Chapter 61
"Waiting for a good opportunity, you can start at any time."

Ren Zhiyi carried a notebook from the table and handed it to Li Tian.

The international gold market is a 24-hour continuous transaction, there is no gap.

Li Tian saw the constantly beating numbers on the computer screen.

"I have sent all the [-] million funds to the account in Hong Kong City, and I have also converted all the funds into US dollars."

Ren Zhiyi said to Li Tian again, "As long as there is a chance, you can kill it immediately."

"You can do things freely, I don't know much about this, so let's take a look."

Seeing that Gao Junwen and Ling Rui were still standing in front of him, Li Tian felt a little restrained, so he couldn't help reminding him.

At the same time, Li Tian muttered in his heart, 'System, use [Blessing Card] on Ren Zhiyi'

'Ding, the host successfully used the [Blessing Card], and Ren Zhiyi's investment risk value dropped to 8. '

In order to be safe, Li Tian decisively used the [Blessing Card] to reduce the risk of this investment.

Seeing that the risk value dropped directly to 8 points, the hanging heart was relieved.

Hearing this, the three nodded at the same time, and Gao Junwen and Ling Rui also returned to the computer, ready to go.

Ren Zhiyi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He was not afraid that the young boss didn't understand, but he was afraid that he would pretend to understand and point fingers and interfere with his operation. In that case, he would be at a loss when doing things.

Next, Ren Zhiyi sat in front of the computer without saying a word, staring at the market for a while, and recording it with a pen on the paper for a while.

As time passed by, Gao Junwen and Ling Rui were patiently waiting for the order.

'Ding dong...'

A doorbell rang to break the tense atmosphere.

The other three people in the room were all working, so it was naturally Li Tian's turn to open the door.

'click! 'Open the door, is a hotel waiter.

"Good evening, Mr. Li, here is the fruit plate and dessert specially arranged by President Zhou for you."

The waiter bowed slightly and said politely.

"Okay, then just leave it to me."

Li Tian nodded, thinking that this little girl is quite careful.

The waiter didn't seem to hear Li Tian's words, and she was absent-minded. She stood on tiptoe and tried to look into the room, but it was all in vain. Li Tian was too tall and blocked her sight.

No, then come again! !
I saw the waiter moved half a step to the right, turned his body sideways, and looked into the gap with a half-cat body.


This is completely blatant, when Li Tian is blind?

"Ahem... what are you doing?" Li Tian also took a small step, blocking the waiter's view.

The sudden voice made the waiter come to his senses, and his face was a little flustered, "Ah...Mr. Li, shall I help you bring it in?"

"Need not!"

Li Tian looked around, his eyes fell on a shadow at the corner, and then with a smirk on his lips, he deliberately increased his voice.

“Someone is taking a shower inside, it’s inconvenient!!”

Zhou Yunchen is worried about herself this week?

He even sent someone to spy on the military situation!

'Snapped! After finishing speaking, Li Tian hooked his foot and closed the door directly.

At the same second, the shadow at the corner twisted and spat, "You're so stupid!"

"Wash it, wash it, it's best to wash it until all your hair falls out..."

Zhou Yunchen muttered to herself, her little feet in high heels stomped on the carpet, and walked back to the elevator.

A moment ago, Zhou Yunchen received a call from the front desk, informing that there was a document that needed to be signed for, so she casually asked about the information about room 777, and it turned out that the guest who checked in was a woman named Ling Rui. scene.

Zhou Yunchen, who walked into the elevator, had an idea, and pressed it to the floor where the security department was located.


"Come on, let's all have something to eat first."

Li Tian put down the things in his hands, and said to the others.

The movement at the door just now undoubtedly attracted the attention of the three of them. Ren Zhiyi's heart moved. This little boss even knows President Zhou of the World Honored Group?
not simple! !

Because before the start of the market, everyone ate and chatted, which relieved the tense atmosphere a little.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to 57:[-] in the evening.

The daily K-line of the gold plate on the computer screen fluctuated suddenly, then turned around and went up.


Ren Zhiyi's eyes lit up. He had worked hard to wait for this moment.

"Boss, how to arrange?"

Gao Junwen and Ling Rui who were beside them asked in unison, and they seemed to have a tacit understanding.

"hold on!"

Ren Zhiyi raised his hand and stopped in mid-air, but his attention was fixed on the densely packed information on another computer.

At this moment.

I saw that the daily K-line had risen by 2%, then stopped suddenly and remained motionless.

Ren Zhiyi didn't move for a long time, and frowned, no one knew what he was thinking.

It is not yet the best time to enter the arena. He senses a slight danger and dare not make a rash move. This is his only chance to turn around. Ren Zhiyi does not dare to be sloppy at all.

In the past, he was immersed in the aura of success, self-willed, too aggressive in doing things, which eventually led to a crushing defeat.

At this time, a needle could be heard in the room, and it took about 1 minute.

The daily K-line, which was still in full swing just now, fell by 1%.

At this time, Ren Zhiyi's dignified face finally revealed a smile, "Ready!"

Suddenly, the daily K-line rose again, this time directly pulling a long upward arc, and the rate reached 5%.

"Stable, more than 7000 million US dollars, all short!"

Under Ren Zhiyi's order, Gao Junwen and Ling Rui tapped the keyboard quickly.

'3000 million, deal! '

'2000 million, deal! '

'Short all, over! '

In more than ten seconds, the operation results of Gao Junwen and Ling Rui came one after another. The speed was so fast that it opened Li Tian's eyes.

"President Li, the show is about to begin!"

Ren Zhiyi stopped staring at the computer and sat down beside Li Tian relaxedly.

Ling Rui's voice was heard before her butt was hot, "Boss, drop 1%."

Then came Gao Junwen's voice, "Let's drop another 0.5%"

Because a short position is established, every drop means a profit.

next moment.

"Boss, take it!"

The gold market ushered in a big dive, falling by a full seventeen points, Gao Junwen had to give Ren Zhiyi a thumbs up.

Ren Zhiyi's decadent face finally had a gleam of brilliance, but he was not proud. After thinking for a moment, "Clear the position and transfer all the funds to long positions."

In the next half an hour, Ren Zhiyi's orders came from the room continuously...

This series of operations tonight gave Li Tian a bold idea.

the other side.

Zhou Yunchen walked out of the security department.

"Li Tian, ​​that bastard, lied to me!"

Zhou Yunchen watched the surveillance video and knew that two men and a woman entered room 777 first, followed by Li Tian.

Why don't you just talk about things?

She waved her little powder fist, her depressed mood was swept away, with a smile on her face, she cursed in her heart, "Three men and one woman? Still taking a bath? It would be a pity not to award you an Oscar for your superb acting skills!"



(End of this chapter)

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