Chapter 94 First Kiss
"Hey, Luo Siying, come down to the security room, Xiaoling is waiting for you."

The security uncle hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"This should be okay?"

Li Tian asked suspiciously.

What is this operation?
Where is Xiaoling sacred?To be able to easily summon Luo Siying! ! !

"That's right, it's not that complicated. I've been working in this community for ten years, and I'm familiar with many things."

Uncle Security said calmly, "If it's payable according to what you said, it's likely that Luo Siying's mother has come down."

This young man is still too young. Fortunately, he met such a good person, otherwise such a small trick would never succeed!
"Uncle can do it!"

Li Tian smiled. As expected of a security guard who has worked in the community for ten years, he has thoroughly figured out the habits of the head of the household, and then asked, "Who is Xiaoling?"

"Oh, Xiaoling is the daughter of another colleague of mine. She is in junior high school. In the past, the two of them often played together in the community. They had a good relationship. Luo Siying often helped her with her homework."

"I see!"

Li Tian nodded.

"go quickly!"

Uncle Security waved his hand, "Luo Siying is a good girl, if you still bully her next time, don't come to me for help."

From his point of view, Li Tian and Luo Siying must be young couples who had an awkward relationship, so he casually reminded them.

"No way!"

Although Li Tian responded, he thought to himself: You have really taken care of it a lot. If you want to arrange it with five hundred yuan bills next time, this uncle will definitely suffer from amnesia again.

next moment.

Under the release of the security uncle, Li Tian arrived at Luo Siying's downstairs without any hindrance.

At this moment, a beautiful figure appeared.

'Bah, bang, bang...'

Li Tian drove the Aston Martin slowly behind Luo Siying, and honked the horn several times in a row.

Luo Siying looked back at the car behind her, and frowned. She wasn't walking in the middle of the road, nor was she blocking the road. What is this car blaring about?
Is it amazing to have a sports car?

Are you afraid that others will not know that it is a luxury sports car?

Luo Siying didn't see the people in the car clearly, she turned her head away, and leaned against the side of the road.

'Bah, bah...'

Li Tian honked the horn again.

This time, Luo Siying felt a little angry, turned around, clenched her fists, and stared at this unreasonable sports car.

at the same time.

Li Tian opened the car door and walked out calmly.

When she saw the other person's face clearly, Luo Siying's little face was flushed, she took a few steps forward angrily, and shouted angrily, "Li Tian!"

Why does this guy always bully her?

When she came out of the house, she had just unplugged the phone line, and she was proud that Li Tian could no longer threaten her.

But just as soon as he got downstairs, he ran into a sports car that he couldn't get through with. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the bastard Li Tian again.

Li Tian, ​​who was walking towards her, had a professional smile on his face.

Soon, Luo Siying's little hands were firmly locked.


Luo Siying panicked, "Let me go..."

Li Tian didn't respond, but quickly opened the car door, and stuffed Luo Siying's petite body into the car.

'Snapped! '

The door closed.

Then he pressed the lock button of the car key.

The doors are locked! ! !
It was the first time for Luo Siying to sit in an Aston Martin, and she couldn't find the unlock button for a while, so she could only give up after groping for two or three seconds.

After getting into the car, Li Tian looked serious!
Luo Siying was also unusually quiet and did not speak.

next moment.

"A few days ago, I hurt my foot!"

Li Tian spoke lightly.


Luo Siying glanced at Li Tian, ​​then turned to the other side.

"Do you know how you got hurt?"

Li Tian stretched out his hand, took out a set of SK-ll from the back seat, and handed it to Luo Siying, "For you!"


Luo Siying looked at Li Tian blankly, "How did you get hurt?"

This was the first time Li Tian gave her a gift, and Luo Siying was a little flattered.

But how to give a gift, what does it have to do with the injured foot?
"Take this thing and sprain your foot!"

Li Tian's expression was serious, and he spoke nonsense in a serious manner.

"Well! How about now? Did you go to the hospital?"

As Li Tian expected, Luo Siying became concerned after hearing this.

"The past two days have been much better!"

Li Tian sighed helplessly, and then said, "I had a business dinner with President Zhou that night. She saw that my foot was injured, so she helped me up, but..."


Li Tian hesitated to speak, and sighed again.

The incisiveness of making up nonsense lies in telling the main points. Don't cast the net too wide, otherwise there will be loopholes everywhere.


Luo Siying exclaimed, "Is that really the case?"

"Then I should call President Zhou to confirm this matter now?"

Li Tian didn't blush and didn't panic, he took out his mobile phone and said decisively.

"Need not!"

Seeing Li Tian being so determined, Luo Siying shook her head, "I believe in you!"

Li Tian's attitude made Luo Siying completely relieved. If a person is guilty, it is impossible for him to make a phone call to prove his innocence.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of guilt appeared on her face, "Then you should have told me earlier!"

"Did you ask me to say it? It's either not answering or blocking!!"

Li Tian shook his head helplessly, "And that night I specifically asked you to contact me later, just to explain this matter to you."

Sell ​​it badly first, then throw it away, all in one go!
At this time, Luo Siying also naturally took the blame under Li Tian's guidance.

Looking at Li Tian in shame, he pursed his lips, at a loss!
In the past few days, Li Tian did call her several times, and he did say to call her back that night...

But under the circumstances at that time, I was also fooled by anger, so I didn't know that I misunderstood Li Tian.

"I can't stand being wronged and misunderstood."

Li Tian held his forehead with one hand, "You have been like this for the past two days, not only can I not eat well, but I also always suffer from insomnia. Today I have a headache all day..."

"Yes, sorry!"

Luo Siying apologized softly, and at the same time lightly touched Li Tian's forehead with her small hand, "You don't have a fever, do you?"

"A little nauseous and retching, which may be the cause of insomnia."

Li Tian grabbed Luo Siying's little hand, "Don't do this again!"


Luo Siying nodded obediently, and then asked tentatively, "Then can you stop getting too close to that President Zhou?"

"We are all about work, don't worry!"

Li Tian responded firmly, and then immediately shifted his attention, "I'm still dizzy, are my lips pale now?"


Luo Siying took a closer look and shook her head.

at the same time.

Li Tian opened his hands, wrapped around Luo Siying's small waist, and greeted her with a handsome face.

"Uh, uh, uh..."

Luo Siying uttered a few nasal sounds of "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" up several times in a row.

Her little hand tried to push Li Tian away, trying to break free.

Unfortunately, under Li Tian's enormous strength, she couldn't move.

Luo Siying's heart beat faster, her face was blushing, and her hands were tightly clutching Li Tian's shirt.

Due to excessive tension and her small mouth being sealed, Luo Siying's breathing was extremely short.

Now, the lips are gone, only the teeth are left struggling to hold the last line of defense.

Under Li Tian's crazy temptation, Luo Siying used the final nirvana when she couldn't break free.


(End of this chapter)

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