Chapter 98 Galaxy Center
"Well, does your mother work in this supermarket?"


Luo Siying took a small look at Li Tian, ​​and responded with a smile.

"What's your mother's full name?"

Li Tian asked.

According to Luo Siying's guidance, Li Tian only saw Hu Shiqin and the female shopping guide.

The female shopping guide is slightly older than him and can be ruled out directly.

Now there is only one possibility left! ! !
He prayed to God not to play such a joke on himself.

Infernal Affairs? ? ?

"Why do you ask my mother's name?"

Luo Siying didn't intend to tell Li Tian what she meant.

"Is your surname Hu?"

Li Tian was not in the mood to joke with Luo Siying and asked directly.

"You, how do you know?"

Luo Siying pouted her mouth and stared at Li Tian with weird eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

When seeing Luo Siying's expression, Li Tian's heart was already half cold, and he still asked persistently.

"Hu Shiqin!"

Luo Siying wondered why Li Tian insisted on asking her mother's name, but she finally told her.

Li Tian: "..."

Oh my God!
This joke is too big!

So messy!

Luo Siying's real mother is a subordinate of his employees?
Or money management?

What a 'financial director'! ! !

This is really the biggest time bomb lurking beside him.

Li Tian can even see that after the company grows, the entire financial power will be firmly controlled by the future mother-in-law.

Not only the issue of financial rights, but also his every move is completely exposed to Hu Shiqin's vision.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time now, otherwise I would not know how to die in the future, mother and daughter mixed doubles?Li Tian touched his Tianling Gai, sweating all over his body.

No, no, it's too dangerous, too worrying!
'Why don't you find a way to drive Hu Shiqin back? '

A very cool idea suddenly sprouted in Li Tian's mind.

But after thinking about it, I was refreshed for a while, what if I saw it later?
Will he be killed?

Then... turn around to please this future mother-in-law?

It seems that it is not feasible. If you have nothing to do, you can either rape or steal!

Besides, the other employees don't know the reason, so what if they think wrong later?
Really annoying! ! !

Li Tian's face was ashen, and he had no countermeasures.

"What happened to you?"

Ever since Luo Siying said her mother's name, Li Tian's expression changed drastically, and she couldn't help asking.

"No, it's fine!"

Li Tian glanced at Luo Siying, and responded with an extremely depressed heart.

Only one step at a time.

Anyway, Hu Shiqin and Luo Siying's mother and daughter don't know about it now, so he simply pretended to be dead.



"Siying, did you go shopping in the supermarket today?"

Hu Shiqin walked into Luo Siying's room and asked.

"Mom, did you know?"

Luo Siying felt guilty and wanted to follow Hu Shiqin's words.

"Why are you so nervous, kid? Didn't you just buy the things in this room?"

Hu Shiqin pointed to the big and small bags piled up in the corner of the room and said.

"Oh, yes, I took the car to your supermarket to buy them in the afternoon."

Luo Siying was relieved. When she was nervous just now, she couldn't help but wonder if her mother had discovered something.

"The supermarket has something to do in the afternoon, so I rushed back..."

Hu Shiqin smiled, then shook her head lightly, "I didn't meet you, but I met the little boss to inspect the supermarket."

She was very impressed with the new boss.

How did you achieve such an achievement at such a young age?
Little Superman?

Involuntarily, Hu Shiqin was full of respect and admiration for Li Tian.

"Mom, what's the name of your new boss?"

Luo Siying remembered the conversation with Hu Shiqin a few days ago, so she couldn't help asking.

She remembered that when Hu Shiqin mentioned the other party's surname Li, she ran back to the room angrily.

It was all because of Li Tian, ​​who incidentally made her hate everyone with the surname Li.

"I only know that the surname is Li!"

Hu Shiqin shook her head. During the short meeting last time, she didn't have time to ask Li Tian's name in the future, and then said, "I'll ask the new Mr. Xiao later, and see if you recognize this alumnus."

Luo Siying nodded.

According to Hu Shiqin, the last time I met the boss surnamed Li at a Sichuan hotpot restaurant, this time I met him again at the supermarket.

And she happened to discover that Li Tian was present both times.And this guy is also surnamed Li!
Is this a coincidence or...

Not only did Luo Siying become suspicious.

Huijing District.

Ning Xuehua was not at home, Li Tianzheng and Li Zhengping happily chatted about the driving experience of the Mercedes-Benz S500.

Amidst the laughter, Li Tian had no idea that he had been quietly arranged by Luo Siying's mother and daughter.


August [-]th.

early morning.

A ray of golden light shone on Li Tian's shirtless skin. Even through the glass window, he could still feel the scorching heat.

Turning over and getting up, Li Tian muttered complainingly, "The current air conditioner is really bad. '

Around nine o'clock in the morning.

Li Tian came to the place that he had made an appointment with Xiao Caizhe last night.

Galaxy coco city.

A complex commercial center located in Beicheng District, Guangzhou-Shenzhen City.

Xiao Caizhe had arrived ahead of schedule and was waiting for Li Tian.

"Morning Mr. Li!"

Xiao Caizhe walked towards Li Tian and greeted him.

"Mr. Xiao has been waiting for a long time?"

Li Tian asked with a smile, he remembered that he made an appointment at nine o'clock, so he shouldn't remember wrongly.

"I just arrived too."

Xiao Caizhe walked side by side with Li Tian, ​​and then introduced in detail, "After my repeated screening in the past few days, Xinghe Coco City is the most suitable place for us to set up a large supermarket."

"How to say?"

Li Tian asked.

"The flow of people at Nancheng Port is very high, but it's all falsely high, because most of the people's traffic is for business and tourism, and these flows are of little use to supermarkets."

"Although the flow of people in Beicheng is not as high as that of Nancheng port area, Beicheng is surrounded by mountains and is suitable for living. There are densely distributed apartments and residential areas in the area, and there are many large and small villas. These are the real consumer groups. These people not only Their consumption power is relatively high, and their daily needs are also large.”

"With Xinghe coco city as the center, there are five universities within five kilometers nearby. The number of students alone exceeds 10, and there are also a large number of faculty members and family members."

"These students and those who live stably around them are the main purchasing power of our supermarket."

"The most important point is that the number of supermarkets in North City is far less than that in South City, which will greatly reduce the impact of fierce competition in the future."

"Nancheng District took the lead in developing when the port was opened, and large multinational supermarkets have already taken root in Nancheng District, so I am more optimistic about Beicheng District."

"In recent years, the development trend of Beicheng is no less than that of Nancheng. It just so happened that Galaxy Group developed this commercial complex in Beicheng, which deeply attracted my attention."

Xiao Caizhe briefly stated a few key points.

Seeing that Xiao Caizhe spoke clearly and logically, Li Tian knew that a lot of effort must have been put into it.

Nowadays, e-commerce is prevalent, and the retail industry is difficult to do. It is no longer the era when the retail industry was in full bloom more than ten years ago, so we must be cautious in all aspects.

Xiao Caizhe has such a serious and responsible attitude, Li Tian feels at ease.

"How big is the area?"


(End of this chapter)

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