Chapter 53 Homeless
Facing Li Tian's reminder, Li Zhengping's expression became flustered again.

Thinking of going home and explaining clearly to Ning Xuehua, Li Zhengping suddenly felt that staying in the bureau was pretty good.

At this moment, two videos came from Li Tian's cell phone.

One is a video of Li Zhengping being carried into a room by three people, including Fourth Uncle.

Another video shows a female nurse entering Li Zhengping's room 10 minutes later, followed by patrolling and random inspection, less than a few minutes before and after the nurse entered the room.

It seems that Li Zhengping is indeed innocent.

Then Li Tian sent the hotel's surveillance video to the police in the bureau, and the reply he got was that the female nurse's identity must be confirmed.

Half an hour after the appointment, a policeman asked Li Zhengping to sign the closing procedures, and the formal identity of the female nurse had been confirmed there.

Since Li Zhengping was not brought to the bureau until the morning, there were not many people left after his case was tried.

The fourth uncle was also led home amidst the curses of the fourth aunt.

It is estimated that there is no way to go out in the past two months.

Stepping out of the game, Li Zhengping was not a little excited, but worried.

Li Tian knew that he should be very reluctant to go home at this time.

Being evasive is not going to solve the problem.

"Ahem... son, why don't we go home together." Li Zhengping said with a sideways glance at Li Tian.

He is now afraid that Li Tian will slip away, and he will be completely alone, unable to stop Ning Xuehua's fierce offensive.

If there was a son like Li Tian, ​​Ning Xuehua would still suppress his anger.

"Dad, I can protect you for a while, but not forever." Li Tian shook his head and said helplessly.

Unless Li Tian is at home 24 hours a day, there will be a bloodbath.

"Then let's stabilize the current situation first..." Li Zhengping said halfway, then stared at Li Tian's movements with wide eyes.

I saw Li Tian approaching the car, and then pulled.

Porsche Cayenne...unlocked successfully.

Li Tian noticed Li Zhengping's gaze, and suddenly remembered that he had habitually walked towards his car.

"Li Tian, ​​where did you get this car?" Li Zhengping was shocked from ear to ear. He also has a lot of research on the car and knows the price of this car.

"This, isn't this the car that Zhaoxing just bought, and I lent it to me." Li Tian said casually.

Li Zhengping knew Zhaoxing. He used to come to visit Zhaoxing's house all the time, so he knew that he was Li Tian's good buddy.

But he didn't know Zhaoxing's family background, and he never asked, so Li Tian naturally pushed it to Zhaoxing.

"I really didn't expect Zhaoxing's family to be so rich, and this car is a few million dollars smaller." Li Zhengping didn't doubt it either, he was just amazed.

"Get in the car." Li Tian greeted.

Lao Li was taken to the bureau, and the car was still at the Royal Hotel.

"You kid can have some snacks, I can't afford to pay for hitting me." Li Zhengping immediately reminded Li Tian when he stepped on the gas pedal.


When we returned to Huijing District, it was already dark.

Pushing open the door, the house was pitch black.

"Mom's not here, you escaped unharmed." Li Tian was a little surprised that Ning Xuehua hadn't come back yet.

After Li Zhengping took off his shoes, he pushed Li Tian, ​​"What are you talking about, brat, I'm justified."

'Crack. '

The moment the light came on, both Li Tian and Li Tian were taken aback.

Hao Ran sat Ning Xuehua on the sofa in the middle of the living room.

"Mom, if you don't turn on the lights at home, it will scare people to death..." Li Tian said calmly.

"God, why are you back?"

"Well, I suddenly remembered something..." Seeing that the situation seemed to be getting out of control, Li Tian hurriedly waved his hand, "I'm going first..."

With this posture, I can only pray that Jesus can keep Lao Li.

Seeing this, Li Zhengping's face turned green, and he grabbed Li Tian's clothes, "God, don't go, son, BMW...Mercedes...don't close the door..."

As soon as the door was closed, there was a 'bang' in the room.

'You're a thousand dollars...'

'You've lost all face at home. '

'Kneel down! '


After getting out of the elevator, Li Tian still sent Ning Xuehua two videos from the afternoon, hoping to help Lao Li prove his innocence.

But Li Tian didn't know that this was completely superfluous. When Ning Xuehua saw a woman in the video entering the room where Li Zhengping was, it became an ironclad proof that his crime was confirmed.

Ning Xuehua was very relieved that her son was still on her side after all.

Women, it's complicated!

next moment.

The Porsche Cayenne was wandering the streets, and Li Tian felt empty. He was doomed to be homeless tonight.

Suddenly, Li Tian's eyes lit up with a few big characters on the tall buildings in the distance.

In the same second, the Porsche driven by Li Tian roared straight to the destination.

In less than 5 minutes, he entered the parking lot of the World Grand Hotel and dialed Zhou Yunchen's number.

Fate is such a magical thing, one hundred thousand bottles of Latour red wine can directly serve ten bottles tonight.

"Mr. Li?" Zhou Yunchen was a little surprised, this was the first time Li Tian took the initiative to call her.


"Still in the hotel office." Zhou Yunchen answered truthfully.

"Well, it's okay." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Zhou Yunchen: "..."


Walked out of the elevator on the floor where Zhou Yunchen's office was located.

Because of the fact that he came here once, Li Tian seemed to be familiar with the road when he came again.

At this time, the other staff had already left work, leaving only the light from Zhou Yunchen's office.

Standing by the half-hidden door, Li Tian saw Zhou Yunchen who was seriously flipping through the materials.

Her complexion was ruddy, her beautiful eyes flickered under the thick eyelashes from time to time, her straight nose bridge and delicate mouth moved slightly, silently reading the information in the document.

Such a beautiful scenery made Li Tian, ​​who was leaning against the door frame, in a daze, stupefied and almost fell down.

'Crack! '

Zhou Yunchen noticed the movement, and glanced at the door, "Who?"

"Ahem..." Li Tian felt helpless, when will he get rid of this stinky habit of wandering away when he sees a beautiful girl.

"Li, Mr. Li!" Zhou Yunchen stood up in surprise and joy when she saw the figure walking in, "Aren't you in country T?"

As soon as she finished asking, Zhou Yunchen seemed to think of something, and she became a little more shy.

Did Li Tian come back to see her specially?
"The main reason is to drink some red wine, so I came back." Li Tian said naturally, and then sat on the sofa, "I'm worried that if I come back a few days later, Mr. Zhou will lose his interest."

Do you really want to drink red wine?Or are you greedy?

"Mr. Li is serious about Yunchen's little joke?" Zhou Yunchen laughed and sat across from Li Tian.

When Zhou Yunchen called Li Tian in the morning, she decided that he would not come back soon, so she deliberately said such provocative words, but Li Tian actually came to the door directly.

This is how to do?
Quietly, the blush on her face intensified slightly.


(End of this chapter)

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