Chapter 58 Gold Medal Trader

Green Water Group.

In Nuo Da's office, a bald man wearing gold-rimmed glasses was embracing a seductive woman.

This bald middle-aged man is Dai Hongbo, the president of Lushui Group.

The woman sitting on his lap was Lian Yuru, the female secretary who had just been brought up.

"Xiao Ru, why are your lips a little swollen these two days?"

Dai Hongbo fiddled with Lian Yuru's lips, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

"It's not because of you..."

Lian Yuru twisted her body, wrapping her arms around Dai Hongbo's neck.

'Boom thump...'

There was a knock on the door, and Lian Xiaoru got up and stepped aside.

"Mr. Dai, Yongxing has temporarily changed its mind and suspended the M&A negotiations." The man who walked in from the door reported.

"What's the specific situation?"

From Dai Hongbo's point of view, this small business, which he hit to the brink of bankruptcy, must be in his pocket, but now something has changed, and he is very dissatisfied.

"The reason is that our price is too low, and someone offered a higher price." The man simply explained.

"Do you know how much the other party paid?"

Dai Hongbo was puzzled. Someone is interested in such a small company that has been squeezed to the edge of the market by itself?

The current 20.00% market share of Yongxing supermarket chain is still valuable to Lushui, because once integrated, the supermarket chain under Lushui Group will become a well-deserved overlord in Jiangsha District.

But for other people who have no foundation in Jiangsha District, buying Yongxing is undoubtedly a mess.

"It's not clear yet." The man on the side responded.

"Well, you send a message that our Lushui will maintain the original 4000 million."

Intuitively, Dai Hongbo decided that Yongxing was dying and raised the price.

Even if someone is really interested in buying the entire Yongxing, Dai Hongbo is not afraid. At most, he will continue to erode the market share and delay the time to become the overlord of Jiangsha.


"Li Tian, ​​Yongxing wants to have an interview with us."

Zhou Yunchen immediately gave back to Li Tian the information she just received.

"Just send a few more reliable people to deal with it."

The acquisition matter was too complicated, and Li Tian didn't understand it, so he planned to entrust it to Zhou Yunchen. Anyway, Shizun Group also has a professional team of lawyers.

"No problem, I will check for you!"

Li Tian's willingness to hand over the matter to her proved to be a kind of absolute trust, and Zhou Yunchen secretly made up his mind to handle this matter well.

After explaining a few more words, Li Tian rejected Zhou Yunchen's dinner invitation.

Before that, he received a call from Ning Xuehua, telling him to go home for dinner and stop wandering around outside all the time.

Thinking of abandoning Lao Li last night, but slipping away, my conscience really hurt a little, so I decided to go home for a meal, and take a look at Li Zhengping's injuries by the way.

When she got home, Ning Xuehua had already prepared a meal, four dishes and one soup.

"Mom, where's Dad?"

Li Tian scanned the living room but did not find Li Zhengping, and then asked Ning Xuehua who was still working in the kitchen.

"Don't mention this person to me..."

Ning Xuehua said angrily without raising her head.

so fierce?
Then shut up yourself!

at the same time.

"Why are you looking for me, brat!"

Li Zhengping walked out of the room stiffly, his left face was a little red and swollen, and a few pieces of dog skin plaster were stuck on his neck, and he still gave Li Tian a glare after speaking.

"What's wrong with you? Stiff neck?"

Li Tian asked the question knowingly, and once again received the death stare from Li Zhengping.

Having lived together for 18 years, Li Tian knew very well that the dog skin plasters in his family had always been used by Li Zhengping to cover up scratches. There were several scratches on the neck with a few plasters.

At the dinner table that followed, the atmosphere was unusually quiet.

During this period, Li Tian held back his laughter, and after being glared at by Li Zhengping, he kicked him along the way.

After eating, he hid directly in the room to avoid getting burned.

"Li Tian, ​​have you eaten yet?"

A message from Tang Jing.

Tang Jing looked at Zanyou's arranging a rich birthday dinner for her, and she really lost her appetite. The figure who led her through the streets and alleys kept flashing in her mind.

She carefully recalled that dark alley, there were only two figures, if time could stay at that moment...

After thinking for a long time, I still couldn't help but sent a message to Li Tian.

Seeing the message, Li Tiancai suddenly remembered that today is Tang Jing's birthday.

"Tang Jing, happy birthday!"

Li Tian quickly replied a text message of congratulations.

Tang Jing looked at the text message, with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, thinking: Li Tian has not forgotten her birthday.

"Thank you! I'll treat you to a barbecue next time."

After Tang Jing sent the message, her depressed mood was swept away, and she moved her chopsticks.

Zanyou was so smart, he shook his head... This kid Tang Jing has indeed grown up.

Li Tian:? ? ?
He said there are many question marks.

With so much to eat, why mention barbecue?
Eating and eating, another 80 or [-] people will come, who can bear it?
Li Tian didn't reply, but lay on his side on the bed and opened the Lion Tooth software.

There are a lot of things these days, so I didn't go to see this little loli.

Immediately afterwards, he directly chose the account to log out, and entered Su Qinhan's live broadcast room anonymously.

At this time, the popularity in the live broadcast room had returned to its original state. The only thing that was half dead was that there were a few more people in the VIP seats.

These people are all the ones who chatted with Li Tian last time.

For example, only pet Xiaochengzi, Monkey Brother, Canopy, Roller Blind, Lion Tooth Grill King...

The three brothers of Journey to the West erased all the suffixes uniformly, and even removed the brand of Pipa, and replaced it with the brand with the logo of Little Lolita.

I just finished the guild battle a few days ago, and now I have nothing to do. Little Lolita chatted with some fans.

Li Tian stayed for a while before flashing away, and then anonymously went to Tuantuan's live broadcast room.

The skills of this funny anchor are still as good as ever...


The next day.

Time came to the first day of August.

Guangzhou-Shenzhen City is located in the south, even in the morning, Yijiu is hot.

The figure of Li Tian walked into KFC, ordered a breakfast, and sat by the window to eat.

When he got up early in the morning, he found that the house was empty, so he had to go out to look for food by himself.

Just as he was eating vigorously, a man next door who kept talking on the phone caught his attention.

"Mr. Wei, this is a rare opportunity, please believe me..."

"Mr. Chen, [-] million, [-] million is enough..."

"Boss Huang, I have been waiting for this market for more than a month, and it is fleeting..."


The man next door to Li Tian made seven or eight phone calls in a row, but each time he didn't hear anything.

He still didn't give up, and continued to rummage through the phone book, and then dialed...

About ten minutes later, he put down the phone heavily, and then heaved a long sigh, staring at the people coming and going outside, not knowing what he was thinking.

Li Tian was almost done eating, and out of curiosity, he turned on the scan. '

Ren Zhiyi

Status: Gold trader (bankrupt and unemployed)

Age: 35
Favorite: 40
Investment: A fund of 5 million yuan is urgently needed.

Duration: three days

Risk: 28
Profit: [-] million


With a profit of [-] million yuan and a three-day cycle, this investment is not bad, but the risk value is a bit high.

High risk high reward?
Li Tian became interested, and carefully observed this man, his face was haggard, and his appearance was lost, as if he had reached the end of the mountain and had nowhere to turn.


(End of this chapter)

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