Chapter 78 Cousins

Arrived at Zhou Yunchen's CEO's office.

Li Tian briefly introduced the two parties respectively, and then asked them to discuss the specific acquisition matters in detail.

After all, Zhou Yun investigated a lot of information, and Xiao Caizhe is a professional.

Li Tian's presence also seemed a bit redundant, so he simply went to the room in Zhou Yunchen's office to take a rest.

As expected of a woman's boudoir, the whole room is filled with bursts of fragrance, which is really refreshing.

Seeing Li Tian walking directly into Zhou Yunchen's rest room, Xiao Caizhe wondered in his heart that the relationship between the two is so deep?

not simple! ! !
The female presidents were all taken down by their own bosses.


Gradually, Li Tian fell asleep.

This sleep was very heavy, and when he woke up again, the sky outside the window was dark.

It was also very quiet outside, probably because Xiao Caizhe had finished discussing the details with Zhou Yunchen and went to work.

Now there is only the occasional sound of typing on the keyboard.

Li Tian leaned against the head of the bed and calmed down... Squinting a glance, several hours have passed.


Zhou Yunchen, who was reviewing the documents, heard the voice and raised her head, "Why are you here?"

Thinking of something suddenly, Zhou Yunchen panicked.

Li Tian was still sleeping in the back, if this girl found out, the entire Zhou family's relatives, big and small, would be all over the place.

The person who came was Zhou Yunchen's cousin Zhou Yike.

"Can't I come if I'm fine?"

Zhou Yike muttered, half lying on the sofa and said.

"You know how to be talkative."

Zhou Yunchen gave Zhou Yike a blank look, then looked at the computer.

"Sister, I'm really depressed today, just take a rest and stay with me."

Seeing that Zhou Yunchen was busy again, Zhou Yike said hastily.

"You little temper tantrum, when will you not be depressed?"

Zhou Yunchen shook her head.

This cousin of hers is always spooky and has a bad temper, but she still works in a service industry like a bank.

Fortunately, this cousin came to her every day to complain when she first joined the job.

Zhou Yunchen also persuaded her several times, and if she couldn't do it, she would go to work at Shizun Group.

Zhou Yike refused because she didn't want to work in the same place as her father.

Zhou Yike's father is also working under Zhou Tai's men.

"How did it turn out that I have a bad temper? You don't know how cheap some customers are."

Zhou Yike, who was halfway on the sofa, sat up straight with a 'whoosh' sound.

She thought of the bitch who made her run back and forth for more than ten kilometers today.

After getting off work at noon, Zhou Yike went straight to the vegetable market before he even had time to eat. After visiting three stores, he managed to collect five catties of ribs.

When sending the pork ribs to Huijing Community, the car died on the way, so they took a taxi and sent them to Huijing Community by the way.

Returning to the accident site again, we had to wait under the scorching sun for more than half an hour before the tow truck arrived.

Zhou Yike was about to explode.

"How cheap?"

Zhou Yunchen smiled, ready to listen to Zhou Yike's bitterness.

got used to.

"However, that kid is quite rich. He is younger than me, and he has nearly 200 billion in deposits in his card."

Zhou Yike's round eyes rolled around, thinking carefully.

"So much cash?"

Zhou Yunchen stopped typing on the keyboard and looked at Zhou Yike, "It seems that the young and old of our Guangshen bullied you?"

Such a young man with so much cash at the same time is rare in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

So Zhou Yunchen immediately thought of which family's young and old it was.

"God knows, I don't know him."

Zhou could also deny it, and continued, "However, that Yi Yulong went to get to know him personally. I don't know if it's just for grabbing customers or for other reasons."

"Boss Yi went out in person?"

"Yeah, I've been smiling at that kid all the time, very flattering."

"This is my business card, you can find me if you have anything to do in the future."

Zhou can also imitate Yi Yulong's words and deeds.

"Haha... you."

Zhou Yike's performance made Zhou Yunchen laugh.

"By the way, sister, that Yi Yulong saw that my face was not good, and asked me to greet you."

"Well, he called me a few days ago and asked me to allocate more of the group's business to Shenzhen-Hong Kong Commercial Bank."

"You promised?"

Zhou can also be a little anxious.

"No, you also know that some time ago, where did the group have any remaining funds? Even if there is, isn't it all in your bank?"

Because of Zhou Yike's relationship, Zhou Yunchen handed over many of the bank's business to her cousin.

"This is my good sister."

Only then did Zhou Yike sit back down with peace of mind.

same second.

"Going off topic, I haven't said how hateful that kid is."

Zhou Yike clenched his fist, waved it, and continued.

"I'm really going to vomit blood from this anger in the morning."

"Do you know how shameless this man is?"

"So... actually asked me to buy ribs for his family!!"

"It's the first time I've seen such an excessive request in my life, asking a bank manager to buy vegetables."

Zhou Yike got excited and described it vividly.


Zhou Yunchen also laughed, "This person is so weird!"

"That's right, the more shameless ones are yet to come."

"He originally asked me to buy two catties, but later when I heard that I would not charge money..."

"This kid wants five catties directly!!"

"I almost gave him a slap."

Zhou Yike mistook his left hand for Li Tian, ​​and swiped it viciously with his right hand as a way to vent his anger.

Zhou Yunchen, who was sitting at the desk, was about to die of laughter from Zhou Yike's description, and couldn't work anymore, so she got up and walked to the sofa, "Then you went to buy it?"

"I bought it!!!"

"Yo, it's strange, you actually went to buy it."

Zhou Yunchen looked in disbelief, but she knew that this cousin of hers would seldom give in to a single person.

"No way, the president wants me to coax him to buy [-] million wealth management, otherwise the bank's performance this quarter will not be able to keep up."

Zhou Yike supported his chin with both hands, and said helplessly.

"Your bank really has so many tasks every day."

"Oh, let's not talk about the bank, it's annoying."

When the word task is mentioned, Zhou Yike's head gets dizzy.

Followed by.

"Sister, I found out that it's not that a family doesn't enter a house."


"It's even more annoying after I buy it and send it to that kid's house."

"At first, I thought this kid was thick-skinned enough, but I didn't expect... His mother is even more ruthless!!"

"My mother almost left me to stay at home, mistakenly thought I was his girlfriend, insisted on keeping me for dinner, asked this and that, scared me to death."

After Zhou Yike finished speaking, he patted his heart with lingering fear.

"Haha... You have encountered all kinds of strange things."

Zhou Yunchen smiled and continued, "Then you can stay and have a meal, maybe you will find a boyfriend."

"What did you say?"

Zhou Yike knew that his cousin was ticklish, so she reached out and grabbed Zhou Yunchen, saying, "I don't need these dog men."

"Ah...don't touch me."

Zhou Yunchen was about to escape, but was caught by Zhou Yike.

While the two were playing.

"Cough cough..."


(End of this chapter)

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