Chapter 76 Fa-rectification on the spot?

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Zhou Yunchen touched her hot face and broke free from Li Tian's embrace.

Li Tian also sat down.

"Last night, you severely damaged Dai Hongbo's Lushui Group and lost nearly 300 billion yuan."

Zhou Yun began to speak.

Li Tian has no objection, after all he and Zhou Tai have earned nearly 250 billion together.

It is not surprising that other institutions and retail investors in the secondary market have made a combined profit of 50 billion.

"and then?"

Li Tian signaled Zhou Yunchen to continue talking.

"Dai Hongbo will urgently divest some scattered businesses under the group this morning to obtain working capital."

"Among them is the supermarket business in Jiangsha District."

Zhou Yunchen made the point.

Dai Hongbo suddenly lost 300 billion yuan, and urgently needed to make up the shortfall, otherwise the entire group would not be able to turn around.

This method is also Dai Hongbo's last helpless choice.

"What price did Lushui Group offer?"

Li Tian was a little excited, there was really nowhere to find it, and it took no effort to get it.

Unexpectedly, he helped the Zhou family fight an anti-takeover battle, and not only got a huge reward, but also unexpectedly captured such an opportunity.

As long as he successfully acquires the supermarket business of Lushui Group in Jiangsha District, he can easily monopolize the supermarket chain industry in the entire region.

The task released by the system to be the first in the supermarket industry in Jiangsha District will also be completed accordingly.

Kill two birds with one stone!
"12 billion."

"How about the price? Is it inflated?"

Li Tian thought that Zhou Yunchen knew that he was interested in this matter, so he must have done some homework beforehand, so he asked.

"It's really high."

Zhou Yunchen nodded, "Jiangsha is a suburban area, the consumption power of the entire area is not high, and the population density is not high, so the profitability of enterprises is insufficient."

"If the valuation is based on the real estate of the supermarket, it will be [-] million at the top."

"The total storage of goods does not exceed 8000 million, and the conversion rate of this item is generally extremely low when purchasing a company."

Zhou Yunchen basically summarized the main points, and Li Tian was able to understand the general situation very concisely.

"Then how much do you think is appropriate to win?"

Even if Li Tian has nearly 200 billion in his card now, he must be worth the money if he buys anything, let alone a rival industry. Of course, it is best to keep the lowest price.

"If it is normal, it can be won at about 2000 million to [-] million."

Zhou Yunchen paused, "But, now that his house is on fire, I think it's about [-] million."

Her thoughts are surprisingly similar to Li Tian's, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

If you don't lower the price at this time, when will you wait?

What's more, now is the most critical and shortest time for Lushui Group. They have no choice but to let others slaughter them.

Repay the body of the person with the way of the person.

"One thing is that we can't intervene in the name of the World Honored Group. Otherwise, Dai Hongbo will fight to the death against his rival. We have to entrust other people to quietly eat this piece of fat."

Zhou Yunchen thought for a while and said seriously.

Shizun Group and Lushui Group are at odds. If they get involved, it will only be counterproductive and will only increase the number of variables.

Li Tian looked at Zhou Yunchen's decisive character with admiration. Among women, she did have a different vision and means from others, so he smiled, "Yunchen, it seems that I still want to be friends with you, I can't I am your enemy."

"That's right, as long as you know."

Zhou Yunchen raised her chin, "I see that you like to wash your feet, and you are planning to hire a team to wash your feet every morning, noon, and night."

"Don't... I appreciate your kindness."

No wonder it is said that the most poisonous woman's heart, according to this washing, before the age of 20, Li Tianzhun will have rheumatism.


Zhou Yunchen snorted with a smirk, "Then you'd better pay attention and grasp the proper measure."

In inch?

"What attitude? Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Li Tian glanced at Zhou Yunchen, "Are you looking for a smoke? Believe it or not, I'll punish you right here."

While talking, he really untied the belt.


Zhou Yunchen held Li Tian's hands, "I was wrong!"

She absolutely believes that Li Tian will do what he says.

Instantly discouraged, he didn't dare to fight with Li Tian again.

Zhou Yunchen didn't dare to guess what Li Tian's "in situ Fa-rectification" was referring to.

After all, no matter what kind of in-situ Fa-rectification, she dare not try it here.

"If you make a mistake, you must admit it, and if you admit it, you must correct it!"

Li Tian pretended to be serious and said.

This woman, when it's time to make a move, she will do it, and she must not be allowed to be arrogant, otherwise she will be a tiger.

Lao Li's family is a bloody example.


There is no way, whoever takes it seriously will lose, and this female president will definitely be overwhelmed by Li Tian in the future.

"Tell me what to do next."

Li Tian returned to the topic again.

"There is no suitable candidate yet."

Zhou Yunchen shook her head, a little embarrassed, "The talents in Shizun Group are all well-known in Lushui Group."

The two groups have fought each other, and they must know a lot of information and information about each other.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. This sentence is also applicable in the business world.

Immediately, Li Tian also felt the difficulty of this matter.

At the critical moment, no one can be found to carry out this acquisition negotiation.

There's just so little talent around.

talent! ! !

"Have it!"

Li Tian stood up.

How could he forget the person who was waiting for him downstairs.

Xiao Caizhe, President of China Resources Vanguard South China.

"Yunchen, wait for me, I'll bring you a suitable candidate right away!"

After Li Tian finished speaking, the man had disappeared.


World Grand Hotel Cafe.

"President Li, this way!"

Fade Chen saw Li Tian's body, stood up and waved.

When I saw Fade Chen from the headhunting company again, he was still the same, with his shiny hair combed straight.

"President Li, please sit down!"

"This is President Xiao who is in charge of the South China region of China Resources Vanguard."

"This is the owner of the Lida supermarket chain, Mr. Li."

Fade Chen introduced one by one.

The man named Xiao Caizhe has a small crew cut, suit and leather shoes, and looks a little younger. He looks a few years younger than his real age of 38. He looks gentle and has a steady demeanor.

When Xiao Caizhe saw Li Tian, ​​he was very surprised.

Although Fade Chen had already introduced Li Tian to him as very young and promising, he was the owner of a supermarket chain at a young age and had a close relationship with the World Honored Group, so he was not an easy person.But when I saw him in person, I was really...too young.

He couldn't help but doubt whether he should come to see this side.

Such a young guy, is he sure to be a boss worth following?

Could it be that the rich second generation came out to have fun and experience life?

Although Xiao Caizhe was confused, he didn't show it on his face at all.

He believes that one cannot hold a questioning attitude until one has a thorough understanding of a person.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Caizhe and Li Tian shook hands politely.

"Mr. Li, you must be aware that to be in my position in China Resources Vanguard is basically a ceiling."

Xiao Caizhe spoke first.

Li Tian nodded in agreement.

"I'm only 38 years old this year. I don't want my life to remain the same in the future. I want to have a wider world."

"I came to see you today because I hope to have more opportunities and prospects."

Prior to this, the headhunting company painted a beautiful picture in order to scoop up this talent.

But seeing is believing, Xiao Caizhe needs to talk to Li Tian in person to know.

"How is President Xiao's treatment over there?"


(End of this chapter)

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