan Group, his annual salary is only more than 200 million T national currency, which is about 50 in equivalent terms.

Not to mention, it really hurts to ask him to buy a watch worth 30 million yuan.

But he won't admit it, but what Li Tian said now is so heartbreaking that he is speechless.

A few salesmen nearby watched Naro being devastated, and felt extremely happy, and then stayed calmly, there was no way, they were just a small salesman.

Cheng Yuanyuan was also happy in his heart.

Relying on his power in the company, Naro made things difficult for her, a starlet, and forced Cheng Yuanyuan to have dinner together tonight, and then came to this Patek Philippe store.

Cheng Yuanyuan applauded Li Tian in his heart.

"Mr. Li, don't think that buying more than 100 million watches is a big deal. Don't forget, this is country T." Naro couldn't think of refuting Li Tian's words, so he could only threaten with words.

Hearing this, Li Tian almost laughed, "More than 100 million is really nothing special, but I advise you, if you want to fool a beautiful woman, you have to spend your money, don't pay for it."

"Pfft!" Cheng Yuanyuan couldn't help it, and laughed out loud.

This fan is so funny.

Seeing this, Naro felt even more ashamed and humiliated, and said fiercely, "Boy, do you know the consequences of annoying me? I will make you come and go, and you will not be able to leave country T."

Naro was annoyed, and even changed his address, showing his true colors, "Don't talk about T country, even this Patek Philippe store, you can't get out."

After speaking, Naro stood up, holding his head high in order to keep up with the momentum.

He really had had enough, Li Tian had been spoiling his good deeds since he was in the Cartier store, and now it made him completely lose face.

Naro decided to teach this lingering boy a lesson.

"Really?" Li Tianfeng said lightly, "I'm leaving now, so what can you do?"

"Hmph..." Naro snorted coldly, picked up a cup and threw it on the ground, "Then I'll let you know that in country T, you have money but no fart, and you still have to behave with your tail between your legs."

The next second, a voice sounded.

"What's the matter?" Qi Mao's figure came from a distance.

Someone had already reported the tense situation outside to Qi Mao, and when he came, he saw the scene of Naro throwing the cup angrily.

He frowned, with a displeased expression on his face. If it wasn't for Tan Yong's sake, how could he allow Na Luo to be so presumptuous on his own occasion?

Does he have no face?

Tan Yong is the person in charge of the Tan Group, and this Na Luo is his flattering younger brother who follows him all day long.

Whenever Qi Mao went to the Tan Group, he could see Na Luo serving tea and water. In his eyes, Na Luo was nothing more than a little tea boy.

However, this Naro does have his own way, relying on flattery and under the banner of Tan's name to get along well outside, and this year he even got along with the general manager of the investment department of Tan's film industry.

"Boss Qi is here?" Naro smiled triumphantly, "Boy, your luck is not very good today."

He is very aware of the relationship between Qi Mao and Tan Yong, and the power behind these two people is the second in T country, and no one dares to be the first.


"Naro, what's going on?" Qi Mao asked coldly.

"Boss Qi, this kid doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and I'm going to teach him a lesson today." Naro explained with a smile.

Then he leaned into Qi Mao's ear and whispered, "Boss Qi, for Mr. Tan's sake, he has to help me get rid of this kid in front of me today no matter what, and he will repay you in the future."

Qi Mao impatiently endured Naro's ear-biting in this way, but then again, he is also a subordinate of his good friend, if he loses face in his own place, I'm afraid it's a bit unjustifiable.

He adjusted his glasses and nodded slightly, as a tacit consent.

Na Luo was overjoyed when he saw this, he could even imagine Li Tian lying on the ground and howling.

next second.

Qi Mao saw Li Tian again in the direction Naro pointed.

Immediately afterwards, he frowned deeply and rubbed his temples again.

Who is it?

How come it looks so familiar?
He patted his head lightly with his hand.

People who can achieve this scale of business have thought carefully before doing everything, and Qi Mao is the same.

Because he had a slight impression of Li Tian, ​​he never took any action.

"Boss Qi." Naro, who was standing next to him, reminded him when he saw that Qi Mao hadn't responded.

Qi Mao stretched out his left hand and made a quiet gesture. He is seriously remembering, and he cannot be disturbed, and he will not make any rash decisions.

At this moment, Qi Mao accidentally glanced at a figure sitting opposite Li Tian, ​​moved half a step, and looked again.

This one man and one woman!
Young faces!
Qi Mao suddenly remembered.

In the afternoon, in the banquet hall of General Zanyou's Rongzhuang.

Isn't it just the two of them?

It suddenly dawned on me, fortunately, I didn't act recklessly, otherwise I might have caused big trouble.

So the reason why people are successful is not accidental.

Although Qi Mao didn't know Li Tian's identity, the people who could appear in General Zanyou's banquet hall only from the afternoon were either rich or expensive.

Qi Mao rubbed his forehead, the situation was a bit complicated.


(End of this chapter)

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