Chapter 90 'Psychological Cleanliness'

"Teach what?"

Li Tian pretended not to hear clearly.

"That... how did you do it?"

Zhou Honghao's eyes quickly changed from Li Tian's left to right directions.

He raised his eyebrows, the meaning of which was self-evident.

It's just a matter of asking directly for the trick of 'killing two birds with one stone'.

"Fuck off, drink as much as you drink, where is there so much nonsense?"

Li Tian couldn't help but uttered angrily.

Will this kid die if he doesn't speak?

If you need to ask such a question, you have to change the occasion, right?

In the current situation, can Li Tian tell Zhou Honghao that it is more than just 'killing two birds with one stone'?
"Honghao, you talk too much, you'll be punished with a glass of wine!"

Huang Shicheng came forward to mediate, otherwise this guy would have to say a few more words, and the dinner party might end up breaking up.

"Okay, I'll punish myself with a drink."

Zhou Honghao realized that he had said something wrong again, so he dared not refuse.

Fortunately, this little episode did not cause Zhou Yunchen and Su Qinhan to pay too much attention, and it was quickly forgotten.

Next, Zhou Honghao spoke less, or was cut off by Li Tian and Huang Shicheng before there was any sign of something wrong, so the overall atmosphere of the dinner was much more stable.

Three rounds of wine.

Everyone is more or less in some state, and the five people are also divided into two small groups of men and women.

The three men of Li Tian gathered together to fight for wine, while Zhou Yunchen and Su Qinhan were quietly communicating with each other.

The harmonious scene of these two women in front of him made Li Tian sigh in his heart, if the woman he likes can be so sensible, how much peace of mind he would have!

Unknowingly, he thought of Luo Siying who was still angry with him.

Luo Siying's personality is quite different from these two people.

She didn't have Zhou Yunchen's experience and insight, and she wasn't as obedient as Su Qinhan.

Therefore, Luo Siying's instability factor is the biggest.

Would you like to give her a call?
Li Tian hesitated...

However, he finally put down the phone in his hand.

At this moment.

"What? So you and him... have no established relationship? Bastard..."

Zhou Yunchen next to him said in surprise, and glanced at Li Tian by the way.

Although she deliberately lowered her voice, the private room is not large, and Li Tian could still vaguely hear some of it.

Why do two women have to talk about these things?
Isn't it good to talk about work and ideals?

Li Tian just shook his head and didn't stop it, as long as the two of them don't talk to each other, it doesn't matter if they attack him together, anyway, he has rough skin and thick flesh, so he can withstand grinding.

next moment.

The dinner was coming to an end, and the two bottles of Hennessy Mo Ting were basically finished by the three of them.

Zhou Yunchen and Su Qinhan were drinking red wine behind them.

Su Qinhan was so overwhelmed with alcohol that her delicate little face was so red that it could bleed.

"Turn round two?"

Li Tian asked everyone, and then continued, "Can you all still drink?"

Since Zhou Honghao couldn't compete for dinner, Li Tian planned to arrange a second session to receive Huang Shicheng, his new friend.

"It must be able to drink, where are we going?"

"Of course it's the biggest bar in Guangzhou and Shenzhen."

Li Tian raised his eyebrows and answered Zhou Honghao's question.


Zhou Honghao's eyes that were still a little blurry suddenly became brighter, he hesitated for a moment, "Brother Tian, ​​do you have that?"


Li Tian blurted out.

"Answered so quickly, do you know what I mean?"

Zhou Honghao looked frustrated, and gave a reminder without giving up.

He didn't believe that a person with billions of dollars like Li Tian would not have his own atmosphere group in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

"You don't need to know, it just doesn't exist anyway."

Li Tian said with a smile.

He was used to when Zhou Honghao asked some vague questions, it was the best way to refuse decisively.

Seeing Li Tian's determination, he could only look at Huang Shicheng, "Brother Cheng, is it still too late for the airborne?"

"What airborne? What do you mean? I can't understand what you're saying?"

Huang Shicheng responded with a serious face.

He really wanted to give Zhou Honghao a kick. Zhou Yunchen was Zhou Honghao's sister, not his own. How would Zhou Yunchen think of herself later?

The two families know each other, and the personal image also represents the image of the whole family, which is very important!
This guy is so unscrupulous, does he want to harm someone?

What if it gets out accidentally and your reputation is ruined?
"Brother Cheng, are you drunk?"

Zhou Honghao pressed on, "The one you arranged last month..."

"Sister Yunchen, Hong Hao is drunk, you control him."

Huang Shicheng interrupted Zhou Honghao and asked Zhou Yunchen for help.

"Okay, okay, if you still want to drink, go to the Starry Sky Lounge of the Lord of the Dead. It's convenient to go back to the room after drinking."

Zhou Yunchen didn't like the atmosphere of the bar, so she suggested something else.

"Okay, I'm fine."

Huang Shicheng agreed without hesitation, if Zhou Yunchen followed to the bar, he wouldn't let go, so why not just find a place to drink more and go back to the room to sleep.

“The Starry Sky Lounge is too stuffy!”

Zhou Honghao wailed and said.

"Then you can go back to your room and sleep first."

Zhou Yunchen said bluntly.

"No, the Starry Sky Lounge is the Starry Sky Lounge, let's go!"

Wouldn't it be more boring to let him go back to the room alone?
"Qinhan, why don't you go back first."

Li Tian saw Su Qinhan who was drunk and said.

"I'm fine, I still have to chat with Sister Yunchen!"

Su Qinhan shook her head, took Zhou Yunchen's hand and said.

"Yeah, we agreed, we're going to talk all night tonight!"

Zhou Yunchen smirked, "So be careful when you go home alone after drinking later."

Li Tian: "..."

This is too pitiful!
He couldn't get any of the two beauties, and he had to go home alone?
Looking at Zhou Yunchen's bright smile, Li Tian has reason to suspect that this incident was definitely man-made rather than accidental.

This little girl actually played tricks on her secretly.

"Haha... Brother Tian, ​​suddenly, I feel balanced."

Hearing that Li Tian went home alone, Zhou Honghao laughed gloatingly.

"Brother Cheng, why don't we throw this bitch out together?"

"Agreed, do it!"

At the same time, laughter and Zhou Honghao's screams came from the private room.

Later, Zhou Yunchen arranged for three drivers to take them all back to the hotel.

In the Star Lounge.

The second wine fight conference lasted until close to the early morning.

On the way, Zhou Yunchen took Su Qinhan, who had already been unconscious, away.

Li Tian watched helplessly, and could only drink a few glasses of wine in a row in melancholy.

Wait until Zhou Yunchen and Su Qinhan leave.

It was miserable for Zhou Honghao, who was speechless by Li Tian and Huang Shicheng.

In the end, I can only express that as long as there are occasions with his sister in the future, I will never talk nonsense.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Zhou Honghao's serious and regretful expression, Li Tian and Huang Shicheng were amused.

"Brother Tian, ​​next time you come to Kyoto, we'll just play with a few of you, and I'll arrange the airborne."

Huang Shicheng's drinking capacity is very good, although he is a little tipsy, he still has a sip of wine as usual.

"It's okay to accompany you for a drink, nothing else..."

Li Tian smiled and clinked glasses with Huang Shicheng again.


Huang Shicheng didn't quite understand what Li Tian said, so he asked.

"I have a mental cleanliness towards the opposite sex!"

Li Tian was smiling but not smiling, as if you understand.



Huang Shicheng and Zhou Honghao said in unison.


"We believed it because we also have mental cleanliness."

Li Tian: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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