Chapter 69 Cutting 'Leeks'


Kong Zinan shouted excitedly.

The stock price of Shizun Group was completely stabilized after Zhou Tai let go of his stocks.

But after a period of lingering, it fell rapidly again.

This time the decline was more violent than the previous one, and it dropped two dollars in one tick.

Immediately afterwards, under the influence of Dai Hongbo's violent selling of the shares of Shizun Group, there was a state of venting all the way.

"The good show is yet to come, and this is just the beginning."

Li Tian said with a smile.

Everything was exactly as he expected, and after tonight, he would definitely be broke.

Zhou Tai and Zhou Yunchen looked at each other, feeling as if they had knocked over a five-flavored bottle. The Shizun Group seemed to be saved under Li Tian's orderly command!

Now, even Kong Zinan, who was always beeping non-stop, calmed down rarely, and did not refute Li Tian's words.

But it is inevitable that I feel a little danger and worry for myself.

If Li Tian successfully saved the Zhou family.

So... what kind of request should I make?
Could it be that he directly wanted to bring up such a shameful thing?
Kong Zinan shook her head, what was she thinking? ?
Li Tian and Ms. Zhou's behavior is so intimate, it should be the kind of relationship that has already been established, and he must not dare to bring up things that are too much for him in front of her!

When Kong Zinan thought of this, he basically concluded unilaterally that Li Tian didn't have the guts.

If so...then this man is amazing.

As long as Li Tian dares to mention it in person, she dares to agree in person.

A powerful man is always irresistible, right?

Just as Kong Zinan was wandering in the sky, Li Tian's voice reached his ears again.

"It's ready, Manager Kong."

She gathered herself together, and when she saw the numbers on the screen, her heart stirred up again.

Share price of Shizun Group: $12.5
Plummeted so fast! !
"How much can you enter?"

Kong Zinan turned his head and glanced at Li Tian.

"Ten dollars is a lot of buying."

This is a price in Li Tian's heart. The value of ten yuan is already far lower than the valuation of Shizun Group's stock. If it is lower, other institutions and retail investors may have to fight to buy it.

In this way, the gain outweighs the gain.

"it is good!"

Kong Zinan nodded, and then he and the assistants around him opened up their posture, ready to wait for Li Tian's order.


The stock price of Shizun Group hovered around $12 for a while, and then fell to $9 again in an instant.


Li Tian reminded Kong Zinan.

"Roger that!"

Kong Zinan and everyone immediately tapped the keyboard quickly.

"Ten thousand shares in."

"Fifty thousand..."

"Another fifty thousand..."

The voices sounded one after another, and Zhou Tai sat up straight, his eyes showed excitement and anticipation.It was no longer the decadent look just now.

What is lost and found is the most exciting thing, Zhou Tai is a little restless, looking at the computer screen from time to time.

At this time, Li Tian had already finished eating, and leaned on the sofa with his hands outstretched and closed his eyes to rest, leaving only his ears to listen to the sound of the good news coming from not far away.

Zhou Yunchen looked at Li Tian's three-dimensional side face, and his heart was pounding.

This man broke into her world time and time again, and now it has been deeply imprinted in her heart and cannot be erased.

next moment.

Kong Zinan bought back Zhou Tai's previous shares in less than 10 minutes, and only used less than half of the funds.

"Mr. Li..."

Kong Zinan asked in a calm tone, waiting for Li Tian's next plan.

Because of Li Tian's outstanding performance, Kong Zinan was convinced and even changed his title.

"Don't stop, buy all the remaining funds, and the speed must be fast."

Li Tian, ​​who was still squinting, responded.

The plunge card only has a time limit of one hour. As long as the green water fails, Dai Hongbo may quickly pull back the decline to avoid long nights and dreams. Now time is running out.

the other side.

Dai Hongbo tried his best. Although the decline slowed down, he couldn't stop it at all. The power of the capital market is really terrifying.

It caused such a big drop, even with Dai Hongbo's big buying backing, it still had little effect. Many retail investors panicked and rushed to sell Lushui's stocks first.

A series of chain reactions exacerbated the decline of Lushui's stock price.

In the office, Dai Hongbo was staring at the fluctuation of the stock price, his face turned green with anger.

Who did he offend? He suffered such a heavy blow.


'Ding, [Intermediate Stock Plunge Card] is only valid for 5 minutes. '

'Ding, [Junior Stock Plunge Card] is only valid for 5 minutes. '

In his mind, Li Tian received a reminder from the system.


Li Tian opened his eyes and made a call to Ren Zhiyi.

"President Li, I understand."

Ren Zhiyi's excited voice came from the phone.

He was very fortunate to follow Li Tian's footsteps, and nearly doubled his 800 million US dollars in nearly an hour.

Ren Zhiyi secretly made up his mind that in the future he must follow this extremely mysterious young man.

If it is the first time to cooperate with Li Tian and win the chance to turn around, then following Li Tian in the future will be the way to make a fortune.

"Manager Kong, how much money is left?"

After hanging up the phone, Li Tian turned to ask Kong Zinan.

"Mr. Li, there is only 4000 million US dollars left."

Kong Zinan responded.

"Okay, use up the 4000 million as soon as possible."

Li Tian appreciated Kong Zinan's work efficiency very much.

Immediately afterwards, with the failure of the three stock plunge cards, Kong Zinan also basically completed the task entrusted to her by Li Tian.

Only the last 1000 million US dollars was left and the transaction was completed within the next 3 minutes.

So far, Zhou Tai's shareholding in Shizun Group has increased from the original 22% to the current 35%.

At this time, the second shareholder of the group only holds 8% of the shares, and Zhou Tai has firmly become the largest shareholder.

Looking at the data compiled by Kong Zinan, Zhou Tai was so excited that he could not speak. Li Tian actually used the same funds to increase his shares by 13%.

What kind of concept is this?
Li Tian's fierce operation tonight made Zhou Tai earn 22 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to 154 billion yuan.

How is it done?
How could he be sure that Shizun's stock price would fall, so as to cash out his profits?
And those phone calls during the period, what was the specific arrangement?
Is it true that as Kong Zinan said, the stock market was run by his family?
It was impossible for Zhou Tai to believe such a statement.

"Li Tian, ​​how do you know that Shizun's stock price will definitely fall tonight?"

Zhou Tai was full of doubts and could only ask Li Tian personally.

At the same time, he also asked the doubts of everyone present.

In the presidential suite, everyone's eyes were on Li Tian, ​​admiring and admiring him.

"Very simple answer, besiege Wei and save Zhao!"

Li Tian gently twirled Zhou Yunchen's hair with his fingers and said.

"Besiege Wei and save Zhao? What do you mean?"

Zhou Yunchen felt a little shy when Li Tian gently caressed her hair, so she hurriedly asked.

"it means……"


(End of this chapter)

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