Chapter 63 Director Hu Shiqin
Liang Huizi went to make tea...

At this time, only Li Tian and Ni Xuelin were left in the office.

"President Ni, Secretary Liang..."

Li Tian didn't know where to start.

"Mr. Li, Xiao Liang is coming with me, I am not willing to leave her to you."

Ni Xuelin seemed to have guessed what Li Tian meant. Even if he guessed wrong, he now showed Liang Huizi's ownership.

"Please, please!"

Li Tian exhaled.

next moment.

About ten people gathered at the door.

'Boom boom! '

The person who entered was a man less than 1.7 meters tall, wearing glasses, and his half-length hair was neatly combed into threes and sevens.

"Hello, Mr. Ni, the company's management personnel have all arrived at the door according to your instructions."

The man said to Ni Xuelin enthusiastically.

"This is Mr. Li, and he will be your boss from now on."

"This is Zhu Yuanji, the general manager of Yongxing supermarket chain."

Ni Xuelin introduced them respectively.

Hearing Ni Xuelin's introduction, Zhu Yuanji paused for a moment, then turned to look at Li Tian, ​​"Mr. Li is really a good-looking talent, with an imposing manner..."

In Zhu Yuanji's eyes, Li Tian, ​​a young man, must be very useful to his flattery, so he played it to his heart's content.

Ni Xuelin next to him frowned slightly, this Zhu Yuanji, he didn't exist, he licked the new boss so soon.

"Let them all in!"

Li Tian interrupted Zhu Yuanji's rainbow fart.

next moment.

More than a dozen management employees at the door were displayed in front of Li Tian.

They didn't know Li Tian yet, they just greeted Ni Xuelin one after another.


Zhu Yuanji, who stood beside Li Tian, ​​clapped his hands, and then introduced, "This is our young and promising new boss, welcome Mr. Li with applause!"

Under Zhu Yuanji's reminder, everyone's eyes were filled with shock, doubt, and worry...

Li Tian is really too young.

Which rich second generation is this young man? Acquiring an entire company is no joke. They are all secretly worried about their future.

But in the end, they all greeted Li Tian, ​​the new boss, "Hello, Mr. Li!"

Faced with many strange gazes, Li Tian directly ignored them. He came here today to familiarize himself with the familiar environment and to see the mental outlook of these employees.

Seeing the people standing lazily and whispering to each other, Li Tian couldn't help frowning.

However, there was one person in the crowd that stood out in particular.

She was wearing a black one-piece dress with a small belt around her waist. She folded her hands neatly in front of her body. Her straight body was like a poplar tree, which stood out from the noisy crowd.

Not only that, Li Tian always felt that this woman seemed to be somewhat similar to someone.

"Manager Zhu, please introduce the positions and names of everyone present to Mr. Li.

Ni Xuelin said to Zhu Yuanji.

"no need……"

Li Tian waved his hand, looking at these lazy employees, he was not even interested, "Let them all go down."

at the same time.

"You stay."

Li Tian pointed to the quiet woman in the crowd.

Both Ni Xuelin and Zhu Yuanji were stunned at the same time, not understanding why Li Tian was left alone.

"Director Hu, why are you standing still, why don't you come to Mr. Li's side?"

Zhu Yuanji regained his composure, reminded him, and introduced it to Li Tian.

"Mr. Li, this is Hu Shiqin, the financial director of our Yongxing supermarket chain."

Hu Shiqin also walked in front of Li Tian at this time, and smiled politely, "Mr. Li."


Li Tian nodded, motioning for Hu Shiqin to sit and talk.

"Mr. Li really knows people with his eyes, but Director Hu has been working in our Yongxing for 17 years, and he was also a top student in the Department of Economics and Management of Guangshen University."

Hu Shiqin had a very good impression in Ni Xuelin's mind, so she couldn't help but praise her.

Hearing Ni Xuelin's words, Li Tian was a little surprised. He thought the woman in front of him was only in her thirties, and then said, "Director Hu looks very young, and she doesn't look like she has worked for 17 years."

Hearing this, Hu Shiqin smiled a little shyly, "Mr. Li is absurd, my daughter is about the same age as you, and she just finished the college entrance examination this year."

"I also took the college entrance examination this year."

Li Tian didn't hide anything, he told the truth.

"That's such a coincidence, may I ask which school Mr. Li is from?"

"Guangshen No. [-] Middle School."

"My daughter is too, Mr. Li, liberal arts or science?"

"liberal arts."

"My daughter is too..."

Just as Hu Shiqin was halfway through speaking, a person rushed in from outside.

"Director Hu, someone from the tax office wants to check the accounts, and I want you to go there immediately."

"President Li, this..."

Hu Shiqin looked at Li Tian, ​​as if asking for the opinion of the new boss.

"It's okay, you go."

Li Tian also breathed a sigh of relief. If this director Hu continued to ask, it was really possible that her daughter was someone he knew.

In this case, it will not be very convenient to manage in the future.

After Hu Shiqin left, Li Tian chatted with Ni Xuelin for a while, and Liang Huizi's tea was served.

He also wanted to try Secretary Liang's tea, mainly because he was not thirsty.

Immediately afterwards, Li Tian left first on the grounds that he had something to do.

Just went out.

'Ding, trigger a random task: lead the supermarket chain to become the number one in the supermarket industry in Jiangsha District. "

'Choose one, accept it, and get 1000 system points and 10 progress points. '

'Option 7, refuse, get the [Content with the status quo] achievement and freeze the system points for [-] days. '

'accept. '

Looking at the tasks of the system, Li Tian felt a little heavy.

In the current situation like Yongxing, how can it be so easy to become the first?

Spend money directly?

Hit the supermarket and become the number one in the district?

Then you have to find the right direction, otherwise the money will be wasted, and if you don't become the number one, you will be in vain.

Li Tian found that the biggest problem of the Yongxing supermarket chain now is that the employees have been at ease for too long, they have lost a passion, and the whole team is lazy.

If you want to change the status quo, you must give the company a major shake-up, changing what should be changed, and what should be reduced.

An enterprise without a good team is like a car without an engine.

Li Tian felt that he had to find a capable and trustworthy person to manage the entire supermarket chain, and this Zhu Yuanji was not someone he could trust.

As long as the supermarket has a good leader, Li Tian can be a hands-off shopkeeper with peace of mind.

next moment.

Li Tian called Zhou Yunchen, and now he can only see if there are any suitable candidates from Shizun Group.

"Yunchen, did you miss me?"

Seeing that the phone was connected, Li Tian asked first.

"No, what does Mr. Li Da want from me?"

Zhou Yunchen scolded, but was very happy to receive Li Tian's call.

"Do you have any suitable candidates over there who can help me manage the supermarket chain?"

Li Tian didn't tease Zhou Yunchen anymore, but asked seriously.

"No, the main business of Shizu Group is the hotel industry, and they are all trained in this area, which is not suitable for Boss Li's requirements."

Listening to Zhou Yunchen's words, Li Tian thought about it carefully, and it seems that the same is true, Shizun Group has no business related to supermarkets.



(End of this chapter)

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