Chapter 91
The next day.

When Li Tian woke up, there was still a trace of alcohol from last night, and he drank too much.

While Li Tian was washing up.

Xiao Caizhe called.

"Is the acquisition project in sight?"

Li Tian asked.

"Mr. Li, we had the last negotiation last night, and finally made a wholly-owned acquisition of the supermarket business under the name of Lushui Group at a price of 5000 million."

Xiao Caizhe's tone couldn't hide his excitement. If it wasn't because it was too late last night, he would have wanted to call Li Tian directly to announce the good news.

"Mr. Xiao, you did a great job!"

Li Tian was in a good mood, and continued, "I'll give you a bonus when I'm done with this matter."

"Thank you Mr. Li. In fact, Lushui Group itself is in urgent need of funds. It has no choice but to compromise with me."

Xiao Caizhe said modestly.

"In any case, your credit is indispensable."

Li Tian affirmed what Xiao Caizhe did.

"Mr. Li, take some time today to sign the entrustment documents, and leave the rest to me."

"Then let's meet in Mr. Zhou's office at ten o'clock, and you get the documents ready."

"no problem."


Nine fifty-five.

Li Tian appeared in Zhou Yunchen's office.

As soon as he entered, he saw two familiar figures.

'Why is Su Qinhan here? '

Li Tian murmured to himself suspiciously.

Seeing someone coming, Su Qinhan immediately got up and said, "Brother Tiantian, are you here?"


Li Tian raised his hand and pressed it out of thin air, signaling Su Qinhan to sit down.

"Did you get drunk last night?"

Zhou Yunchen who was sitting at the desk raised her head and asked.

"I drank a little too much, and my head is still heavy."

Li Tian patted his forehead twice, sat down on the sofa, and raised his legs.

"I heard that the three of you drank eight bottles of red wine after I left?"

Zhou Yunchen frowned, and continued, "Did you die?"

As soon as she arrived at the office, she called and asked the staff in the lounge, and she was relieved when she heard that Li Tian and the others were fine in the end.

"Did not notice."

Li Tian shook his head, he only remembered opening one bottle after another last night and drank so much, how could he remember how many bottles he drank.

"Are you two okay last night?"

He asked concerned, "Did the two vomit all night together?"

"We didn't throw up!"

Zhou Yunchen responded disdainfully, and by the way, concealed what Su Qinhan vomited several times last night.

Su Qinhan pursed her lips and smiled. She was very grateful for Zhou Yunchen's careful care last night. When she vomited, there were hot towels and warm water, and she never left her footsteps.

Su Qinhan's heart was greatly moved by Zhou Yunchen's actions.

"is it?"

Li Tian stared at Su Qinhan's eyes and asked.

Facing the staring eyes, Su Qinhan covered her mouth guiltily and laughed.

"Don't let a certain president lead you down..."

Li Tian said pretending to be yin and yang.

"Don't accuse Sang and scold Huai."

Zhou Yunchen said angrily, "I'm just teaching Qin Han how to spot scumbags."

"Where is the scumbag?"

Li Tiandong looked around.


Xiao Caizhe walked in, "Mr. Li is here?"

"No, the scumbag is here..."

Li Tian said casually, and put the scumbag's hat on Xiao Caizhe.

Xiao Caizhe: Who am I?where am I?

Zhou Yunchen and Su Qinhan couldn't help laughing.


"Well, are the documents ready?"

Li Tian returned to his serious appearance, no longer the one who was joking just now.

"Okay, please take a look at Mr. Li!"

Xiao Caizhe presented a thick stack of materials.

After receiving the information, Li Tianfan read it.

"Where did the resignation procedures go?"

He asked while looking at the information in his hand.

"The resignation procedures have been submitted, and we have to wait for the notification from above."

Xiao Caizhe explained, "There should be news this week."

Li Tian nodded and continued, "By the way, which account should the 5000 million purchase money be transferred to?"

"Mr. Li, this time the lawyer team is from Mr. Zhou's side. You can transfer the purchase money directly to Mr. Zhou's account. When the lawyer team completes the notarization, it will be convenient to directly transfer the funds."

Xiao Caizhe is self-aware, he just joined Li Tian's team, with such a large sum of money, he naturally had better avoid suspicion.

"Okay, then I'll send the money after I sign the documents, and you can finish this matter as soon as possible."

Li Tian had no objection to Xiao Caizhe's actions.

"President Li, don't worry!"

Xiao Caizhe responded, and then pointed to the document Li Tiangang had read, "Sign here."

Li Tian signed his name according to Xiao Caizhe's instructions.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to look through the documents, and then asked, "After the acquisition, our Lida supermarket chain will become the largest supermarket in Jiangsha District, with a market share of 95%. Next, what does Mr. Xiao think?"

"What our Lida supermarket chain lacks most now is reputation."

Xiao Caizhe spoke eloquently.

"First of all, we must open up our reputation. We must open a super-large store in the center of Guangzhou-Shenzhen to expand our company's reputation in the local area."

"Secondly, it is appropriate to use some network promotion, exaggerate the momentum, and continue to accumulate popularity."

"The last thing is to burn money. No matter how hype the publicity is, without a price advantage, everything is empty talk."

"Now the supermarket industry in Guangzhou and Shenzhen is basically finalized, especially the super-large supermarkets at home and abroad, which have seized their respective market shares. If we want to win food from the tiger's mouth, we have to pay a huge price in the early stage."

"I'm already working on the specific plan, and I'll summarize it with Mr. Li in detail after the acquisition task is completed."

Xiao Caizhe deserves to be the president of China Resources Vanguard South China Division, not only has a long-term perspective, but also is thorough and detailed.

The more important point is that no matter what questions Li Tian asks, he has already made full preparations in advance, and there will be no hesitation.

Preparing for a rainy day is the best way to describe Xiao Caizhe.

It seems that the annual salary of 500 million is worth the money.

"Is it famous?"

Li Tian murmured, lost in thought.


"Mr. Xiao, after completing this acquisition, you will start looking for a suitable venue in Guangzhou-Shenzhen City. As for the size of the area to achieve the best results, although the arrangement, funding is not a problem."

At this time, Li Tiancai was rich and powerful, and he also agreed with Xiao Caizhe's statement that the best way out was to develop the company's reputation.

In today's society, if you want to develop an enterprise, you can only break through the world through continuous fighting.

If you only want to keep a small world, the final result will only be slowly eaten away by other companies.

This is undoubtedly a slow suicide!

Moreover, after the enterprise develops and grows, it will naturally form its own identity label.

Otherwise, when one day ranks among the Forbes rankings, how will you show your source of income to the public?
Is it possible to introduce to friends in the media that you have the system of 'no money, absolutely no'?

This is too rich, too willful! ! !

With the support of Li Tian's words, Xiao Caizhe felt relieved and full of hope for the future.

Otherwise, he was always worried that Li Tian, ​​the young man, might lose patience and interest in this career one day, and he should go drink the northwest wind by then.

"By the way, have you visited the Lida supermarket chain yet?"

Li Tian signed two more names one after another, and continued to ask.

"Been there!"

"How about it?"

"Lazy and lazy, even the most basic mental outlook is too bad."

Xiao Caizhe shook his head helplessly, "With such a team, it is a miracle that the company can persist until today."

"Especially that Zhu Yuanji, he is very professional in sycophancy!"

"Ha ha!"

Li Tian smiled, this Xiao Caizhe is really outspoken, he is so penetrating, "Is there no one available in the whole team?"

If Xiao Caizhe recruited the entire team, it would be really difficult to recruit so many professionals in a short period of time.

"No, no, after my screening, one-third of the senior managers can still stay."

Xiao Caizhe explained to Li Tian, ​​"However, the management that can stay still needs to be rebuilt."

"By the way, there is one person who left a deep impression on me."

A person suddenly flashed in Xiao Caizhe's mind.


Li Tian asked curiously.

"financial director……"


(End of this chapter)

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