The end of the college entrance examination has become tens of billions of gods

Chapter 85 Secret investigation of Li Tian's identity

Chapter 85 Secret investigation of Li Tian's identity
"Manager Cai, clear the venue. A customer has reserved a sports car."

The female supervisor yelled at a person at the booth.

Immediately, she brought a credit card machine and a whole set of related procedures for Li Tian to handle.

Without further ado, Li Tian took out his ID card and bank card from his wallet.

The male salesman standing not far away was startled and panicked when he saw the supreme VIP diamond black card that Li Tian took out from his wallet.

If Li Tianzhen successfully purchased an Aston Martin sports car with his credit card, he would really be kicked out of the company.

next moment.

"Successful swipe!"

The female supervisor looked at the screen of the credit card machine, nodded, and said slightly, "Mr. Li, congratulations on becoming our Aston Martin member customer."

She didn't forget to glance at the male salesman after she finished speaking, the meaning was obvious, she didn't even need to report to the company, this person can go away by himself.

The male salesman's face was dark, and he withdrew from the crowd in a dingy manner.

Aston Martin's 4S shop can't get along anymore.

"Brother Tian, ​​domineering!"

Zhou Honghao was convinced that this new friend was definitely the young master of a house in Guangzhou-Shenzhen City, so he acted with pride.

He and Huang Shicheng knew that Li Tian bought not only one, but also a Mercedes-Benz S550 today.

The two add up to nearly ten million.

At the same time, Zhou Honghao took out his mobile phone and sent a text message, "Sister, are you familiar with the Li family in Guangzhou and Shenzhen?"

at the same time.

'Buy it? ? ? '

'Is this the little anchor's assistant?Can an assistant take out 500 million at will? '

'I'm also confused, what is the situation, this is a successful card swiping? '

'I think this is the real big brother, misunderstood by you as an assistant. '

A voice in the crowd suddenly woke everyone up.

Why did they miss it from the beginning, and they naturally thought of it as a little assistant.

'This eldest brother is too young, who would have thought that he is not an assistant but a boss? '

Li Tian's domineering swiping of the card directly caused a commotion around him.

The eyes of many female anchors looking at Li Tian changed, and they wanted to go up and hug this man's thigh.

At this moment, they are all thinking about how to go up and grab the eldest brother.

However, Su Qinhan was unaware of the dangers around him, and looked at Li Tian with all his attention.

This man is so weird.

Usually, she never took the initiative to contact her, but she was able to spend a lot of money for her. Su Qinhan felt very complicated.

Unknowingly, Su Qinhan was eager to get Li Tian's attention and care.

If Li Tian expresses his heart to her now, Su Qinhan will agree without hesitation.

The feeling of worrying about gains and losses is really tormenting.

At this time, all the anchors were invited out of the booth, and they all surrounded Li Tian and did not disperse for a long time.

"Hello, brother, I'm the anchor Lily of the Xiaoyu platform, can I add your WeChat?"

A melon-faced anchor took the initiative to ask Li Tian for his WeChat account.


Li Tian didn't respond, but Su Qinhan who was standing behind blurted out.

She took a step forward and sat next to Li Tian, ​​the meaning of the demonstration was obvious.

Immediately afterwards, Suqin Handan's lips parted slightly, "He is my boyfriend."

This time, she was generous, without the slightest tweaking, and no one else would try to rob Li Tian again.

"Beauty, this handsome guy hasn't spoken yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

Su Qinhan's performance further confirmed that Li Tian is a real boss.

How could this anchor Lily let her go so easily?
From their point of view, Su Qinhan was defending her elder brother to prevent others from snatching him away.

But such a boss, who doesn't love beautiful women, maybe after a while, he will no longer feel fresh about Su Qinhan, and will look for another target again.

So, even if you get to know each other first, maybe there is a chance?

Then, this Lily came closer, with a sweet smile on her lips, "Handsome guy, do you think I'm right?"

Li Tian, ​​who now has an appearance of 89 points, is already as handsome as a crown jade.

Lily approached and saw Li Tian, ​​she couldn't calm down even more, she almost pushed Li Tian down immediately.

"you are right!"

Li Tian was expressionless, just nodded, and quietly turned on the scanning system.

"Brother Tiantian..."

Su Qinhan was a little anxious and said angrily in a low voice.

"Big brother wise!"

Lily smiled happily, took out her mobile phone, opened the QR code, and placed it on the table in front of Li Tian.

Waiting for scan.

next moment.

Li Tian raised his hand to touch Lily's cell phone, slowly pushed it back, and said, "If your life style is not so corrupt, I might not reject you."

After all, this Lily is also a beauty with a face value of 90.

However, the value given by the special aspect is 53, and the number of times this soul communicates is really quite a lot.

If the special is 0, Li Tian can still consider it.


Hearing this, Lily's expression changed.

What does Li Tian mean?
Does he know himself?
It shouldn't be, but it seems that he is very clear about himself.

Lily wanted to vent her inner anger, but she was very guilty, so she could only take her phone back and leave resentfully.

"Brother Tian, ​​you are so violent, you are struck by lightning."

Seeing the beautiful woman being pushed away by Li Tian, ​​Zhou Honghao wailed.

"Didn't you hear what Brother Tian said clearly, kid? They say she's corrupt, so what else is she good for?"

Huang Shicheng glared at Zhou Honghao.

Li Tian can say such a thing, he must have some black material.

Zhou Honghao sighed, "Oh, what a pity..."

Su Qinhan didn't care much about other people's false information. In short, she was very satisfied when Li Tian rejected the other party.

Many female anchors around saw that Lily was sated by Li Tian, ​​and they all stopped eager to try.

Because they were far away, they didn't know what Li Tian and Li Li had said, but because of Li Li's appearance, they were rejected by Li Tian, ​​and they were all a little disappointed.

This boss has too high a vision.


Li Tian received a deduction text message, and today he used the [300 million consumer cashback card] and received a reward of 1200 million. Excluding the two cars that cost 799 million, he earned 401 million.

"Mr. Li, wait for a while, I will take the documents to you to go through the follow-up procedures, and you can drive the car away later."

After the female supervisor asked Li Tian to sign seven or eight names, she got up to go through the next procedure.

"Ok, no problem."

Li Tian smiled, and then looked at Su Qinhan beside him, "Why is the little anchor still here in a daze? Now you don't have to queue up, the sports car will only let you broadcast live, and you can broadcast as long as you like."

"Okay, thank you Brother Tiantian!"

Li Tian's words touched Su Qinhan's heart.

Who wouldn't want such a domineering and warm man?

the other side.

Zhou Honghao opened the text message, "Honghao, I know the Li family, but I'm not familiar with it, what's the matter?"

"Sister, does the Li family have a junior named Li Tian?"

next second.

"Li Tian???"

Zhou Honghao was at a loss, not knowing what the text message his sister replied meant.


(End of this chapter)

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