Chapter 93 Hu Shiqin's Identity
"and many more!"

Hearing that Luo Siying was about to hang up, Li Tian's urgent voice came immediately.

"what's wrong?"

Luo Siying's heart was agitated, wondering what else Li Tian wanted to say?
"Your mobile phone can't even get through, is it broken?"

Li Tian pretended to be stupid and asked in a daze.

"This...maybe there is no signal!"

Luo Siying hesitated for a moment, and could only make up a random reason.

She couldn't directly say that she was blacklisted, otherwise her mother would definitely become suspicious and ask questions.

"Then check your phone. If I still can't get in touch, I can only call your home again to find you."

Li Tian threatened Luo Siying seriously.

How could he not take advantage of such an opportunity?
"No, it will be fine later."

Hearing this, Luo Siying panicked. If she didn't cancel Li Tian's blacklist, with this guy's personality, she would definitely call her home again.

At that time, if the bastard Li Tian really said something nonsense, she wouldn't be able to explain it clearly.

Now Luo Siying doesn't know what kind of attitude she will have when her family finds out that she is in a relationship.

Don't dare to test!

"okay bye!"

Just as Li Tian guessed, Luo Siying gave in and compromised.

He said goodbye to Luo Siying in satisfaction.


After hanging up the phone, Luo Siying's mother really asked, "Siying, who is this boy?"

"His name is Li Tian, ​​and he is my classmate in high school."

Luo Siying answered truthfully.

"Who is Xiaohong? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Luo Siying's mother asked again.

"Xiaohong is Xiaohong, she is also our classmate, I told you before, you should have forgotten."

Luo Siying's heart thumped, she could only hope that she could get through the test smoothly.

It's all because of Li Tian, ​​a villain, who made up a lie, but got such a random name. Isn't this making it more difficult for him to explain?
"Is it?"

Luo Siying's mother was dubious, shook her head, and muttered to herself, "Recently, my memory is getting worse and worse."

Although a little confused, Luo Siying's mother still chose to believe her daughter. After all, her daughter had never lied to her.

"Mom, maybe you are too busy with work and forgetful."

Luo Siying breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to comfort her mother.

"It's not busy recently. The company has just been acquired and has a new boss."

Luo Siying's mother denied her daughter's statement and continued, "By the way, Siying, my new boss is still in the same school as you."

"our school?"

Luo Siying couldn't believe it, and felt that she had heard it wrong.

"Yes, last time I talked with the boss for a while, he told me himself."

"And when we went to Sichuan Hot Pot Fish for dinner, I ran into him. I was going to let you meet and see if you knew each other, but he happened to have something to go away..."

The world is big if it is big, and small if it is small.

Li Tian would never have imagined that Hu Shiqin, the chief financial officer of Lida supermarket chain, would be Luo Siying's mother.

The chief financial officer who controls financial power has turned into the future mother-in-law. I don't know if Li Tian panics when he finds out?

The most important economic lifeline seems to be falling! !

"You mean... the same age as me, but already your boss?"

Hearing her mother's words, Luo Siying was also a little shocked.

At this age, how can you become the boss of a company?
"Yeah, Lee was always a fine young man."

With a smile on the corner of Hu Shiqin's mouth, she nodded appreciatively.

"Your new boss is surnamed Li?"

Luo Siying asked.

"Yes, when we met last time, everyone called him Mr. Li."

Hu Shiqin thought for a while, made sure that he remembered correctly, and continued, "I plan to let you learn from Mr. Li later, it will definitely be of great help to you."

"do not want!"

Luo Siying flatly refused.

She hates Li now.

This scumbag Li, scumbag boy, hasn't explained to her what happened that night.

Now as long as the characters Li and Tian are involved, Luo Siying will be inexplicably angry.

Seeing Luo Siying rushing back to the room, Hu Shiqin sighed helplessly, "This child!"

In the room, Luo Siying muttered, picked up her phone and threw her head on the bed.

Staring at the names on the mobile phone blacklist, he hesitated for a while, and then removed Li Tian from the list.

at the same time.

Li Tian happened to call in.

After thinking twice, Luo Siying still connected the phone.

"Siying, is there a signal on the phone?"

Li Tian chuckled and asked the question knowingly.

"Hmph, I don't want to talk to you."

Luo Siying said angrily.

"Then it's classmate Xiaohong's birthday this afternoon, do you want to come out?"

Li Tian asked cheaply.

"Xiaohong, you are tall, I don't know this person, so don't go."

Luo Siying really wanted to punch Li Tian twice at this time.

"Then you go downstairs now, I happen to be downstairs at your house."

"do not want!"

"I haven't seen you for so many days, don't you miss me?"

"In no mood!"

"Come down quickly, I have something to tell you."

"Do not listen!"

"Then I called your home?"

"Ignore you and ignore you."

"Then I really..."

Before Li Tian could finish speaking, another busy tone came from the phone, "Du, beep..."

What day is it today, why do you like to hang up your phone so much?

Or is it a uniform habit for female friends across the country?
the other side.

Luo Siying was going to be killed by Li Tiantian, and she threatened her again and again, it was too abominable.

Lying on the bed and exhaling heavily, the proud bubbles rose and fell.

no! ! !

Had to find an opportunity to unplug the phone line.

Luo Siying got up and walked out of the room.


Community gate.

"Uncle, give me a call."

Li Tian said to a middle-aged security guard, and by the way, he took out two hundred-yuan bills from his pocket and put them under a folder on the table.

"Cough cough..."

I saw Uncle Security made a fist with his right hand and pretended to cough twice, but his left hand straddled the folder with lightning speed, and he paused, "It's okay, helping others is the foundation of happiness."

Li Tian really admired Uncle Security's performance, the whole set of actions was done in one go.

It's a pity that this uncle doesn't go to the establishment.

"Call this number from your phone."

Li Tian called out Luo Siying's number and handed it to the security uncle, and continued, "Just tell her that there is a delivery that needs to be signed for, and ask her to come down."

"Luo Siying?"

Seeing the name, Uncle Security had a half-smile, obviously he knew Luo Siying, "The young man likes her?"

Li Tian stared at Uncle Security, who seemed to be asking too many questions.

Followed by.

Li Tian flicked the folder with his fingers, and stuffed two hundred-yuan bills in again, "I think your memory is not that good..."

This was done to prevent this matter from reaching the ears of Luo Siying's parents.

Save unnecessary trouble.

Uncle Security scratched his hair lightly with his right hand, "Young man, what did you want me to do just now? Forget it!"

Li Tian: "..."

This person is definitely a talent, he shouldn't just be in the security guard position!

Could it be that...he was kicked out of the establishment for being too flexible, so he came to work as a security guard?
"Come on uncle, please start your performance."

Li Tian raised his eyebrows.

With a smile on his lips, the security uncle dialed the phone, "Hey, Luo Siying, come down to the security room..."


(End of this chapter)

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