Chapter 50

Time passed by minute by minute.

Due to the hot weather and the narrow alley, Li Tian and Tang Jing's clothes were drenched with sweat.

A layer of sweat oozed from Tang Jing's forehead.Li Tian wiped it gently with his hands, "Wait a little longer, and you can go out."

"En!" Tang Jing nodded obediently, she did not dislike Li Tian's act of wiping her sweat.

Right now!

"Come out!" A person took a flashlight from his mobile phone and photographed Li Tian and Tang Jing.

Li Tianhuo is hot!
This person has a problem with his character, and he came to disturb others at this time.

In the same second, Li Tian kicked people and mobile phones away with a sideways kick.

The clay figurines were also three-pointed, and Li Tian, ​​who was disturbed, was extremely fierce.

Li Tian walked out first, and saw two other people on the other side.

Just when he was about to fight to the end, a black shadow flashed and knocked down the other two.

"Mr. Li, here are the car keys, you go first!" A medium-sized man with a thin face handed Li Tian a key.

The person who can follow him so closely must be someone from the security company.

Li Tian took the car keys, "Are you Gu Ying?"

"Mr. Li, get in the car and go straight, turn right after two traffic lights and walk five kilometers to the hotel." The man continued, "Just put the car keys at the front desk for me."

What's happening here?
Can't say it?

Li Tian took Tang Jing's hand and walked directly to the exit of the alley.

Tang Jing looked shy, tonight was the second time Li Tian held her little hand!
Got into the car.

Li Tian drove towards the Peninsula Hotel.

When approaching the hotel, Li Tian received a call from Zanyou.

"If you can still answer the phone, then it's okay!" Zanyou's hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone.

The corner of Li Tian's mouth twitched, will he speak?Then he said, "General Zan has received the wind again?"

Now that Zanyou knows all about it, it proves that those bodyguards got away.

"It's all because of my poor arrangements!" Zanyou smiled helplessly, he never thought that there would be so many things tonight.

After several turnarounds, he was now driven to the living room by Aunt Seven.

"It's okay, we're fine now." Li Tian responded politely.

"Jing'er must have been frightened, right?" Zanyou thought that Li Tian would not be frightened by such a small scene, and instead worried about Tang Jing.

"Her? No, she's very excited!" Li Tian said, turning aside Tang Jing who was sitting in the passenger seat.

At this time, Tang Jing also heard Li Tian's words, and her eyes widened.

What makes her excited?

Even if it's true, don't tell Zanyou.

Tang Jing made a gesture of 'shh'.

She wished she could hit Li Tian hard twice.

"Excited??" Zanyou couldn't understand at all, with a confused expression on his face, "You young people's affairs are really complicated!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Tian also put the car keys at the front desk.

"Are you okay tonight?" Li Tian asked concerned as soon as he got into the elevator.

"It's okay." Tang Jing shook her head, "What about you? No more nosebleeds?"

"No!" Li Tian responded.

Soon, the 17th floor where Tang Jing lived arrived.

"Go back to your room and take a shower!" Li Tian turned sideways and made way.

"Okay!" When Tang Jing turned her head again, the elevator door was already closed.

Back in his room on the 23rd floor, Li Tian fell asleep after washing up.

Tang Jing, on the other hand, tossed and turned, and stayed up all night.

The next day.

Li Tian, ​​who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by Zhou Yunchen's phone call.

"Good morning, Mr. Li!" Zhou Yunchen was in a good mood, even her voice was sweet.

After last night's dinner, Zhou Tai rushed back to Guangshen City overnight, and Zhou Yunchen finally saw the father he missed so much. He wanted to call Li Tian immediately to thank him, but it was a bit late, and he was afraid of disturbing Li Tian.

As soon as she arrived at the company today, she immediately called Li Tian.

"It's Mr. Zhou?" Li Tian responded with half-closed eyes.

He was really tired last night. After running such a long distance, he also got a nosebleed. Now he urgently needs to sleep more to recover his strength.

"Did you bother Mr. Li?" Zhou Yunchen asked after hearing Li Tian's half-asleep voice.

It's already nine o'clock in the morning, why is Li Tian still sleeping?
Could it be that you didn't sleep last night?

"No, is Zhou always busy?" Li Tian asked back.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, for saving my father." Zhou Yunchen thanked him first, and then said, "When will Mr. Li come back? Yunchen treats you to dinner!"

"President Zhou, you are welcome, I may not go back for a few more days!" Li Tian was also looking forward to having dinner with Zhou Yunchen again. He remembered that the buttons on Zhou Yunchen's white shirt were not so good last time, and they would all be there soon. possibility of collapse.

Or, let her wear the same one next time?
Zhou Yunchen hesitated for a while, "How many days is that?"

When she went to the airport to pick up Zhou Tai last night, she didn't find Li Tian, ​​so she had to ask her father.

From Zhou Tai's mouth, I learned that Li Tian was accompanied by a beautiful girl at dinner yesterday.

Reminiscing that Li Tian hadn't woken up at this time, all kinds of pictures in her brain emerged.

"What? Does Zhou always want to taste wine alone with me?" Li Tian's mental state eased a little at this time, and he joked.

"Yes!" Zhou Yunchen blurted out, "But if Mr. Li comes back in a few days, then Yunchen's interest may be gone."

on purpose?
They said it would be a few days, but now Zhou Yunchen came to make trouble?
Chi Guoguo's provocation! !
Li Tian didn't dare to continue entanglement with Zhou Yunchen, and after a few more words, he hung up the phone. Just now, he involuntarily switched the speaker and opened the page for buying air tickets.

He is a vigorous young man, facing these enchanting women, he thinks that he does not have the concentration of Tang Seng.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yunchen smiled and shook her head, she is really a serious little man.

Just when Li Tian was about to fall asleep again, Zanyou's call came...

"Li Tian, ​​come down to the Rongzhuang banquet hall on the tenth floor, here are some documents for you to sign." Zanyou said with a smile.

"What document?" Li Tian asked.

"You come down and talk about it." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Li Tian had no choice but to get up and wash up.

After a while, I came to this antique Rongzhuang Banquet Hall again.

As soon as he entered the door, he could hear Zanyou's laughter, "Boy Li Tian, ​​Qi Mao and Tan Yong have given you a gift."

"Gift?" Li Tian wondered, "What gift?"

"I heard that Tan Yong made an investment of 7 million yuan related to you. After the two of them discussed it, they decided to jointly contribute and give it to you!" Zanyou said simply.

This is true.

After Li Tian left the Patek Philippe store last night, Qi Mao contacted Tan Yong privately, and both of them affirmed Li Tian's generosity and integrity.

Although Na Luo was beaten up, it will be fine after a period of training.

Qi Mao and Tan Yong can still live on land.

After all, life is the best thing to do.

Under the circumstances of last night, if Li Tianshi opened his mouth and beat them up hard, they could only swallow their anger.

But no!
Therefore, both Qi Mao and Tan Yong have deep respect for Li Tian. In the end, the two decided to jointly invest in Cheng Yuanyuan and give it to Li Tian as a gift.

Zanyou is such a valued person, they also want to make friends!

(End of this chapter)

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