Chapter 70 Kong Zinan panicked

"It means that if you want to fundamentally solve the problems of the World Honored Group, you must start with Dai Hongbo!"

Li Tian explained.

"Li Tian, ​​how did you attack Dai Hongbo?"

Hearing that Li Tian was attacking Dai Hongbo, Zhou Tai asked very interestedly.

"Behind Dai Hongbo is the Lushui Group. I must have killed the Lushui Group."

Li Tian continued.

"I short-sold Lushui's stock in advance. As long as the decline can exceed 50%, he will inevitably be under pressure from many parties and have to take action to stabilize the stock price. At that time, he will not care about the Shizun Group."

"Recently, he has spent a lot of financial resources to win the World Honored Group, and he can't withstand this heavy blow at all, so he must sell the stock from the World Honored Group as quickly as possible to save his own group."

"I seized this gap and won by luck."

Li Tian said it lightly, but these words fell into the hearts of everyone, but they already set off a stormy sea.

It is easy to say, but it is really difficult to do it.

After all, everyone present knows how much money and time it takes to short a 50% drop in the Renjia Group within one hour.

But such a seemingly impossible thing, the young man in front of him has done it.

There must be a terrifying energy hidden behind Li Tian.

Zhou Tai looked at Li Tian in disbelief, he did such an earth-shattering thing, but he humbly said that he won by fluke, and he felt inferior to himself in such a state of mind.

If this person can be allowed to control the Shizun Group in the future, by then... the group's take-off is just around the corner!
Zhou Tai looked at his beautiful daughter with relief.

It is the daughter's luck and the Zhou family's luck to meet someone like Li Tian.

It's just that there was some reluctance in his heart. Seeing Zhou Yunchen who was leaning slightly beside Li Tian, ​​Zhou Tai lamented that the little padded jacket belonged to someone else.

Kong Zinan had a resentful expression on his face, he dared to say that this guy had been deployed in advance, and deliberately dug a hole for himself to jump into.

This Li Tian is a 'bad man' through and through.

Unknowingly, her face turned red.

"Li Tian, ​​you can make Dai Hongbo, an old fox, suffer such a big loss. Uncle Zhou admires you!"

Shocked, Zhou Tai gave a thumbs up and continued.

"It's the first time in my life that a group can plummet by 50% in an instant. It's really ignorant!"

He shook his head, feeling very helpless. It may be because he has been in a high position in the group for a long time, and he has become passive, forgetting to keep an enterprising heart at all times.

at the same time.

'Ding dong! '

As the doorbell rang, Qiu Bixue opened the door.

"Mr. Li!"

Ren Zhiyi shouted at the door.

"come in!"

Li Tian greeted.

In order not to interfere with each other while working, Li Tian arranged Ren Zhiyi's team in the executive suite.

Now that the work is over, Ren Zhiyi came up to report the situation.

Ren Zhiyi walked into the general suite, nodded politely to everyone present, and then stood beside Li Tian to report.

"Mr. Li, by shorting Lushui Group tonight, you have reaped 85% of the profit. I have made arrangements for the specific US dollar exchange, and it will arrive tomorrow!"

Ren Zhiyi did not disclose the specific amount, which well protected Li Tian's privacy.

"no problem."

Li Tian nodded and continued, "By the way, as a reward, I will transfer you 300 million yuan, and each of you will have 100 million yuan."

"Need not!"

Ren Zhiyi firmly refused, and then sneered, "Actually, I also made money with Mr. Li tonight, and I can arrange these remunerations!"

This kid Ren Zhiyi is quite eye-catching. Since he followed him, he should have earned 85% of the profit.

Li Tian didn't politely refuse, but just nodded with a smile as a tacit consent.

"Li Tian, ​​you not only shorted the 50% drop of Lushui Group?"

Listening to Ren Zhiyi's report, Zhou Tai noticed the clue.

"It must be more than that. Mr. Li originally planned to short 50%, but later it reached a horrifying 85% drop."

Ren Zhiyi explained, but at the same time he was full of doubts.

Li Tian originally told him that there was about a 50% drop, but he didn't know how it worked later, and it became an 85% drop.

"80.00% five??"

Zhou Tai took a deep breath, unable to calm down.

He knew very well that Dai Hongbo must have suffered heavy losses this time, and it was unknown whether he would be able to stand up.

Li Tian's move was really ruthless, and he went straight to death.

Zhou Tai was glad that he was not Li Tian's enemy, and at the same time mourned deeply for Dai Hongbo for three seconds.

"Originally, it was indeed arranged for 50%, but it should have been followed by the market and it has reached 85%!"

Li Tian didn't hold back, and said truthfully.

What he doesn't know is that due to the influence of the [Misfortune Card], it has played a role in fueling the flames in all aspects.

That's why Dai Hongbo learned such a terrible lesson this time.

However, in the eyes of everyone, Li Tian's words were completely humble and low-key.

Everyone does not believe that it is caused by pure market reasons.

It's just that Li Tian didn't want to tell the truth, and they couldn't ask more questions.


Green Water Group headquarters.

"Mr. Dai, our stock price has risen."

The man with glasses came in sweating profusely, his hanging heart relaxed slightly.

"I'm not blind! Get out..."

Sitting in front of the computer screen, Dai Hongbo said angrily, just as he couldn't find a place to vent, the man with glasses came up to him with a gun.

"Eh, yes."

The man in glasses backed out in embarrassment. He was used to this kind of life, so he didn't think much of it.

"Go back!"

Dai Hongbo roared.

"Mr. Dai, what's the matter?"

The man with glasses came in again and asked cautiously.

He is so difficult.

Accompanying this bald head is like a tiger, and one must be cautious every day.

He suddenly felt that it was good to be a woman, at least he could have a hug with Mr. Dai.

"How much money is left in the group's account now?"

Dai Hongbo asked coldly with a livid face.

"No, no money!"

The man with glasses responded.

"Out of money? How much stock is left on Shizun's side?"

The bald Dai Hongbo asked again.

"Also, it's gone."

Sensing a hint of danger, the man with glasses took a small step back.

"More than 200 billion, just pull back the stock price by 50%?"

Dai Hongbo's voice trembled, and he asked every word.

"Yes, Mr. Dai... Listen to me, all the funds have been invested, and it can be recovered by 50%. This is already a miracle in itself."

The man with glasses explained.

In his opinion, the drop reached 85%, and he could recover 50% in one day. This case is enough for him to brag about for a lifetime.

The man with glasses thinks he is the hero of Lushui Group, a gold medal trader.

"Miracle Nima!!!"

Dai Hongbo picked up the ashtray on the table and threw it at it, shouting angrily, "Get lost!"

The bastard said it easily, and it wasn't that he lost his money.

Not only did his plan to win the World Honored One come to naught, but he also lost more than 200 billion yuan.

However, the stock has not been fully pulled back to the original point, and now it is still floating and losing dozens of points.

It's all over now.

In the end, the man with glasses actually told him it was a miracle, which forced him to run away.

Dai Hongbo now has a feeling that he wants to cry but has no tears.

'boom! ' a loud bang.

The ashtray smashed against the office door, and the glass cracked like a spider's web.

The man with glasses knew Dai Hongbo's character too well. When he felt danger at the last moment, the soles of his feet had already been oiled, and he was ready to slip away at any time.

Sure enough, when Dai Hongbo picked up the ashtray, the office door was closed by the man with glasses.


Looking at the broken glass, Dai Hongbo cursed.

Thousands more lost.


Tonight's battle has been decided, some people are happy and some are sad.

Zhou Tai prepared a celebration banquet at the World Grand Hotel.

Looking at the busy crowd, Li Tian found a small figure who was about to leave quietly.

"Manager Kong!"

This call made Kong Zinan, who was about to slip away, froze.

She turned her head slowly, her face was rosy, and she asked in a low voice, "Mr. Li, what's the matter?"



(End of this chapter)

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