Chapter 45 The Ripples in My Heart Are Gone

Qi Mao saw that the situation was a bit complicated.

"Naro, don't be impatient, I have to make a call first!" Qi Mao said lightly.

This unlucky guy is only looking for trouble for himself.

"Boss Qi, why do you need to call to teach a kid a lesson?" Naro asked suspiciously.

"It's not your turn to teach me how to do things." Qi Mao said angrily.

"Don't dare, Boss Qi misunderstood." Na Luo retreated, and he didn't dare to act rashly without Qi Mao's permission.

Na Luo retreated to the side, a little puzzled, he was fine just now, and he nodded in acquiescence, why did he suddenly change his face?

Then he gave Li Tian a stern look. Anyway, in the end, this kid will be trampled on the ground by him, and it doesn't matter if he waits for a phone call.


Cheng Yuanyuan came to Li Tian's side, and asked anxiously, "Mr. Li, what should we do?"

It was because of her that Li Tian had a conflict with Na Luo, not to mention that Li Tian and he belonged to the same place, so they naturally huddled together when they had something to do.

She looked at Qi Mao's leaving figure, and then whispered: "Mr. Li, while he is on the phone, you can find a chance to escape. This is country T, and we are not familiar with each other."

Cheng Yuanyuan clenched his hands anxiously, not knowing what to do.

In country T, when encountering such a thing, it is really frustrating every day.

If something happens to Li Tian, ​​she will be sorry for the rest of her life.

Tang Jing on the opposite side was very calm, but she saw Cheng Yuanyuan sitting next to Li Tian, ​​no, it should be said that she was sitting close to Li Tian, ​​which made her feel that this woman was too frivolous.

At the same time, I also had a strange feeling in my heart.

Why is Li Tian so casual?

People are so close, can't you move away a little?

Tang Jing made a small mouth, but only for a moment, and then played with her two little index fingers, turning them back and forth non-stop.

Suddenly, he tapped the Patek Philippe watch on his left hand.

Well, the slight ripple in my heart has returned to a pool of stagnant water.

After thinking about it, she still looked at Li Tian and asked, "Li Tian, ​​do you need to make a call?"

After all, everyone went to call someone.

"No, it's a trivial matter!" Li Tian said lightly.


Li Tian has the Foresight Danger Month Card, so it never barks, okay?
What are you panicking about?

Besides, the all-round protection of the security company is just a display?
Tang Jing nodded, and didn't speak again. These days, Li Tian has continuously created things that amazed her, and it seems to be a bottomless pit, which can't be finished!

She believes that Li Tian has the absolute ability to deal with it.

It's just that she patted the Patek Philippe watch on her left hand angrily.

Still sticking, keep sticking, forever sticking!

next moment.

The phone call from Qi Mao went through...

"What's the matter?" The voice on the other end of the phone seemed a little impatient.

"General Zan, I'm sorry to bother you at night. I have something special to ask you, please forgive me!" Qi Mao said cautiously, for fear of offending the person on the other end of the phone.

Although Qi Mao was the last group to leave in the banquet hall today, he still left.

Because there is no real support for Zanyou, I am thinking of making up for him in other ways.

In country T, as long as Zanyou doesn't fall for a day, Qi Mao has to rely on his power.

"Well, say it!" Of course Zanyou was not happy, he was playing a game of eating jelly with Auntie Qi.

"It's like this, a young man in your banquet hall in the afternoon happened to have a conflict with someone in my shop." Qi Mao said, "The other party is Na Luo, a subordinate of Tan Yong."

Qi Mao very cleverly reported the names of both parties, so that Zanyou can decide for himself.

What the result is depends on Zanyou, he has no responsibility.

"What is one of Tan Yong's subordinates?" Zanyou was dissatisfied that Qi Mao reported to everyone, and then asked, "A young man in my banquet hall?"

What young man?

Zanyou couldn't remember for a while.

"A young man also went to participate in the Chamber of Commerce activities held by you, General Zan." Qi Mao reminded.

Zan Youzhen didn't think of it for a while, "What's your name?"

"I don't know his name, I only know that his surname is Li!" Qi Mao said truthfully.

'Surname Li?Li Tian? Zanyou said silently in his heart, but it was wrong to think about it. Didn't Li Tian go to Cartier with Jinger to get a gift?How could it be in Qi Mao's Patek Philippe store?
Besides, didn't he send bodyguards to protect him secretly?

There's something I can't possibly not know.

"General Zan!" Seeing that Zanyou hadn't moved, Qi Mao reminded him softly.

"Well, there is indeed a young man surnamed Li, but it should not be the same person you mentioned." Zanyou responded.

"No, General Zan, I'm sure I didn't recognize the wrong person." Qi Mao recalled carefully, "This young guy is very tall!"

"Very high?" Zanyou asked back.

"Well, the height is more than 1.8 meters." Qi Mao suddenly remembered something, "By the way, there is a very beautiful girl with him, and she is also in your banquet hall this afternoon."

At the same second, the stern voice on the other end of the phone startled Qi Mao.

"Give the phone to this young man immediately." Hearing Qi Mao's description, Zanyou was roughly sure that it should be Li Tian, ​​but since the bodyguard had no feedback, he wanted to call directly to confirm the identity of the other party.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Qi Mao didn't dare to neglect, and trotted towards the VIP room.

next moment.

Li Tian saw Qi Mao running towards him in a hurry.

"Mr. Li, answer the phone!" Qi Mao gasped.

Na Luo rubbed his stomach. He couldn't understand why Qi Mao asked Li Tian to answer the phone. Could it be that this kid still has friends in country T?
Li Tian also couldn't understand. He answered the phone and said lightly, "Say!"

"Is it Li Tian kid?" Zanyou's voice sounded.

"Yes!" Li Tian was surprised that Qi Mao also knew Zanyou.

At the chamber of commerce this afternoon, Li Tiandu sat leisurely beside Tang Jing, not paying attention to Qi Mao.

"Okay, give Qi Mao the phone number!" Zanyou said again.

"Boss Qi, call!" Li Tian handed the phone back.

Qi Mao frowned slightly, so fast?

Could it be that I made a mistake?

But still silently took the phone.

"Praise..." Before Qi Mao could speak.

"Qimao, you blind dog..."

"Praise..." Qi Mao still couldn't speak.

Zanyou continued to spray, "Li Tian is mine, if he loses face with you today, you can sleep in the river by yourself at night."

Qi Mao's face changed drastically, "Praise..."

He wanted to explain, but Zanyou didn't let him, Qi Mao was about to cry.

"You let Tan Yong figure it out, can't you control your dog?" Zanyou became even angrier when he thought that Tan Yong was the first to leave in the afternoon, "If he doesn't handle it to Li Tian's satisfaction, you can accompany him." The family went to live in the river together."

Qi Mao: "..."

Why can't Tan Yong handle it well? He also wants to live in the river?


(End of this chapter)

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