Chapter 68 Difficult choices

"It's not good, Mr. Dai, the group's stock price has dropped by more than ten points."

"what happened?"

Dai Hongbo frowned and asked.

The stock of Lushui Group has been stable recently, why did it suddenly drop by more than ten points.

"Mr. Dai, there are a lot of unknown funds continuing to short the group's stocks tonight."

The woman standing next to Dai Hongbo reported.

"Go and find out if the old guy Zhou Tai is behind the scenes?"

Dai Hongbo responded sharply.

Uncharacteristically, Zhou Tai sold his shares.

Now Dai Hongbo wondered whether these unknown funds for shorting Lushui Group came from Zhou Tai.

"Hmph..." Dai Hongbo snorted coldly in his heart, "If Zhou Tai dares to copy his old den, he will never return." '




Kong Zinan's assistant is busy working.

At this time, she was nervously reporting Zhou Tai's shareholding situation in real time.

at the same time.

Without Dai Hongbo's massive supply of goods in the market, there was a state of oversupply.

Shizun's stock price finally saw a big drop at this time.




As long as Zhou Tai's big selling continues, the stock price will continue to decline.

When Kong Zinan finally reported that Zhou Tai had only the last 1% of the shares left, the stock price also fell to 20 yuan per share.

At this time, she said anxiously, "What should I do now? Can I repurchase it?"

Although the stock price has fallen from 28 yuan to the current $20, it is not even enough for a 30% drop.

Kong Zinan knew in his heart that repurchasing according to the current situation would inevitably cause the stock price to rise again. It can be said that what he did tonight was completely superfluous.

But she still couldn't wait to know Li Tian's next plan.

When things have come to this point, we can only pin our hopes on Li Tian.

at the same time.

Li Tian's voice sounded, "Don't worry, you've worked hard, eat something first."

"No hard work, what are you going to do next?"

Kong Zinan became angry when he saw Li Tian's calm face, what time is it, and now he has no chips in his hand.

Besides, this was her job in the first place, how could it be said that it was hard work?

Li Tian smiled.

He has asked Ren Zhiyi to short the stock of Lushui Group for US$14 billion, and what is needed now is a period of time for the market to react.

The capital market has a strong tendency to follow suit. Lushui Group is suddenly short-sold by nearly [-] billion funds, which will cause investors to panic. Can't live.

Li Tian wanted to make full use of investors' panic to make Lushui's stock price fall more.

About another 10 minutes passed.

The stock price of Lushui Group really plunged by 6% again, and now it is only the short selling of Li Tian's large sum of money, which has already caused an 18% drop.

The time has come.

'System, use [Intermediate Stock Plunge Card] and [Primary Stock Plunge Card]*2 for Lushui Group at the same time. '

'Ding, it's successfully opened...the countdown to take effect is 3, 2, 1. '

'The stock price of Lushui Group is about to experience a 50.00% plunge! '


"It's not good, Mr. Dai!"

This voice sounded again outside Dai Hongbo's office.

He was very depressed. Tonight was a night worth celebrating, after all, he was firmly seated as the largest shareholder of the World Honored Group.

But I always feel that I can't be happy. Is it because there are always people shouting 'it's not good'?

"what's up?"

Dai Hongbo was about to completely ban employees from saying the word 'no' in the company, he asked the man with glasses dissatisfied.

"Mr. Dai, the stock price... the company's stock price..."

The man in glasses was panting, gasping for breath, and couldn't speak a word for a long time.

"What stock price?"

Dai Hongbo asked dissatisfiedly, and was about to rant about this frizzy employee when his cell phone rang.

"Xiao Dai, what do you eat?"

A call from Uncle Qing.

"Uncle Qing, what's the matter with you old man?"

Dai Hongbo changed his face and said carefully.

"Xiao Dai, go and see Lushui's stock price yourself. If you can't make up for it in time, I won't support you as the next director."

After speaking, Uncle Qing hung up the phone.

Dai Hongbo was at a loss! !

Didn't it just drop more than ten points?

As for being so serious?
He looked at the man with glasses again, "What did you just say?"

"Mr. Dai, Lushui's stock price has plummeted by more than 70%."

Beads of sweat oozed from the forehead of the man with glasses. He has been in the industry for many years, but he has never encountered such a thing.


Dai Hongbo jumped up and looked at the man with glasses in disbelief.

"Mr. Dai, that's right, it has fallen by more than 70%. The current trend is not optimistic, and it is still going down."

The man with glasses quickly answered Dai Hongbo's question.

At the same time, Dai Hongbo walked back to his desk and quietly fiddled with the computer for a while.

Just as he was tinkering, the stock price fell by 75%. Dai Hongbo sighed deeply after seeing this data.

The market value has shrunk by 75%. I wonder if the current director will be killed by other shareholders tomorrow.

no! ! !

Can't sit still.

"Mobilize all the funds and buy your own stocks, and you must stabilize the stock price."

Dai Hongbo issued an order to the man with eyes.

"Mr. Dai, you have used all the funds you can mobilize to encircle and suppress the World Honored Group, and now there are not many funds left."

The man with glasses said helplessly, after some calculations in his mind, he continued, "There are still about 7 million US dollars, which can't be moved at all."

Dai Hongbo understood the meaning of the man with glasses. Compared with the mysterious funds of shorting Lushui Group, the current 7 million US dollars is a drop in the bucket and has no effect.


An idea flashed through Dai Hongbo's mind, but he hesitated.

He thought of releasing all the shares of Shizun Group, and then concentrated his efforts to stabilize the stock price of Lushui.

However, he has been planning the matter of the World Honored Group for a long time, and he has already achieved success. Dai Hongbo is not reconciled to retreating at this time.

"Mr. Dai, you have to make a decision immediately. The drop has reached 78% now."

The man with glasses anxiously waited for Dai Hongbo to make a choice.


"Let go of the shares of Shizun in your hand, and use all the funds to block the decline of the group's stock price, and it can't go any further."

Dai Hongbo gritted his teeth and said unwillingly.

In his view, the fire of the group must be extinguished first, and the matter of the World Honored One can only be planned later.

"Yes, I'll arrange it right away."

The man with glasses responded and left quickly.


the other side.

Kong Zinan in the presidential suite stared anxiously at the stock price of Shizun Group.



(End of this chapter)

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