The best boy on campus

Chapter 101: The Lost Dog!

"Ah, no, no, welcome, I'm stupid, I've actually disliked flower snakes for a long time, I don't have much ability to dominate my place, and my little brother has helped me a lot by solving him Haha, it’s good that you guys can watch the scene for me, cooperation or anything is fine, I, Fatty Xu, have nothing to say *books*(" Fatty Xu said in a hurry

"Hehe, it's good that Boss Xu is a smart person." Yang Lin smiled lightly. He didn't think Fatty Xu's words were true. People will tell lies when they are forced to a certain extent, but this doesn't affect the big things.

He walked up to Fatty Xu with a faint smile, and said in a low voice, "I remember what Boss Xu said today, and I hope I can give it to you so that you don't let me down, otherwise, you will have to bear the consequences."

"No, no, no, what I just said is from the bottom of my heart, little brother, don't worry." Fatty Xu hurriedly said

"Well, now you have to ask someone to clean up this place. I look forward to a happy cooperation with you." Yang Lin finished with a smile, turned around and left with Lu Dong and the others.

After his back disappeared at the door, Fatty Xu realized that his back was drenched in cold sweat, and he felt exhausted and powerless all over his body.

"Come here, Xiao Li Xiaozhou, ask a few people to come up for me."

At this time, in an alley not far from "Yexing City KTV", Hua Snake was running wildly like lifeless, with Cui Guodong staring at him coldly behind him, chasing after him unabated

Finally ran out of the back alley, and there was a sewage in front of it. The alley of Henan is located in the suburbs, the head of the alley is close to the city, and the end of the alley is a remote place, sparsely populated, and adjacent to the farmhouse, it is a place to be developed Hua She cursed in her heart, panicked, and had no choice but to turn around and continue running down the river bank, but just after running a few steps, several people suddenly rushed out from the alley in front of her, blocking his way at once

The old cat was secretly happy, God has eyes, and he caught up just right

Hua Snake suddenly became a little wilted, and looked at the old cat and the others in front of him with a little helplessness, and kept stepping back, his face was full of mourning

Gritting his teeth, he turned his head and ran back, and suddenly saw Cui Guodong sneering behind him, walking towards him while playing with the blade in his hand

Unprecedented despair welled up in my heart, my scalp felt tight for a while, beads of sweat dripped down like rain

"Run, why don't you run away? Keep running" Cui Guodong said with a smile, shaking the knife in his hand

Hua She was terrified by Cui Guodong's murderous aura at this moment, turned her head and saw that the old cat in front of her was also walking over with a group of people swaying

"That's right, why are you running? My old cat is so good and I won't hit you." The old cat looked very depressed, then turned back to Guo Xiao and other younger brothers and ordered: "Go, throw him into the river."

Guo Xiao and the others responded, and walked up slowly with their fists clenched. Hua Laoshe backed away slowly while clasping his hands and begging for mercy, "Brothers, what happened today is that I, Hua She, have no eyes but offended my brothers. I will apologize to everyone, please let me go, brothers, I have the money, I have the way to buy the goods, as long as the brothers give me a way out, I am willing to give up everything I have now to you.”

"Hua Snake, your name is really not covered. You are more slippery than a snake. I still have the guts to say such a thing. I really don't know how you, the boss, came to believe you. Our brother It's been a wrong year and if I let you go today, I promise you will come to find a place within three days. Our brothers are timid, so we'd better not do anything." Cui Guodong laughed.

"Don't you like money and good goods?" Hua Snake exclaimed angrily

"I like it, how can I not like it? But the old saying is good, a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. Although we men are not gentlemen, we are not interested in your flowery things. I will kill you today." Cui Guodong With a sneer, he drank

At this time, no one with a brain will take Hua She's words as truth. When a person is cornered, he can say anything and let out any panic. If he said that he is now Now there is [-] million in the account, there is a nuclear bomb in the storage room, and I will bring it to you later, do you believe it?

"I don't care about your mother, you will regret it if you don't take it hard and soft." Hua She saw that her tricks could not impress Cui Guodong at all, and cursed hysterically

"Don't listen to his nonsense, do it," the old cat yelled

Guo Xiao and the others rushed up without saying a word. Hua Snake was terrified. He was nicknamed Hua Lao Snake. This time he knew that he was going to die, he couldn't run away no matter what, so his forehead was wet with cold sweat, he pulled out a self-defense dagger from his pocket, and held it tremblingly in his hand Gu Zhang said wildly: "Don't come here, I'll stab anyone who comes here!"

Guo Xiao and the others didn't dare to be careless, they stared at him stubbornly, their steps also slowed down, and they slowly surrounded him. The dagger in the hand of the desperate guy is not fake after all, it's better to be careful

"Don't come here, don't come here!" Hua Snake roared with his eyes wide open, he already felt the real threat of death

The rabbit bit people in a hurry, at this moment he really looks like a lost dog

Cui Guodong smiled faintly, and walked towards him with the blade in his hand indifferently.

Note to readers:

Brothers, collect, smash bricks, smash bricks, I don’t have many words, I really can’t help it, I’m about to be exploded later, please give me some strength

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