Chapter 77 Absorb Talent
"220 before tax."

Xiao Caizhe didn't hide anything, he told the truth.

"That's less than 200 million after tax."

Li Tian probably had an understanding in his heart, and then asked, "What kind of prospect and broad world does Mr. Xiao want?"

"I would like to know in detail what scale the Lida supermarket chain has reached now?"

Xiao Caizhe asked directly without hesitation.

At least, he needs to know what kind of development scale the company he is about to switch to has reached.

"Very small."

Li Tian said frankly.

"How small?"

"Jiangsha District has a 25% market share."

"What about other areas?"

"Only Jiangsha district, there are no other districts."

"That's really small."

Xiao Caizhe frowned slightly, feeling a little disappointed.

A company of this size can't even compare to the small suppliers he usually has contact with.

At this stage, it is extremely difficult for retail supermarkets to operate, let alone a company of this size, which simply survives in the cracks.

The competition in retail supermarkets is too fierce, coupled with the severe impact of e-commerce in recent years, the entire industry is going downhill.

From this point of view, I am going to make this trip for nothing.

Li Tian seemed to see Xiao Caizhe's concerns, and smiled, "Mr. Xiao, how about the Lida supermarket chain giving you 300 million a year?"

Today's task is to win the talent Xiao Caizhe, so Li Tian didn't even bat an eye, and directly added 100 million.

Given the current situation, it is indeed difficult for the Lida supermarket chain to attract talents like Xiao Caizhe.

But it doesn't matter, just spend money, no one will have trouble with money.

"May I ask Mr. Li what kind of plan he has for the development of the entire enterprise?"

Xiao Caizhe couldn't be unmoved by the 100 million annual salary, at least he still has the interest to stay and continue chatting.

"400 million!"

Li Tian didn't want to answer Xiao Caizhe's question. For such things as development planning, it must be done by professional talents.

What he said was neither authoritative nor specific.

"President Li, this..."

This is the first time Xiao Caizhe has met such an imposing young man, and this is completely reckless to achieve his goal.

"Mr. Li, although the annual salary you gave me is very attractive, it's not just about money, it's..."


Before Xiao Caizhe finished writing, Li Tian raised the price again.

Is 400 million not tempting enough?

Then add it!


Xiao Caizhe took a deep breath.

This young Mr. Li is not joking, is he?

Are you sure such a small business can pay such high wages? ?
Could it be that it closed down after only taking it for a year? !
Xiao Caizhe had many doubts in his mind at this time, but he was also in a state of being moved.

"Mr. Li, in fact, I have always wanted to start my own business, but I just suffered from not having enough funds."

Xiao Caizhe continued helplessly, "So the annual salary is important, but...the stability and growth of the company are also very important, what do you think?"

In Xiao Caizhe's mind, the annual salary has already reached the standard, and now the stability of the company is lacking. If the company cannot continue to develop, he will give up China Resources Vanguard and choose the Lida supermarket chain, and the loss outweighs the gain.

"You can rest assured that the company will be fully managed by you. As long as you manage it well, it will only grow stronger and will not fail to develop. What do you think?"

Li Tian asked back, and then said.

"As for your idea of ​​starting a business, it can also be realized in Lida. I can still give you 200 million annual salary every year. As for the remaining 300 million, you can exchange it for shares in Lida supermarket chain."

"However, five years... your shares can only be lifted after five years. This is also to prevent any accidents in the middle of your life."

"In this way, I believe you have no reason to reject me, right? You are not simply working for me, but you can become a qualified partner through your own efforts."

Li Tian said all his thoughts at once.

There is something to be desired.

If you want others to work hard for you, you must give them enough sweetness.

"make a deal!"

Xiao Caizhe got up and stretched out his right hand.

Li Tian's final conditions were all in his mind.

He can work hard, but not just the kind of high-level part-time job with an annual salary of 500 million.

He was thinking about how to open this mouth with Li Tian and asked if he could take some shares.

Only by holding shares in a company can you have the ultimate sense of belonging.

This is why he came to see Li Tian today.

After all, Xiao Caizhe's funds are not enough to start his own business, so he can only try his luck in this fledgling company to see if there are any good opportunities or good partners.

Now, the conditions given by Li Tian are very suitable for him.

"Welcome Mr. Xiao to join the Lida supermarket chain."

Li Tian also got up and shook hands with Xiao Caizhe.

next second.

"Mr. Xiao, before taking over the Lida supermarket chain, you must do one thing for me."

Talents poached with an annual salary of 500 million must verify their abilities first. It just so happens that there is a ready-made thing right now, Li Tian said to Xiao Caizhe.

"what's up?"

Xiao Caizhe asked.

"Acquisition of another company in Jiangsha District with a 70% market share."

"You will be solely responsible for this matter, is there any problem?"

Li Tian downplayed it, as if acquiring such a company was as simple as drinking a glass of water.

All of this was seen by Xiao Caizhe, who had a little more understanding of Li Tian.

The young man in front of him will definitely not be a boss who is short of money.

At this moment, Xiao Caizhe felt more at ease with Li Tian's request.

"No problem, but I need to thoroughly understand the information of the other party's company first."

Xiao Caizhe was a little excited.

Now the market share of the Lida supermarket chain is 25%. As long as the acquisition plan is successful, it will immediately monopolize the entire Jiangsha District.

Similarly, he also knew that this was a test of Li Tian's ability.

"You follow me to get the information later, my target price is [-] million to win the acquisition."

Li Tian revealed the price in his heart for the acquisition, so that Xiao Caizhe could find a way to complete it by himself.

Xiao Caizhe just nodded and didn't speak. After all, he didn't read the detailed information, and he didn't dare to say whether the [-] million was too high or too low.

However, the tasks assigned by the boss must be done by all means.

"In addition, Lida Supermarket has just been acquired by me. Many personnel will be decided by you to stay or stay. You can recruit others if there is any shortage of personnel."

Li Tianduo added a little more.

"Yes, leave these trivial matters to me."

Xiao Caizhe hesitated for a moment, then continued, "President Li, the resignation process at China Resources will take half a month."

"It's okay for half a month. In the next two days, you should start to win the acquisition plan first. This matter is more urgent."

After speaking, Li Tian stood up, "Boss Xiao, follow me upstairs."

"it is good!"

Xiao Caizhe responded.

"Hello, Mr. Li, what is the cost of our headhunting company?"

Fade Chen felt that something was going on, so he asked Li Tian.

"After Mr. Xiao joins the job, you can settle the expenses with Shizun Group!"

Li Tian waved his hand and took Xiao Caizhe away.

Zhou Yunchen, who was busy in the office, didn't know that she was going to lose her money again for no reason.


(End of this chapter)

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