Chapter 51 Emergency return home

It turned out to be the case.

Li Tian didn't refuse either, he roughly read it and signed his name on several documents.

Because the issue of investment rights needs to be affiliated with the company, the document also includes documents to help Li Tian register an investment company.

When he saw the registered names, Li Tian sighed in his heart for the carefulness of Qi Mao and Tan Yong. There were about [-] or [-] unregistered names for his reference.

Li Tian hesitated for a moment, and filled in the four characters of "Zhongtian Lida".

At this point, I will have my own investment company in the future.

Zhongtian Lida Investment Company.

Just after signing the documents, Li Tian's phone rang again.

It was his mother Ning Xuehua.

"God, are you having fun over there?" Ning Xuehua's voice sounded a bit heavy.

Li Tian frowned slightly, having been a mother and child for 18 years, he knew Ning Xuehua's habits very well, and his tone was clearly concerned, "Mom, what's the matter with you?"

Because he is an only child, Ning Xuehua is used to chatting with Lao Li whether he quarreled with Lao Li or encountered unhappy things.

Facing Li Tian's question, Ning Xuehua knew that her son had seen through her mind again, and her mood became even more depressed. She wanted to speak, but choked up.

"Mom, don't!" Li Tian was a little anxious, "Speak slowly if you have anything to say, my son supports you."

Li Tian is most afraid of such a prelude, he can't stand a woman crying.

When the woman cried, his heart softened.

Not to mention that Ning Xuehua is his mother, it's even more unbearable!
Ning Xuehua on the phone took a deep breath, seemed to be adjusting her state, and then said, "God, it's okay, it's okay, you have fun, don't think too much."

"Mom..." Li Tian just wanted to speak, but Ning Xuehua hung up, and when he called back, he found that the phone was turned off.

No, what's the matter?

How can this make him have fun?
Li Tian called his father Li Zhengping nervously.

After beeping twice, it was pressed directly!

Now he is not calm anymore, nothing will happen at home, right?

"Boy Li Tian, ​​what's the matter?" Zanyou had never seen Li Tian so flustered since seeing him, so he couldn't help asking.

"This..." Li Tian was upset, "Maybe something happened at home, I have to go back immediately."

Hearing this, Zanyou also felt that it seemed to be a rather urgent matter, so he didn't keep Li Tian any longer, and nodded, "Then I'll send someone to see you off?"

"Okay." Li Tian nodded and opened the software for purchasing air tickets.

"Boy Li Tian, ​​please leave me your card number. When the time is up, I will remit the funds." Zanyou called Secretary Luo next to him to get a pen and paper, then thought of something, and said, "Oh, yes, directly There will be no trouble with the funds being sent to you."

After a while, Li Tian booked a flight ticket to Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and then filled in his card number, "By the way, Tang Jing, please say hello to me. I'll go back and pack up and go straight to the airport."

"Okay, don't worry, go, next time you come to country T, remember to visit me, an old man." Zanyou took the card number written by Li Tian.

"Okay!" As soon as the words finished, Li Tian had already left the Banquet Hall of Rongzhuang.

Zanyou looked at the distant background and smiled, "This kid is really nice, so filial!"


When Li Tian packed his luggage and left the hotel, he got into the extended Range Rover directly.

"Please hurry up." Li Tian said to the driver.

He booked the nearest flight to Guangzhou-Shenzhen City. Although there is still more than an hour before departure, Qinggu Airport is notoriously large. When Li Tiangang arrived in country T, he just walked from the boarding gate to Qinggu Airport It took 40 minutes for the exit.

"Okay, Mr. Li!"

As soon as the driver stepped on the accelerator after speaking, Li Tian complained that he couldn't sit still.

Is this driver a racing driver?
Can the extended version of Land Rover Range Rover go so fast?

In the midst of trembling with fear, an unfamiliar number appeared on Li Tian's cell phone, and he answered it after thinking about it.

"Mr. Li, I'm Cheng Yuanyuan!"

Cheng Yuanyuan?
At this time Li Tiancai remembered that she forgot to save her number last night.

"Miss Cheng?" Fortunately, Cheng Yuanyuan reported his family background, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

"Mr. Li, we are really destined, you are my boss now." Cheng Yuanyuan said with a smile.

Being reminded like this, Li Tiancai remembered the investment contract that Qi Mao and Tan Yong gave him, and then said, "I am your boss now, when are you going to treat me to dinner?"

"I'm just a little star, but you are the big boss behind the scenes." Cheng Yuanyuan said mischievously, "It's not bad if you invite me."

This eloquent little star couldn't resist, so Li Tian could only smile and say, "The movie is good, I'll invite you when I make money."

"Okay, that's a deal, I'll definitely perform well, so that you, the big boss, can make a lot of money!"


In less than 10 minutes, Qinggu Airport arrived.

After getting out of the car, Li Tian was a little nauseated, and retched twice while supporting the pillar next to him.

This driver is too tough.

After entering the terminal, Li Tian quickly got the boarding pass.

When entering the cabin again, the stewardess still nodded with a smile, "Mr. Li, please!"

So weird!
unsolved puzzle!

After a while, the plane took off.

Li Tian didn't know that because of his incident last night, the entire T country launched a three-month anti-crime operation.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, Guangzhou-Shenzhen Airport.

After Li Tianxia got off the plane, he went straight to Huijing Community.

Half an hour later, when he got home, he found the house was empty.

Then I went to Li Zhengping's company.

During the period, I called Lao Li twice more, but the phone was already turned off.

Li Tian was anxious, hoping to see Lao Li and Ning Xuehua in the company smoothly.

But his hope was in vain, and the company also failed to see Lao Li.

At the same moment, Li Tian called Gu Ying, hoping to get a clue through the security company's intelligence.

"Mr. Li." Gu Ying's voice came.

"Gu Ying, can you find out where my parents are?" Li Tian looked anxious.

"Okay, please wait a moment!" Gu Ying was as simple and clear as ever.

Although the security company was only responsible for Li Tian's safety, as Li Tian's parents, they were careful, so they found out quickly.

"Your mother is currently in Times Square and is shopping." Gu Ying responded.

Shopping? ?
Li Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right, Ning Xuehua wanted to buy clothes when she was in a bad mood.

Every time she finished shopping, her mood calmed down naturally.

It seems that the couple had a fight?
Rather than saying it was a quarrel, it was better to say that Lao Li's emotions that had been pent up for a long time erupted a little bit, and he spoke a few words back.

Seeing Gu Ying not moving, Li Tian asked, "What about my dad?"

"Ahem..." Guying coughed twice.

"Huh? You have a cold?" Li Tian asked with concern.

"No!" Gu Ying responded.

"No? Let me ask you where my dad is?" Li Tian suddenly became worried again.

Usually Guying is not like this hesitating, could it be that something happened to Lao Li?

"Your father..." Gu Ying paused, and said, "Your father was swept into the bureau last night."


(End of this chapter)

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