Chapter 67 Surrounding Wei and Rescue Zhao
"No, if you lose, I want you to get out."

Kong Zinan suppressed his blushing pretty face, thought for a while, and then explained.

"I mean get out one after another, not walk out."

Li Tian thought that it would be beautiful, he could ask for it if he won, and he could ask for it if he lost, so it felt like this guy made money on both sides.

She didn't need to make any demands on Li Tian.

Kong Zinan just wanted to teach this bad man a hard lesson.


Li Tian nodded.

This little girl seems to hate herself very much.

I just hope that after losing later, I won't beg for mercy from myself.

"Get ready, sell the goods as I said."

Li Tian reminded again.

"Mr. Zhou..."

Kong Zinan took one last look at Zhou Tai, wanting to get the final confirmation.

Zhou Tai nodded his head, as a tacit consent.

next moment.

In the tense eyes of everyone, it finally ushered in the time for the opening of the market.

"Toss [-] shares first, then order one by one."

Kong Zinan finally gave instructions to the assistants around him.

"Be quick, the faster you toss, the more satisfied I am."

Li Tian urged Kong Zinan who was about to leave step by step.

"Three orders for [-] shares."


"Sell fifty thousand shares."

"Sell one hundred thousand shares."

"One hundred thousand more shares."


Looking at the speed of the order, Li Tian picked up the fork in satisfaction and continued to eat his fruit.

Although Kong Zinan is proud, he also has the capital to be proud, and he is absolutely unambiguous in his actions.

"Ahem... 50 shares have been sold, and the stock price has risen by US$0.5 instead of falling."

She glanced at Li Tian with a disdainful tone.

Zhou Tai heard the words and nervously watched the market on the computer screen.

"What's the hurry, this is just the beginning."

Li Tian ate a piece of watermelon and said.


Kong Zinan turned his head back dissatisfied.

She wanted to see how long this Li Tian would keep his mouth shut.

About half an hour passed.

Kong Zinan continued to sell goods crazily.

Shizun's stock price has only shown a slight weakness. So far, it has only fallen by one dollar and is still at a price of 27 dollars.

But this didn't affect Kong Zinan's confidence at all. It only fell by one dollar. How can Li Tian make Zhou Tai stabilize the largest shareholder?
By blowing?
In order for Zhou Tai not to be overtaken by Dai Hongbo and become the largest shareholder, he needs to buy it back after the stock price has fallen by at least 30.00%, and then the chips in hand may be higher than Dai Hongbo's.

This is also under the condition that Dai Hongbo did not increase his chips.

at the same time.

Li Tian put down the fork in his hand and made a call.


"Roger that!"

Immediately afterwards, Ren Zhiyi, who was also at the World Grand Hotel, immediately took action.

"Junwen, Lingrui, you two can start now."

The three of Ren Zhiyi who were in the executive suite suddenly became busy.


presidential suite.

"Mr. Zhou, your shareholding in Shizun has dropped from 28% to 20%. Do you want to continue?"

Seeing that the stock price did not show any signs of loosening, Kong Zinan asked with a worried face.

At this time, she couldn't care less about the bet with Li Tian, ​​and felt uneasy.

If Zhou Tai loses, her hard work in the past few years will be in vain. After thinking about it, Kong Zinan couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, Zhou Tai couldn't make up his mind, so he could only look at Li Tian.

Just now Li Tian said "hands-on" to the phone, Zhou Tai could clearly see it in his eyes, although he didn't understand what his plan was, but Li Tian had become the backbone of this capital game virtually.

"Continue, I didn't tell you to stop, so don't stop, and throw it at a faster speed."

Li Tian looked at the time on the phone and said.

There is only one hour to use the stock card, and full preparation must be made to fully harvest.

"Pending five orders, selling 50 shares."

Kong Zinan issued another command.

next moment.

Shizun's share price finally showed signs of loosening.





But for such a large-scale sale, this drop is far from enough.

This proves that not only Dai Hongbo is receiving goods in the stock market, but also many retail investors are also grabbing goods.

This is a bad sign.

Can't fall down, Zhou Tai can't buy back, he's about to lose...

Kong Zinan frowned and stared at the screen.

Green Water Group headquarters.

"Mr. Dai, we have increased our shareholding by [-]%. Now we should be equal to Zhou Tai. After today, you will be able to control the board of directors of Shizun."

A man with glasses stood beside Dai Hongbo and reported.

"How did you get so much goods tonight? Which big organization released them?"

Dai Hongbo asked the man with glasses.

Normally, only [-]% to [-]% of the goods can be scanned in a day, but tonight it directly increased to [-]%.

Something unusual.

"still unsure as of now……"

The man with glasses said truthfully.

"I'll check it right away. As for the shares of the World Honored One, keep scanning."

To be on the safe side, Dai Hongbo wanted to increase his holdings.



Ten o'clock sharp at night.


Li Tian received a call from Ren Zhiyi.

"Mr. Li, all of your 14 billion US dollars have been shorted in the shares of Lushui Group, please instruct."

After thinking about it, Ren Zhiyi finally took out the previous profit of 5000 million, made up a total of 800 million US dollars, and followed Li Tian to short the shares of Lushui Group.

He believes that tonight will be a big show, and if he can't eat meat, he will have to drink soup.

"Sit back and wait for the good show."

Li Tian hung up after saying one sentence, and turned to look at Kong Zinan.

"Manager Kong, how much do you have left?"

"Mr. Zhou has less than 8% of the shares left."

Kong Zinan looked at the information in his hand and responded.

"It's almost..." Li Tian muttered to himself.

'Turn on the system. '

'Buy two [Junior Stock Plunge Cards]'

Prior to this, Li Tian had already inquired about the system and confirmed that cards of the same type can be used overlappingly.

Each [Primary Stock Plunge Card] is a [-]% plunge within an hour.

Two is 20.00%.

Coupled with the [Intermediate Stock Plunge Card] given by the previous system upgrade, it can cause a total of 50.00% decline in the target company.

This is Li Tian's bargaining chip for shorting Lushui Group.

Surround Wei and save Zhao! ! !

Learn about.

'Ding, I successfully purchased two [Junior Stock Plunge Cards] and deducted 2000 system points. '

A piece needs [-] points, dead expensive.

You must desperately earn your money back.

'System, use [Misfortune Card] on Dai Hongbo, President of Lushui Group. '

Li Tian used fierce materials again, otherwise how could he make more money.


Green Water Group headquarters.

Dai Hongbo, who was flirting with the female secretary, suddenly felt cold all over, feeling an indescribable discomfort!

"Mr. Dai, I found out..."

The man in glasses hurried into the office, panting.

"Mr. Dai, it's Zhou Tai who is selling the goods!!"

"What? Are you sure?"


"This old guy, what is he doing?"

Dai Hongbo touched his big bald head, very puzzled.

He didn't believe that Zhou Tai would surrender so easily.

"Mr. Dai, shall we continue to scan Shizun's stock?"

The man with glasses asked.

"Stop sweeping the goods. After the old guy Zhou Tai sold the goods, we now have enough chips in our hands."

Dai Hongbo shook his head and said.

at the same time.

Another woman in a professional short skirt hurriedly walked in, "It's not good, it's not good..."

(End of this chapter)

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