Chapter 52
"What did you say...say it again!" Li Tian suspected that there was something wrong with his hearing.

What the hell?

What does sweep into the game mean?
Totally confused!

"Mr. Li Zhengping was drinking at the Royal Hotel last night. Later, he was taken away by more than 100 people, including him." Gu Ying reported back the information from last night.

Li Tian: "..."

How can it be?

Li Tian is very clear about Li Zhengping's personality. He is an honest person who works diligently. He goes home after work every day and stays at home on weekends. He is a perfect example of a good man.

It's ok, it's hidden deep enough! !
Pooh!How can you have such an idea?
He must not be such a person.

If it was true, Li Zhengping would be hopeless, and it would be trivial to stay in the hospital for a month.

I don’t know if the WIFI in the hospital is okay?
"However, there is one thing that is very strange. Mr. Li Zhengping was taken away in the morning." Guying said doubtfully.

strangeness?There is still a chance...

"Gu Ying, check it out, I'll go over and see what's going on." After hanging up the phone, Li Tian stepped on the accelerator and went straight to the bureau without saying a word.

Ten minutes later, Li Tian arrived at his destination smoothly.

Soon, he really saw Li Zhengping.

With a glance, Li Tian wiped off the smile from the corner of his mouth.

"Ahem..." Seeing that Li Zhengping buried his head, he coughed twice.

"Li Tian?" Li Zhengping looked up and found his son, his old face blushed, "cough cough cough..."

Li Zhengping's family was notified in the morning, but unfortunately none of them came.

Ning Xuehua is venting her anger by shopping in Times Square!

"What's the matter, no family members redeem you?" Li Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Stinky boy, you don't need to redeem, I can go out later." Li Zhengping waved his hand, "I slept through the night last night, I believe that I will be able to clear my innocence later."

Li Zhengping felt that he was too aggrieved. He was drunk last night, and when he woke up in the morning, there were a few more policemen from the police station next to him, and they took him away directly. He had no idea what happened.

I didn't know the reason until I got to the bureau... It turned out that he was swept in by the temporary inspection, and the family members were notified directly.

Later, when I asked about the situation...he became uneasy and was tricked.

Li Zhengping felt that he was more wronged than Dou E.

"Even if you are innocent, the tiger at home can't explain it clearly..." Li Tian shook his head, with a helpless expression, and then clawed his hands, scratching a few times out of thin air.

Now that Li Tian saw Li Zhengping and knew Ning Xuehua's whereabouts, he was naturally relieved, otherwise he would have thought that something irreversible had happened.

As for Li Zhengping's blame, he will take it upon himself, as long as the two elders are safe.

Hearing Li Tian's words, Li Zhengping grabbed his hair with both hands, looking very distressed.

Then, he looked at Li Tian solemnly, "Son, you must accompany me home later."

"I might have to rush back to Country T to continue traveling." Li Tian sat down and joked.

"Don't be obedient, why don't you go on a trip later, and I'll give you double the travel expenses." Li Zhengping trembled when he thought of that fierce face.

"But I have something to do tonight, so I have an appointment to taste some red wine alone!" As soon as Li Tian let go of his worries, he couldn't help but think of Zhou Yunchen, a woman.

Perhaps there is some truth in thinking about YY when you are full of warmth.

China's 5000-year culture is really extensive and profound.

"Oh my God, I'm going to college soon, boys can't lose face outside." Li Zhengping said righteously, "I think it's very necessary for my father to buy you a car."

Zoom in?
Li Zhengping has spent a lot of money.

"Well... I think it is also necessary!" Li Tian nodded suddenly, "Then what kind of car do you think suits my temperament?"

So far Li Tian's parents don't know that he has more than 100 billion, so he can only agree.

"My son's temperament is must be a white Corolla." Li Zhengping raised his eyebrows, "It is fuel-efficient, wear-resistant, and the white color looks bigger."

Li Tian: "..."

"As expected, he is the iron rooster among roosters." Li Tian nodded and smiled slightly, "I still have something to do, so let's go first."

"Don't, don't, don't." Li Zhengping grabbed Li Tian's clothes, "You pick, you can choose within 50!"

Li Tian returned to his seat, stopped joking with Li Zhengping, and asked instead, "Okay, tell me what's going on?"

Hearing this, "Ahem..." Li Zhengping was a little embarrassed again, but he continued, "It's not your fourth uncle..."

The fourth uncle is a good friend of Li Zhengping for more than [-] years. He is the fourth in the family, and his friends in the circle call him the fourth. Li Tian has always called him the fourth uncle since he was a child.

"What's wrong with fourth uncle?" Li Tian asked.

"Yesterday was your fourth uncle's birthday, so you asked me to drink at the Royal Hotel." Li Zhengping paused, "When I was happy, I drank almost two catties of foreign wine, and then fell unconscious."

"Your fourth uncle saw that I drank too much, so he was worried, so he..."

"Didn't he know that I'm always out of breath for snoring after drinking, and he was worried, and then..."

"That's what happened!" Li Zhengping finished speaking to Li Tian in a low voice.

The damn ellipsis!
Tens of thousands of words are omitted here, which is simply 666.

Li Tian fisted his chin with his right hand, and looked at Li Zhengping meaningfully, "Just what?"

"You brat, what kind of look is this?" Li Zhengping patted Li Tian's shoulder hard.

"Okay, then I'm leaving." Li Tian threatened his father again.

Anyway, with the handle in hand, the world is invincible.

Now Li Zhengping hasn't straightened himself up yet, besides, there is someone at home who is watching...

"All right, brat!" Li Zhengping said helplessly, "Your fourth uncle was worried, so he found me a nurse."

"Female?" Li Tian asked.

"Isn't that nonsense?" Li Zhengping slapped Li Tian hard again.

"I also don't know about it at all. I only found out about it when I asked today. You said your fourth uncle didn't do anything unnecessary and tricked me?" Li Zhengping shook his head helplessly.

"Is there still this kind of nursing care after drinking?" Li Tian wondered, "By the way, does fourth uncle call for nursing care?"

"How do I know..." Li Zhengping gave Li Tian a blank look, "But he seems to be next door."

Li Tian: "..."

Seeing Li Tian's pensive look, Li Zhengping suddenly became angry again, "You don't even believe me, a brat like you? There is a tiger in the family, it's shocking, understand?"

"Those nursing care are applying hot towels and pouring water. Anyway, they are caring for those who are drunk, so that there will be no danger if there is any emergency."

"By the way, they all have formal licenses, and the police are still verifying them." Li Zhengping patiently explained to his son and popularized knowledge.

"But... these license plates are recognized by the police, but Mom may not recognize them!" Li Tian reminded out of time.

Li Zhengping: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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