Chapter 84 Take down Aston Martin

Seeing Su Qinhan next to Li Tian, ​​the male salesman frowned, but still reluctantly walked over, "Didn't I just tell you that there are five people ahead? Love can't wait!"

Today, these anchors are all here to rub his company's sports cars for free. The popularity seems to be very high, but it is completely impossible to have any transactions.

Not only has it seriously affected his sales performance, but he also has to do a lot of aftermath work after these anchors are gone.

Speaking of which, these anchors were just here to take advantage of his company's popularity. He was irritable, and his tone of voice became contemptuous and irritable.

"You little salesman, what kind of bullshit attitude?"

Zhou Honghao said suddenly and angrily.

"That's my attitude. If you want to live broadcast our sports car, just wait for me honestly and stop talking nonsense."

Since Su Qinhan was standing next to Li Tian, ​​the male salesman naturally regarded them all as assistants to the female anchor.

"Xiao Chen, pay attention to your attitude."

At this time, a woman with a work badge with the title of supervisor came over and smiled slightly, "Everyone, Xiao Chen is a new salesman. Please bear with me if I speak too aggressively."

There are a lot of people gathered in Aston Martin's exhibition area now. If there is any conflict between its salesperson and people, it will only damage the image of the entire brand.

So as soon as she saw a situation, she immediately came to mediate.

"Mr. Wei, an anchor and several assistants, what kind of attitude should we pay attention to?"

The male salesman looked disdainful, and looked down on the female executive who didn't know right from wrong. If it was a real customer, he would never have such an attitude.

"If they are not satisfied, they can stop broadcasting our company's sports car."

The male salesman added, anyway, in his opinion, this is because the anchor wants something from them, and there is no need for a good attitude.

"Xiao Chen, can't you hear me clearly?"

The female supervisor looked a little displeased. This salesman was blatantly playing against her, and no one seemed to be a subordinate at all.

The last moment made him pay attention to his attitude and chatter endlessly.

"Mr. Wei, I know that customers are gods, but they are not customers, nor are they gods. I can't have a good attitude."

The male salesman was obviously dissatisfied with the female supervisor, and said mercilessly.

"Your salesman is really awesome. Do you really think the car is yours?"

Zhou Honghao spoke bluntly and joked.

"Then if you want to broadcast live, you can buy the car directly, and live broadcast will be enough!"

The male salesman said contemptuously that he thought this group of people would definitely not be able to afford this 500 million sports car.

He said this on purpose to disgust these young people who don't know the heights of heaven and earth.

Three men, followed by a female anchor, still so tough?

Is there a monthly salary of [-]?

at the same time.

The voice of the male salesman caught the attention of some people around, as well as several female anchors who were waiting for the live broadcast.

'Which platform is that person a big anchor?There are actually three assistants? '

'I don't know, I'm very unfamiliar. If it's a big anchor, I should know everyone. '

'I know this one. It's a female anchor on our Lion Tooth platform. Some time ago, a folk big brother took her to win the guild battle championship, but then the big brother disappeared, and she should be dying too. '

'Brother is gone?Isn't that still a small anchor? '

'How many fans can a small streamer have, and he even wants to live broadcast the sports car outdoors, are you sure someone will watch it? '

When Su Qinhan was revealed the real situation, the other anchors present all looked disdainful.

They all held the mentality of watching a movie, and now they are still arguing with the male salesman. It is estimated that the chance of this live broadcast may be dying.

at the same time.

Seeing more and more people watching and commenting, the female supervisor was a little sullen, "If you don't shut up, don't do it."

A person with such a reckless personality is not qualified for the sales profession at all. She is considering how to report to the company and lay off this person.

Otherwise, such a person will cause trouble for himself in the future.

"I didn't do anything wrong, why did you tell me not to do it?"

Hearing the female executive's threat, the male salesman was also angry, and continued, "They are not our company's customers, even if I offend them, I haven't violated the company's regulations at all."

"You have no reason to fire me!"

The male salesman took advantage of the company's rules and regulations.

The company does have express regulations that quarrels and disputes with customers or potential customers are not allowed, otherwise they will be dismissed.

A small anchor with three assistants under the age of 20.

Where do potential customers come from?
Where did it violate the company regulations?

At this time, the female supervisor looked embarrassed, and what the male salesman said was not unreasonable, but she still said coldly, "You are so noisy, which seriously affects the company's reputation."


The male salesman glanced at the people present and snorted coldly.

If the noise continued, he would really affect the company's reputation. It would be bad if he was really caught by the female executive, and the male salesman could only shut up temporarily.

Seeing that the male salesman had finally calmed down, the female supervisor turned to look at Su Qinhan and his party.

"Everyone, if you need to live broadcast sports cars, you really have to queue up according to the process. No matter who jumps in, others will have opinions. Please understand our work, okay?"

Even though she thought that the people in front of her were not potential customers, she patiently explained it.

As expected of a person who can be in charge, he does have better qualities than others.

Zhou Honghao and Huang Shicheng didn't speak. Su Qinhan is Li Tian's friend, so Li Tian should stand up and deal with it.

At the same time, they also wanted to take this opportunity to see Li Tian's ability to handle things.

"Who said we were going to jump in line?"

Li Tianfeng said calmly, "I bought this car, and all the anchors on the stage were withdrawn."


The female executive was very surprised. An anchor's assistant wanted to buy this 500 million sports car?

Arabian Nights?
Hearing this, the male salesman immediately turned his head and looked at Li Tian with a frown.

This... How can I buy it with a salary of [-] a month?
Install what X?

"Did you hear that, the assistant next to the anchor said that he wanted to buy this 500 million sports car, haha..."

'It is estimated that he was fooled by the male salesman. '

'I still want us to withdraw, is there enough money in the card? '

When several female anchors not far away heard that Li Tian asked them to withdraw, they were dissatisfied and mocked.

"Brother Tiantian!"

Su Qinhan knew that Li Tian was planning to buy this sports car again because of her.

She was not only feeling sorry, but also a little bit at a loss, and tentatively said, "Brother Tiantian, why don't you go, I won't broadcast it anymore."

"Need not!"

Li Tian waved his hand, "I was planning to buy this sports car."

Huang Shicheng looked at Li Tian meaningfully. This new friend is very secretive and low-key.

"Brother Tian, ​​you were so domineering when you said this, you have become a fan."

Zhou Honghao was very happy. Just now, he was mistaken by the small salesman for the female anchor's assistant. Now he just bought the car without saying a word, which is the most relieved way.

Ten thousand words are not worth a single sentence.

the same moment.

"Let them all withdraw. If someone gets on the car to live broadcast again, I won't buy it."

Li Tian looked at the female supervisor again and reminded her.

"Yes, I'll arrange it right away, sir, what's your surname?"

The female supervisor still doesn't know what to call the young man in front of her.

Based on her many years of experience in the industry, it can also be seen at this time that Li Tian is not joking, but intends to buy it.

She didn't dare to neglect, but started to receive them.

The female supervisor gave the male salesman a sideways glance, and almost missed a big order because of this guy's reckless behavior. At this time, she was determined to eliminate this hidden danger.

Feeling the eyes of the female supervisor, the male salesman felt a cool feeling all over his body.

However, he still pretended to be calm on the surface, and still believed that it was impossible for Li Tian to buy this sports car.

The payment has not been successful, and everything is still unknown.

Don't panic!
"Muzi Li."

Li Tian found a chair and sat down.

"Mr. Li, please sit down, I will arrange it for you right away."

After finishing speaking, the female supervisor turned her head and shouted, "Manager Cai, clear the venue..."


(End of this chapter)

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