Chapter 66


Kong Zinan's eyes widened, "Your way of saving is to throw away the stocks in Mr. Zhou's hands?"

She thinks this ruffian is absolutely crazy.

If Zhou Tai wants to maintain the largest shareholder, he must try his best to increase his shares, but this Li Tian wants to sell?

This completely overturned Kong Zinan's world view.

Where did you find the fool?


At this moment, she felt that the boy in front of her was not even worthy of carrying her shoes.

Similarly, Zhou Tai also frowned deeply.

Isn't this bullshit?

Obviously what is needed is to increase the holdings, but Li Tian changed it to a reduction.

If it was someone else who commanded like this, they would be kicked out by Zhou Tai directly.

However, Li Tian was his savior, so he could only hold back his dissatisfaction in silence.

"something wrong?"

Li Tian glanced at Kong Zinan and asked.

"You are simply ignorant."

Kong Zinan didn't want to talk nonsense with Li Tian, ​​so he looked at Zhou Tai.

"Mr. Zhou, you can't let this wild boy make random orders."

"Once the goods are sold, after tomorrow, the entire World Honored One will no longer be named Zhou but Dai."

"I now suspect that this person is Lushui's spy."

In order to persuade Zhou Tai not to make mistakes, Kong Zinan didn't care too much, and his words were extremely fierce.

Zhou Tai hesitated...

He rubbed his temples repeatedly with both hands, feeling very confused.

Zhou Yunchen was also a little at a loss, but kept pinching the hem of the skirt with her little hands.

at the same time.

"Secretary Qiu, please arrange another fruit plate."

Li Tian smiled and said to Qiu Bixue.

The ultimate success or failure of the Zhou family is in Zhou Tai's own hands.

As for how to choose, Li Tian doesn't care and will not interfere.

Anyway, he gave it a chance, and he has a clear conscience.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was almost time to open the market.


A pair of warm and soft little hands gently held Li Tian's arm, and then said, "Dad, I believe Li Tian must have his own arrangements, we must listen to him."

Zhou Yunchen took a deep look at Li Tian's face, and said softly.

During this period of contact, she felt that Li Tian was not a reckless person. He had a clear idea and plan before doing everything, so this time she thought that Li Tian had planned in advance if he wanted to sell stocks.

She is willing to trust Li Tian unconditionally, and intuitively believes that Li Tian will not harm her.

After listening to Zhou Yunchen's words, Zhou Tai remained silent and continued to knead his temples, as if he was having a great struggle in his heart.

The silence lasted about 30 seconds.

Zhou Tai squinted his eyes, and waved the hand kneading his temple, "Xiao Kong, do as Li Tian wants."

After repeated struggles in his heart, Zhou Tai finally decided to put everything aside and trust Li Tian once, even if it was absurd.

He thought about refusing, but after refusing, do he have other better choices?
Obviously not.

In this case, it is better to break the can and smash it, hoping that a miracle will happen and at the same time verify what kind of arrangement Li Tian has and what special ability he has.

"President Zhou, you can't do this."

Kong Zinan replied decisively.

"Manager Kong, is my dad still not clear enough?"

Zhou Yunchen's face was a bit unswerving.

"Miss Zhou, you can't be bewitched by this ignorant kid, otherwise you will harm the Zhou family and the World Honored Group."

Kong Zinan is also straightforward, she always speaks out about things that she thinks are wrong.

"I think you are ignorant."

At this time, Li Tian shook his head and smiled wryly.

This Kong Zinan doesn't even know what plans she has, and she only denies others based on her so-called cognition. This is the real ignorance.

"I'm ignorant?"

Kong Zinan sneered, "Then tell me about science and sell the stocks in your hand. How can you become the largest shareholder?"

This method is completely inconsistent with normal logical thinking.

"That's why I say you are ignorant."

"It's sold out, so why don't you just buy it back when the price drops?"

"Isn't it possible to own more shares?"

Li Tianfeng spoke calmly, as if he could control everything.

But after hearing these words in Kong Zinan's ears, she was so angry that her teeth itched, and she said angrily, "You said it lightly, do you know when the stock price will fall? Maybe Shizun Group will change its surname to Dai."

Kong Zinan didn't give in at all, because Li Tian's idea was simply a fantasy.

As a member of the Shizun Group, she has to be responsible for the entire group. Even if she loses to the Lushui Group in the end, she must stand up for the last post and not allow this boy of unknown origin to do anything wrong.

"Just do your job well, Shizun's stock price will fall later."

Although Kong Zinan was targeting herself all night, Li Tian still responded patiently, seeing that she was also sincere to the World Honored Group.

at the same time.

Li Tian's words made Zhou Tai's eyelids lift, his eyes widened, and his heart was very complicated.

"Will it fall later?"

"Do you think the stock market is run by your family? Do you think it will fall if it falls later?"

Kong Zinan was still reluctant.

"Tonight, Shizun's stock will not only fall, but also Mr. Zhou Tai can successfully become the largest shareholder."

Li Tian didn't think much, and said again.


Kong Zinan clenched his small hands and spoke firmly.

"Then... let's make a bet."

Li Tian looked at the time, and it was almost time for the market to open, so he couldn't spend any more time with Kong Zinan.

"What are you gambling?"

Kong Zinan was not timid at all. She thought Li Tian was doomed. Recently, due to Zhou Tai and Dai Hongbo scrambling for goods in the stock market, the stock of Shizun Group rose and rose again. How could it fall?

Even now that Zhou Tai is shipping the goods, Dai Hongbo is still receiving the goods, and there is no situation where the stock will fall.

"If I win, you promise me a request, no matter what you do, you can't refuse."

Li Tian looked playfully at this professional beauty with an appearance of 87 points.

He has to get this woman out as soon as possible, otherwise he will get in the way when he starts to do things later.

Zhou Yunchen squeezed the little hand on Li Tian's arm...

With a beautiful woman by my side, I still have to make such demands on other women.

What do you want to do?
If there were not too many people, she would have rubbed Li Tian on the ground.

"What if you lose?"

Kong Zinan was not surprised by Li Tian's request.

He couldn't refuse anything, the most he could do was to be bullied by this naughty and handsome person in front of him.

Men really are big pigs.

Having a beauty like Miss Zhou, still not satisfied?

He is an unforgivable "bad man".

"I lost, let you make a request."

Li Tian raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"No, if you lose, I will..."


(End of this chapter)

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