The end of the college entrance examination has become tens of billions of gods

Chapter 60 The "Bad Guy" in Zhou Yunchen's Eyes

Chapter 60 The "Bad Guy" in Zhou Yunchen's Eyes

"First, Yongxing's three large supermarkets in Jiangsha District have an area of ​​4000, 3000 and 2000 square meters respectively. Since Jiangsha District is a suburban area, the highest average price is estimated at 500, which is 4000 [-] million, the price you offered is a direct premium of more than [-] million."

"Second, according to statistics, they currently have very little warehoused goods, and they can only supply them for half a month at most."

"Thirdly, Yongxing's market share in the entire Jiangsha District can only barely maintain 20.00%[-]. Once it is acquired, it will inevitably bear the crazy blow from Lushui Group, which may lead to a further decline in market share. It can be described as difficult. "

"Fourth, the current profitability of the Yongxing supermarket chain is very poor. According to the accountant's statistics, the monthly net profit does not exceed 200 million."

Zhou Yunchen presented all the problems well in one breath.

Even if Zhou Yunchen didn't point out these problems, Li Tian also understood how many problems there would be in a company that couldn't survive.

But fortunately, he mainly wants to complete the tasks issued by the system, and the specific profit strength is not his main consideration.

Li Tian had already planned in his mind that if the business could not go on in the end, the appreciation of the land would definitely not be lost, not to mention that the land of the supermarket chain under Yongxing's name is commercial land, which can be used for many purposes.

"I understand what you said, but I have other plans."

For Zhou Yunchen's kindness, Li Tian could only be tactful and perfunctory.

"Hmph, I also guessed that it was impossible for you to do such a low-cost business."

Zhou Yunchen was very satisfied with being able to guess Li Tian's idea, and laughed.

"So, I have asked the negotiators to add a few conditions to you. One is that the storage reserve must increase the inventory by 1000 million."

"Second, they must clear all previous debt payments so as not to affect us."

"As for the last point, the acquisition payment must be settled in three installments, specifically the first installment..."

Listening to Zhou Yunchen seriously talking about the additional clauses, Li Tian sighed in his heart, this is really a good woman who can manage the house.

Into the kitchen and out of the hall?

No, I haven't tried Zhou Yunchen's skills yet. It seems that I have to find some time to try it out and investigate whether Zhou Yunchen is an all-round girlfriend.

next moment.

Li Tian finally finished listening, and smiled, "You can arrange it at your own discretion, and the specific acquisition funds have already been transferred to your account."

"Maybe there is not enough time today, but the transfer can be completed tomorrow morning at the latest."

Shizun Group has a professional team, which is unambiguous and efficient in handling things.

Li Tian nodded, this time just fit the system's limit, and then asked with concern, "Yunchen, are things going well in the group recently?"

"Well, since Dad came back, it has relieved me a lot of pressure."

Now that Zhou Tai is back, there must be a lot less voices who are pessimistic about the Shizun Group, otherwise Zhou Yunchen would really be unable to withstand the pressure of internal and external troubles alone.

"However... Lushui Group has newly become the second largest shareholder of Shizun Group."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before the board of directors will change hands."

Zhou Yunchen said with a worried look on her face.

"What did your father say?" Li Tian asked back.

"Since he came back from country T, he has opened up a lot." Zhou Yunchen felt helpless, "But Dad also said that he would do his best."

Li Tian knows a little bit about the current situation of the World Honored Group. The investment in the star-rated hotel in country T is too big to lose, and it has held up a lot of funds. As a result, the World Honored Group does not have sufficient funds to resist the onslaught of the Lushui Group.

From this point of view, the Lushui Group has already arranged everything and is just waiting for the prey to take the bait.

If you want to break this situation, you need to think long-term, and you can't do it recklessly.

"At present, we can only wait and see what happens."

Li Tian didn't think of a good solution for the time being, so he could only comfort Zhou Yunchen like this.


Six o'clock in the afternoon.

"President Li, are you busy?"

A call from Ren Zhiyi.

"Not busy, what's up?"

Li Tian responded.

"My assistant and I are at the World Grand Hotel. If you are free, you can come over tonight. There will probably be a big market in nine out of ten."

Ren Zhiyi's voice was mixed with an unconcealable excitement.

For a person who has fallen, standing up again is undoubtedly the most exciting thing.

"Okay, I happen to be in the World Grand Hotel, which room are you in?"

Li Tian is still very interested in investment knowledge.


At the same moment, Li Tian raised his eyebrows at Zhou Yunchen, "Yunchen, I can't have dinner with you tonight."

"You are such a busy person. If you continue like this, do you need to make an appointment to have dinner with you in the future?"

Zhou Yunchen scoffed, but she didn't mean to blame Li Tian.

Li Tian pulled Zhou Yunchen into his arms, "The way you spoke just now really looked like a resentful woman."

"what are you doing?"

Zhou Yunchen was taken aback, blushing, and quickly patted Li Tian's hand, "Let go, I'm working in a company, and I'll be seen later."

Li Tian took a deep breath, and felt the faint scent of Zhou Yunchen's body fiercely. Even after smelling it for half a moment, it can make people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

"Which floor is room 777 on?"

Li Tian exhaled softly next to Zhou Yunchen's small ear.

Zhou Yunchen's whole body trembled slightly, her small ears were quickly stained red, and she whispered softly, "The villain is on the 28th floor!"

Seeing Zhou Yunchen's appearance, Li Tian couldn't help but feel amused, and didn't molested the female CEO anymore. After all, this is her base camp, and she still needs a little face.

Besides, wouldn't it be embarrassing if there was that annoying cough again suddenly?
Li Tian left Zhou Yunchen's office and went directly to the 28th floor.

next moment.

"Mr. Li, welcome!"

It was Ren Zhiyi who opened the door, seeing Li Tian was like seeing his benefactor.

Room 777 of the World Grand Hotel is a high-level executive suite, with a living room, a master bedroom and a second bedroom. The area is about 180 square meters, which is very spacious. The price per night is around [-].

"Mr. Li, the World Grand Hotel is my birthplace. Before the establishment of the company, many transactions were completed here, and they achieved great success. I chose this place to win a good fortune."

Ren Zhiyi explained that he didn't want to get an impression of "pure pleasure" in Li Tian's mind.

Also due to bankruptcy, he has no better place to work now, so he can only work in a hotel.

Li Tian waved his hand, and said indifferently, "Anywhere will do, as long as it can make money."

at this time.

Li Tian saw that there were two other people in the room, a man and a woman.

The man is thin, with a pair of glasses, and looks gentle.

The woman has an oval face, and her facial features are exquisite. The system gave an objective evaluation of 85 points.

"President Li, Gao Junwen and Ling Rui, my apprentices and right-hand assistants."

Ren Zhiyi briefly introduced Li Tian.

Li Tian's youth stunned both Gao Junwen and Ling Rui.

It's the young guy in front of him who can easily come up with [-] million yuan?

Without Ren Zhiyi's personal introduction, the two of them would not be able to believe this fact anyway.

Li Tian ignored the surprised gazes of Gao Junwen and Ling Rui, he had long been used to it, after all he was really young and promising, it is normal for others to be unbelievable for a while.

Sitting directly on the sofa in the living room, he turned to ask Ren Zhiyi, "What time does it start?"


(End of this chapter)

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