Chapter 97 The True Face of Lushan

The second floor of the supermarket.


Shower Gel.



According to a list in her hand, Luo Siying chose the brands she wanted one by one, and then put them into the shopping cart.

Seeing the full list, Li Tian exclaimed, 'Women are trouble'.

Walking by Luo Siying's side, it happened that this woman was seriously shopping for things, so Li Tian was happy to relax.

Slowly, most of the space in the shopping cart was filled, and Luo Siying still seemed unable to stop.

"You bought so many things, can you bring them to school?"

Li Tian couldn't help asking.

It would be exhausting for a boy to carry so many things, let alone a girl carrying so many things to school.

"Some can be sent."

Luo Siying chose all kinds of pillows without looking up.


Li Tian yawned.

"School will start soon, don't you need to buy some?"

Luo Siying saw that Li Tian hadn't picked anything from the beginning to the end, so she asked curiously.

"No, it's too troublesome, just go to school and buy it."

Li Tian put his hands in his trouser pockets, leaning his back against the wall next to him and said.

"You guys are just too lazy..."

Luo Siying stopped halfway through her words, and her face became flustered.

at the same time.

"Xiao Cai, have you seen Minister Kuang?"

Another voice rang out.

At this time, Luo Siying bent her back, pushed the shopping cart, and reached out to grab Li Tian, ​​who was leaning against the wall, calm and composed.

"Come on!"

Luo Siying lowered her voice and said in a low voice.

"what's wrong?"

Li Tian's hands were still in his trouser pockets, and he was dragged by Luo Siying for a short distance.

"What are you doing so loudly?"

Luo Siying glared at Li Tian.

"Did you steal anything?"

Seeing Luo Siying acting like a thief, Li Tian couldn't help but smile.

"Steal your head!"

Luo Siying stomped on Li Tian's little white shoes, this guy has a really good imagination, and then whispered angrily, "My mother is over there!"

"Your mother?"

Li Tian responded disapprovingly.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong, paused, and asked in a low voice, "You said your mother is nearby?"

"Yes, it's over there!"

Luo Siying pointed in one direction and said in a low voice, "I saw her just now, she seems to be looking for someone."

As she spoke, she shrank her body to the corner of the shelf.


Li Tian poked the probe, but saw no one.

"It's on the other side of this shelf!"

Luo Siying said with certainty.

"I just saw Minister Kuang walking in this direction. Why did he disappear after a while?"

A voice came from the shelf again.

"No, my mother's voice!"

Hearing this voice, Luo Siying tapped her slender fingers again.

'This voice? '

Li Tian was puzzled, and there was a familiar voice.

How come it's such a coincidence that it's almost 20 kilometers away from Luo Siying's house, and she still meets her mother?

Thinking of this, Li Tian immediately swung away Luo Siying's little hand that was holding him.

Don't make trouble!

This mother has already been killed, it's better to avoid the edge for the time being.

Otherwise, if she saw the scene of holding hands and learned that her daughter was kissed by force, then... Luo Siying, a tree, would have to hang herself.

"Let's go over there!"

Luo Siying pushed Li Tian who was in deep thought and said.


Li Tian nodded and had no opinion at all.

In this case, it is better to flash first.

Just as he walked a few steps, the voice from over there came again, and it seemed to be coming in the direction of Li Tian and Luo Siying.

"This way!"

Luo Siying chose to speak in the opposite direction.

She knows her mother's character very well, if she sees that she is with a boy, she will definitely ask the bottom line, otherwise she will not give up.

Before coming to the supermarket, Luo Siying had learned in advance that her mother rarely came to the supermarket, usually in the financial office.

What is really more worried about, more and more!
"and many more!"

Li Tian stopped in his tracks.

Why is he running?Luo Siying's mother doesn't know her, as long as he doesn't stay with Luo Siying.

"what's wrong?"

Luo Siying looked back at Li Tian.

"Your mother doesn't know me, why should I run with you?"

Li Tian shrugged and said, almost being led astray by Luo Siying.


Luo Siying nodded.

She was also nervous, and she just took Li Tian out of this place quickly, but she didn't think about this problem.

"Go over there."

Li Tian moved his chin a little further away, "I'm going this way! Let's go separately!"

"Okay, then we will contact later!"

After Luo Siying finished speaking, she nervously pushed the shopping cart away.

Li Tian put his hands in his trouser pockets again, and walked towards the source of the sound. The sound was so familiar, he was going to find out.


Li Tian ran into two other people who were talking.

"Mr. Li!"


Li Tian tilted his head and looked in the direction the two of them were walking to make sure that there was no one else but Hu Shiqin and a small shopping guide.

"Is Mr. Li coming to inspect today?"

Hu Shiqin nodded and asked with a smile.

"Well, it's okay, come and take a look!"

Li Tian responded lightly.

"Then Mr. Li will go to the office with me for a cup of tea?"

Hu Shiqin invited Li Tian very politely.

"No, you do your work first, I have something to do later."

Li Tian shook his head and said.

"Okay, then Xiao Cai, follow Mr. Li and see if there is anything that needs help."

Hu Shiqin instructed the female shopping guide beside her.

Followed by.

In order to prevent the female shopping guide from ignoring Li Tian's identity, Hu Shiqin added, "This is our new boss of Lida."

"Yes, Director Hu!"

The female shopping guide responded.

"No, no, I'm just walking around."

Li Tian waved his hands, "You all go your own way!"

After speaking, Li Tian stepped into the distance.

Seeing Li Tian walking away, the female shopping guide asked in a low voice in surprise, "Director Hu, is this the legendary new boss? He is indeed young and handsome."

As for the rumors about Lida's new boss, the tongues of these low-level employees were about to be chewed, but they still couldn't see Li Tian's true face in Lushan.

She was lucky enough to meet her today, and she was so excited that she wished that the new boss would come to the supermarket to inspect every day.

"Xiao Cai, don't be an idiot, work hard!"

Hu Shiqin glanced at the female shopping guide with eyes full of peach blossoms, and reminded her.

He is so young, handsome and wealthy, and anyone who sees it will unconsciously develop a good impression, let alone female shopping guides, who are about the same age as Li Tian.


Lida supermarket chain entrance.

After contacting, Li Tian learned that Luo Siying was still paying the bill, so he could only sit in the car and wait.

next moment.

Luo Siying walked out pushing the shopping cart.

Li Tianxia helped to move all the things into the car, and soon, both of them got into the car.

"Cough cough..."

Li Tian coughed twice, and glanced at Luo Siying, "Well, your mother..."


(End of this chapter)

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