Chapter 64

"Yunchen, is there any other way to quickly find suitable talents?"

Li Tian couldn't think of a way for the time being, so he could only turn to Zhou Yunchen for help.

"Yes, the talents our World Honored Group needs every year are all sent by headhunting companies."

Zhou Yunchen continued, "If you need, I can introduce you to a familiar headhunting company."

Li Tian readily agreed, and with the headhunting company introduced by Zhou Yunchen, the matter of recruiting talents will be much less worrying.

The next day.

The golden morning glow sprinkled on Li Tian's sullen face, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Today I made an appointment with someone from the headhunting company to discuss things, and Li Tian woke up early.

The headhunting company introduced by Zhou Yunchen was very efficient, and there were a dozen targets last night.

Shizun Cafe.

Sitting opposite Li Tian was a middle-aged man in formal attire, with his shiny hair combed, he looked very sunny.

When I saw Li Tian at this time, I immediately took out two large information bags and began to introduce them.

"Chen Jiaping, male, 42 years old, deputy manager of Wal-Mart Yingcheng Branch..."

"Zhang Jiahui, female, 37 years old, Manager of the Purchasing Department of CP Lotus Haizhu..."

"Xiao Caizhe, male, 38 years old, President of China Resources Vanguard South China..."


Fade Chen introduced every target candidate to Li Tian in detail.

Most of them are some with good positions and work experience in large supermarkets, but there is a person with the highest position who has aroused Li Tian's interest.

and many more……

Li Tian politely interrupted Fade Chen who continued to introduce him.

"Mr. Chen, among all the target people, does this Xiao Caizhe have the highest position?"

Fade Chen understood Li Tian's meaning, and nodded in acquiescence.

"Are you sure that your headhunting company can help me hunt this person?"

Li Tian wanted to get a clear answer from Fade Chen, the president of South China Region of China Resources Vanguard, this kind of talent is not easy to find, if the headhunting company does not have the ability to do it, there is no need to waste time.

"Mr. Li, as long as the money is in place, you don't need to worry about the rest."

What Chen Fei said was true, as long as the money is in place, the headhunting company can do anything, even use all means to successfully lure the target person to Li Tian's company.

"money is not a problem."

Li Tian said lightly, "Contact me if you have any news."

Since we want to be the number one in the industry in the region, talents are indispensable, and if we can't let go of children, we can't let go of wolves.



Li Tian received a payment of 6 million yuan from Ren Zhiyi.


This time Ren Zhiyi gained quite a lot. After deducting the 1 million profit that was repaid to Li Tian, ​​there was still a full 5 million profit left.

This time he had the opportunity to prove himself again, all thanks to Li Tian alone. Ren Zhiyi choked up several times, unable to speak, and expressed that he would give Li Tian a big gift.

Li Tian tactfully refused, after all, it would be good for the two of them to win together, and he also got his due reward.

"Li Tian, ​​are you free now?"

Zhou Yunchen asked on the phone.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Li Tian responded.

"My dad wants to see you and says he has something to discuss with you."

Zhou Yunchen thought for a while, and then said, "It should be about Lushui Group."

"Okay, then I'll go now."

Hearing that it was about the future father-in-law, Li Tian didn't refuse.

"I'll send you a location, you come to my house."

Through the phone, one could feel Zhou Yunchen's shyness when she said this.

"Well, I happen to be a little sleepy too."

Li Tian forced a yawn.

Zhou Yunchen was speechless. Why was this guy always so thick-skinned? I didn't realize it before.

next moment.

Nanhu Mountain Villa Area.

This is an expensive group of villas in Guangzhou and Shenzhen City, and the price of the lowest set is not less than 10 billion yuan.

Only by being there can you appreciate the truth of "expensive".

Surrounded by mountains, singing birds and fragrant flowers, it is really a paradise in the bustling metropolis.

According to the instructions, Li Tian came to Villa No. 28.

This is a modern European-style villa. Through the garden, you can see a pair of huge stone elephants guarding the door.

It looks like a big family.

'Ding dong. '

The one who opened the door was a housekeeper about 50 years old.

He smiled slightly, "You are Mr. Li?"


Li Tian was not surprised. It seemed that the butler had been waiting for him for a long time.

"plz follow me."

The housekeeper walked ahead and led the way.

As soon as you enter the gate, you can see a man-made stream with a small round arch bridge about three meters long lying on it.

Passing through a long passage, a huge European-style hall comes into view.

The area of ​​a single living room reached more than [-] square meters.

"Li Tian, ​​come here, sit down quickly."

Looking up and seeing Li Tian, ​​Zhou Tai stood up and greeted him warmly.

Today Zhou Yunchen was wearing a thin black lace suspender, sitting softly on the European-style sofa, under the light of the warm-colored chandelier, her fair face glowed with a blush, and she smiled gently at Li Tian.

Zhou Yunchen's relationship with Li Tian is very complicated. This man doesn't seem to want to fully establish a relationship with her.

It's complicated and distressing.

"Uncle Zhou, why do you want me to come here today?"

Li Tian asked as soon as he sat down.

With such a big villa, he still wants to visit everywhere.

Especially Zhou Yunchen's private boudoir.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Li Tian being so forthright, Zhou Tai laughed, and then said, "Li Tian, ​​Uncle Zhou needs your help with something, it's just..."

"Uncle Zhou, it's okay to say."

Li Tian signaled Zhou Tai to speak directly.

Zhou Tai hesitated for a moment, but still said slowly, "I need 50 billion!"

In fact, before he said this sentence, he also had a great ideological struggle.

After all, 50 billion is not a small amount, and he is not sure whether Li Tian has the financial resources.

If he really had the financial resources, would Li Tian choose to believe or help him?
Hearing this, Li Tian was silent.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Tai added, "Li Tian, ​​I am willing to mortgage the hotel invested by country T to you."

"What are you going to use this money for?"

Although Li Tianneng probably guessed Zhou Tai's purpose, he still wanted to hear him say it himself.

"I want to fight the last battle with Lushui Group."

Zhou Tai blurted out without hiding anything.

Li Tian's guess was not biased at all. Sure enough, the battle between Shizun Group and Lushui Group has become day-to-day.

"As of today, Lushui Group is only short of [-]% of the shares to become the largest shareholder of Shizun Group."

Zhou Tai's face became more serious, and he continued.

"Dai Hongbo wants to control the Shizu Group, so as to obtain the right to operate the hotel and casino license in country T."

"So I plan to mortgage him in your name in advance. Even if I lose in the end, Dai Hongbo will never succeed."

"This 50% equity competition does not need to be huge at [-] billion, but it is just in case."

As long as the final competition between Shizun Group and Lushui Group will inevitably cause the stock market to skyrocket, Zhou Tai is also extra prepared.

"Li Tian, ​​what do you mean?"

Zhou Tai remained calm, but he was extremely anxious.

As long as Li Tian disagrees, this battle will not continue, and the entire Shizun Group will not be able to mobilize any funds.

Zhou Yunchen pursed her lips and looked at Li Tian nervously, but she didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

Li Tian paused for a moment, and already had some consideration in his mind, "I have another way, it's just..."

(End of this chapter)

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