Chapter 96 Going to the Supermarket

Five days later.

'Ding, congratulations to the Lida supermarket chain under the name of the host for successfully ranking first in the industry in Jiangsha District. '

'Ding, get 1000 points and 10 progress points. '

Received a prompt from the system, proving that Xiao Caizhe has completely completed the acquisition.

'Ding, trigger a random task and lead the Lida supermarket chain to become the first in the industry in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. '

'Choose one, accept it, and get 2000 system points and 20 progress points. '

'Choose [-], refuse, get the achievement of [Unruly] and a mountain bike, and automatically generate the Middle East version of the desert self-driving tour route task. '

Remarks: [Unrestrained] Achievement comes with -20 points of appearance attribute.

System, you are a real dog!

Stepping on a mountain bike self-driving tour in the desert?

Is the task reward a camel?
Li Tian cursed angrily in his heart, and then said, "Choose one, accept." '


"Mr. Li, the acquisition has been completed!"

Xiao Caizhe called.


Li Tian responded, and then expressed his thoughts according to the tasks given by the system, "Our next goal is to make the company the first in the industry in Guangzhou and Shenzhen."


Xiao Caizhe hesitated for a moment and asked, "I'm afraid this is a bit difficult."

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny!
He also didn't want to hit Li Tian.

But now the large supermarkets in the Guangzhou-Shenzhen urban area have been deeply entrenched and are not so easy to shake.

The young Mr. Li wants to compete with these large multinational companies for the market, but his chances of winning are slim.

If there is a real fight, regardless of the outcome, you will have to pay huge financial and material resources first.

Is this kind of blind pay worth it?

"What? Don't you have confidence?"

Li Tian asked.

"It's not that I don't have confidence, but that if I want to be the first in the industry in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, it doesn't happen overnight, and I need a long-term plan."

Xiao Caizhe explained, thought for a while and continued, "I don't think this matter should be rushed. It is better to follow what I mentioned before. It is already a success to make the name of Lida known to everyone in Guangshen. started."

Li Tian thought about it for a while, and thought that what Xiao Caizhe said was not unreasonable, and then agreed, "Then follow Mr. Xiao's suggestion first, and start the company's name!"

"Okay, the resignation procedures at China Resources have been approved. I'll go there tomorrow and finish the procedures, and I'll sort out a detailed plan for Mr. Li."

Xiao Caizhe admired Li Tian's drive, which greatly aroused his enthusiasm for work.

"Then after you finish your work, hurry up and find a suitable venue in the urban area."

Li Tian instructed that if you want to make a name for yourself, you must have the shadow of Lida Supermarket in the urban area of ​​Guangzhou-Shenzhen.

"I've been paying attention for the past two days."


After the work exchange, Li Tian called Luo Siying back.

When talking to Xiao Caizhe just now, she called twice.

"what's up?"

"It's been five days... haven't you found time yet?"

Luo Siying waited for Li Tian every day, and five days passed in the blink of an eye.

"I'm going to find you after my tongue is healed."

Li Tian threw the pot to his tongue.

In fact, after continuous spraying every day for the past few days, the speed of recovery is quite fast, and now there is no sense of disobedience when speaking.


Luo Siying snorted proudly, "I suspect you are hiding from me on purpose!"


Li Tian denied it, and then smiled, "I'll go in a few a few days."

"I told my mother, you kiss me."

Luo Siying moved out of Wang Zha directly.

Li Tian was speechless, this Luo Siying was really holding a chicken feather as an arrow, "As you wish!"

"Okay, that's what you said."

Luo Siying was not timid at all.

"Are you still going shopping?"

Li Tian made a motion to slap himself out of thin air, and said helplessly.

"Come downstairs to pick me up at my house in half an hour."


In a blink of an eye.

Li Tian came to Luo Siying's community again.

Since he arrived early, Li Tian lowered the car window and leaned casually against the car door.

"The young man is waiting for someone?"

A voice came from afar.

Li Tian turned around and saw Uncle Security, and nodded with a smile, "Uncle, what a coincidence."

"Do you still need to call today, young man?"

Uncle security guard asked while shaking his arms.

"Need not!"

Li Tian decisively refused.

This uncle is probably addicted to making extra money...

"Well, then I will continue to exercise!"

Just as the security guard walked away, Luo Siying immediately went downstairs.

She is wearing a set of light gray NK sportswear and white sneakers today, with a small shoulder bag slung across her waist. Walking on the road is a beautiful scenery that attracts people's attention.

Especially the loose sportswear can't hide the proud figure at all.

The strap of the shoulder bag outlines a deep gully in the middle.

next second.

Luo Siying walked into the car briskly.

"Where are you going!"

Li Tian pretended to be serious and asked.

"Jiangsha District."

Luo Siying took off her shoulder bag and said.

"What do you have to go to Jiangsha District to buy?"

Li Tian was very puzzled, just buying some daily necessities, the urban area can fully meet all needs, why do you have to travel so far?

"No, this."

Luo Siying took out a card from her shoulder bag, "The supermarket shopping card sent by my mother's company is in Jiangsha District."


Li Tian responded casually, and suddenly made a decision, "Supermarket shopping card? Which supermarket?"

"Lida Supermarket!"

Luo Siying responded.

"so coincidental?"

Li Tian said to himself.

It is normal for each unit to distribute shopping cards to employees as a kind of welfare from time to time, but what he did not expect was that the shopping card in Luo Siying's hand was actually a supermarket under his own name.

"what are you saying?"

Tilting her head, Luo Siying looked at Li Tian curiously and asked.


Li Tianzheng was driving the car, shook his head, and then said lightly, "Actually, you don't need to go that far, just find a supermarket nearby?"

"Why do you have to go to other supermarkets if you have a shopping card? Isn't that a waste of money?"

Without thinking too much, Luo Siying immediately retorted.

"Are there more than ten or twenty kilometers to Jiangsha District from here? It's a waste of time."

"Do you think it's too far away to accompany me?"

"I know another supermarket with good quality and cheap!"

"Then I'll tell my mother..."

"Go! Go! Go!"

Li Tian stepped on the accelerator and went straight to Jiangsha District.

This Luo Siying is just like Uncle Security, she is too addicted to one thing.

Luo Siying still doesn't know that the Lida supermarket chain is Li Tian's property, and he is thinking about explaining to Luo Siying.

never mind!

If you deliberately explain it, it would seem a bit high-profile, so let it be.

After half an hour.

The Aston Martin driven by Li Tian parked steadily in the underground parking lot of the Lida supermarket chain.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them took the elevator up to the main floor of the supermarket.

As soon as she entered the supermarket area, Luo Siying looked around cautiously.

"what happened?"

Li Tian, ​​who was walking beside him, asked.

Since the grassroots staff of the Lida supermarket chain do not know Li Tian, ​​no one has yet greeted him.

On the contrary, Luo Siying was a little nervous.

"It's okay, the daily necessities are on the second floor, let's go straight up."

Luo Siying lowered her head slightly, and Li Tian walked towards the second floor first.


Li Tian shook his head and followed.


(End of this chapter)

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