The best boy on campus

Chapter 102: Cutting the Weeds and Not Rooting Out the Roots!

"You, you fucking don't come here, I'll stab you to death if you come here again" Hua She threatened Cui Guodong with a dagger

"Second goods, behind" Cui Guodong said with a light smile

As soon as the words fell, Hua She suddenly felt a strong wind blowing from behind him, and glanced back for an instant, but it was too late. The next second, he let out a scream like a ghost crying, and one of his arms was caught. The old cat that rushed up suddenly cut it off sharply with a strong knife, and cut it down. It drew a trajectory in mid-air, sprinkled it into a blood arc, and then fell into the sewage river with a "plop", swinging around and around. blood halo

"Ah" Hua Snake screamed miserably, just about to crouch down with her bloody arms in her arms, but was kicked by the old cat to eat dog shit, then Guo Xiao and other younger brothers with red eyes immediately rushed up and faced him It was just a burst of merciless punching and kicking, and when he was finally beaten to death, he was lifted up and thrown directly into the sewage river...

As I said before, Nanjiaxiang is originally an extremely remote street. A large area at the end of the alley is the wilderness, and there is no one in Weizidi, especially near the sewage river. There are scattered houses on one side of the river, and people will come at night, while on the other side is a deserted small village, with only a few earthen houses here and there, and it is not known whether there are people living there, so Hua Snake died in this kind of village. place, no one will notice

I also blame him for not choosing a path in a panic at that time, and choosing such a hopeless cemetery for himself

"Humph, brother Jieyang, that's the end!" The old cat spat hard, clapped his hands, and snorted, "Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he took his younger brothers and left all the way. Guo Xiao and the others were filled with passion. Today they also participated in the murder. At this moment, apart from a moment of fear in their hearts, there is actually an uncontrollable frenzy and excitement in their hearts. , no wonder even the ancient Master Xun said that "human nature is evil", this feeling of stepping on others is really cool

Cui Guodong lighted a cigarette lightly, glanced at the place where the flower snake sank, and said nothing in silence

"Hey, fifth, go away, what are you still doing standing there?" the old cat called

Cui Guodong nodded, turned around and followed him all the way away

It's a pity, if he can wait another second, he will see the flower snake in the river raise its head up again

With a face that was pale and bloodless from pain, Hua Snake endured the filthy smell all over her body, bitterly pawing at a piece of black rotten reed bushes in front of her, gnashing her teeth and staring at the direction Cui Guodong and others left, grinding her teeth on the ground. He cursed in his heart: "I will wait for your ancestors for me, and sooner or later I will peel off your skins."

This sewage river is actually not deep. After careful calculation, it can barely reach the chest of Hua Snake, and the bottom of the river is full of countless garbage. It is very difficult to fall to death, and it is not easy to drown. It's just that its black and green sewage gives people a visual feeling of bottomless depth.

Lao Mao and the others really didn't expect that today's cutting the grass and not eradicating the roots would actually bring a lot of trouble to their brothers in the future

After the old cat Cui Guodong finished solving the matter here, he called his second brother Yang Lin, and a group of brothers met again at the intersection of Nanjiaxiang. Find a restaurant to have lunch

But at this moment, Liu Boyang hugged the limp Song Qianxia, ​​and took a taxi to the "City View Garden". The house that his second uncle gave him was there. Right, from the moment she got in the car, she kept murmuring nonsense by herself, her pretty face flushed, revealing a charming look that shouldn't have appeared on her body

Liu Boyang touched Xiao Nizi's forehead and felt that it didn't burn at all. What did those bastards do to her?How could she become like this?

Song Qianxia is now in a state of delirious mind. Apart from being aware that the guy she is holding is the boy she likes, she doesn't know anything else, and there is an uncontrollable flame in her body. Burning her, making her feel an unspeakable longing, really wanting a man to possess her...

To put it simply, the current Song Qianxia is completely different from the gentle and innocent little girl in the past. At this moment, her two soft little hands are tightly hugging Liu Boyang's neck, and her small mouth is babbling on Liu Boyang's ear, talking If he didn't understand the words at all, he was blowing hot air mischievously, and the two pairs of little treasures on his chest kept rubbing against Liu Boyang's chest, I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional...

The driver in the front was very speechless looking at the two people behind him hugging each other like glue, shaking his head in his heart, young people nowadays are much more open than they were back then...

"Hey, girl, wake up, we're here." Liu Boyang straightened Song Qianxia's body with a big head, let her sit on his lap, stared at her flushed face, no matter how he looked at it, he felt something was wrong. Suddenly, he thought of a possibility that Hua Snake would not feed her that kind of thing?

People who come out to play around, if you don't even know about aphrodisiacs, then you are a waste of time

"Nizi, tell me, what's wrong with you? Did those bastards like Huashe eat something for you?"

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