Chapter 59 Gold Market
Ren Zhiyi was in a daze, but Li Tian was not in a hurry, so he ordered a cup of coffee and drank it.

Another 10 minutes later, an upstart man walked in at the door. He held the LV clutch under his arm, and the unusually eye-catching LV large letter belt around his waist. swing.

"Guanghui, this way..."

Ren Zhiyi excitedly stood up and waved to the man, who was a good friend of his before.

The arrival of this man gave Ren Zhiyi a ray of hope.

"Ren Zhiyi, why did you call me over in such a hurry?" The man named Guanghui was full of impatience.

"Guanghui, I have a good project..."

Ren Zhiyi was mercilessly interrupted as soon as he spoke.

"Stop, stop, what other good projects do you have now?" Guanghui shook his head, "Look at what you look like now, your clothes are disheveled, so stop talking about projects, okay?"

Ren Zhiyi's expression changed, but he continued to speak after a pause, "It is indeed a good project, and I promise you will get a lot of profits."

"Okay, don't fix these fake things, just tell me how much you need?"

Guanghui quickly shook his feet, and said casually.


Ren Zhiyi hesitated for a moment, and then said, "5000 million!"

He didn't dare to say too much, just because he was worried about being rejected again.


Guanghui widened his eyes and shouted loudly, "Are you worth 5000 million now?"

"Please believe me, I will definitely be able to stand up this time!"

Ren Zhiyi gritted his teeth and said firmly that he needed to recover from the shadow of failure the once radiant self.

So no matter how bad the friend's attitude in front of him was, he endured it.

Guanghui sneered, and said slowly, "I don't believe a word of what you are saying now."

"You are no longer the original Ren Zhiyi, wake up, your era is outdated..."

Hearing these words, Ren Zhiyi choked with difficulty and could not speak.

In his heart, he has always believed that he can regain what he lost, and he has never given up on himself at all times.

But no one understands, they know how to be cold and warm!

"Then... Guanghui, just return the 300 million you borrowed from me before!"

Ren Zhiyi was in desperate need of money, so he had no choice but to ask Guanghui for the 300 million yuan he had lent him to start his own business.

"What 300 million? I don't have any money now!"

Guanghui immediately became unwilling when he heard this, stood up lazily, and then did not give Ren Zhiyi a chance to speak, "I still have something to do, let's go first!"

Picking up the LV clutch on the table, he left with an ugly expression.


Ren Zhiyi clenched his hands into fists and smashed the table lightly, trying his best to control his emotions.

"Your name is Ren Zhiyi?"

Li Tian's faint voice sounded.

Ren Zhiyi, who was closing his eyes, heard his name, turned his head following the sound, and saw a young and handsome face, and asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

He didn't know the young man in front of him.


Li Tian smiled and gestured to the empty seat opposite him.

Ren Zhiyi sighed, it was rare for someone to talk to him, and he didn't refuse, walked to the seat opposite Li Tian and sat down.

"I was sitting behind you just now and overheard your conversation. Do you have a good project?"

Li Tian explained that he heard it by accident, not eavesdropping on purpose.

"Yes, there has been a wave of gold market these days."

Ren Zhiyi didn't hide it, he was already desperate, no matter how good and accurate the market was, without funds, it was all empty talk.

Li Tian nodded, "I'm a little interested in your project."

"Forget it... If the funds are too small, this investment will lose its meaning."

Ren Zhiyi shook his head and smiled wryly. This young man is no more than 20 years old. Even if he hears that his project is moving to make money, how much money can he have?
Rich second generation?
Hundreds of thousands of pocket money?Or millions?

This kind of small capital can't make much money, and it's a lot of work!

"How much do you want?"

Li Tian also saw the other party's concerns about his age, and asked casually.

"At least 2000 million!"

Ren Zhiyi still responded patiently, but the funds were getting lower and lower. Just now, he was still 5000 million for Guanghui, and now he dare not have any expectations for this strange young man in front of him.

He was even worried that saying this number would scare Li Tian.


"Too little!"

Li Tian shook his head, and said according to the investment prompt given by the system, "I'll give you [-] million!"

"What are you kidding?"

Although Ren Zhiyi thought that Li Tian was joking, when he heard the number, he still moved his body unsteadily, unable to sit still.

"[-] million, you will pay me back [-] million in three days!"

Li Tian downplayed it, anyway, the information given by the system is correct.

" trust me?"

Ren Zhiyi felt that this was a dream. Everyone around him didn't believe him, and even avoided him. Now a young guy suddenly popped up, but he wanted to support him with all his strength. What kind of life experience is this?
"Why don't you believe me?"

Li Tian asked back, and then said, "If you want to cooperate, you can sign a contract at any time."

Ren Zhiyi took a deep breath after listening, his hands trembling slightly.

Is this God's love for him?There is hope for a comeback!
An hour later, Ren Zhiyi drew up the contract, and Li Tian signed a few names, which means that the two parties have reached an agreement.

So far, Ren Zhiyi's mind is still blank, and he always feels that all this is unreal.

"Do it well, this is your chance to prove yourself again!"

Li Tian saw Ren Zhiyi's offline status and reminded him.

"Mr. Li, don't worry, I will never betray your trust!"

Knowing Li Tian's name, Ren Zhiyi changed his words directly and said firmly.

Immediately afterwards, the two went to the bank together and transferred all the 8000 million funds to Ren Zhiyi's name. Li Tian also transferred the [-] million to Zhou Yunchen's account to avoid having to pay for the Yongxing supermarket chain. Make an extra trip.

When you have time, you must communicate with the bank to increase the daily limit of the bank card, otherwise it will be too inconvenient.



Two consecutive investments almost emptied Cary's savings.

Li Tian sighed, this money is really not durable!

The time came to two o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhou Yunchen is already waiting for Li Tian at the office.

"Yongxing agreed to a deal of 8000 million."

Seeing Li Tian enter the door, Zhou Yunchen cut straight to the point.

"Very well, let's go through the formalities directly!"

Li Tian was very calm, as if everything had been expected by him.

"I have to tell you some details."


(End of this chapter)

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