Listening to the sound of rushing water coming from the bathroom and Song Qianxia's unwilling crying, Liu Boyang shook his head helplessly. It is estimated that the wife is also struggling to wash that little girl, and she is burning with desire. Song Qianxia will be honest and obedient

Sure enough, not long after, the bathroom door was opened, and then Sun Xiaorou came out with her hair loose, put the two shoes in her hands outside the door, and walked again with her two white and tender feet After entering, before closing the door, he showed a helpless smile to Liu Boyang

Her whole body was almost drenched by water, it is estimated that the little girl Song Qianxia made a lot of trouble inside.-书_)

Meeting a girl who was drugged is really troublesome. Now Liu Boyang has learned the lesson thoroughly. He took a sip of the water on the table with a wry smile, tried to divert his attention, took out his mobile phone, and called Yang Lin. Make a phone call and ask about the situation at Huashe.

On the phone, Yang Lin told the whole story, including the matter of accepting the custody of the two venues. Liu Boyang nodded while listening. Yang Lin has always been so reliable in his work, so he doesn't have to worry about it , my brother doesn't need to say any compliments, after he figured it out, he hung up the phone

At this moment, the sound of water in the bathroom suddenly stopped, and then there was a long period of silence. It is estimated that the daughter-in-law Sun Xiaorou was cleaning Song Qianxia's body

It won't take long to come to this bath, Song Qianxia will be damned if she cooperates

Not long after, the door of the bathroom opened again, and with a refreshing fragrance, Sun Xiaorou walked out first, and said with a bitter smile: "I'm finally done washing, I'm going to suffer, I'm soaked all over." up"

Behind her was the tender and charming Song Qianxia. After taking a bath, her slender body became even more alluring. She was still only wearing those pink panties, like a tender peach, covered all over her body. There are wisps of fragrance exuding from top to bottom, and the skin is all pink, so tender and smooth, it seems that water can be squeezed out with a light squeeze. It is really like a lily in the rain, so beautiful.

At this moment, her beautiful eyes were drunk and hazy, she pursed her lips, giggling and looking at Liu Boyang

Liu Boyang couldn't help laughing wryly again, why bother, he had endured so much pain when undressing her, and now he made another beauty out of the bath...

"Girl, are you awake?" Liu Boyang walked up to Song Qianxia, ​​patted her shoulder with a wry smile, and asked

Song Qianxia didn't speak, but changed into an angry expression, walked forward with bare feet and hit Liu Boyang's chest hard with a small powder fist, the corners of her mouth trembled, obviously she was very unhappy that Liu Boyang forced her to take a bath

"Hehe, don't be angry, there is nothing I can do to give you a bath, how do you feel now?" Seeing her like this, Liu Boyang felt much better than before, and he relaxed a lot

Suddenly, Song Qianxia took advantage of the situation and hugged him immediately, looking up at her red face, gasping for breath, "You let me take a bath...I ask...does it smell good?..." After speaking, he put his little powder fist on Liu Boyang's nose, let him smell it

"..." Liu Boyang's head was so big for the nth time immediately, his thoughts were too simple, looking at Song Qianxia's red face, he knew that her medicine hadn't gone down yet

"Now... I've washed it... Can you have me?... Please... Please... I can't... I can't help it... It's so uncomfortable..." Song Qianxia said Said pitifully, while holding her thigh tightly, it seemed that a certain part was gurgling in the spring water, breaking through her last girlish reserve

"Please...let me...please...I can't take it anymore...I really can't take it...I want to have sex with you" At the end, she cried out anxiously, Then, like a kitten that suddenly became angry, he stretched out his tender hand to grab Liu Boyang's baby, his eyes were full of pleading, and he really wanted to use it to comfort himself and fill himself

Song Qianxia was completely collapsed by the impact of the medicine in her body, she couldn't even stand up, and there was only one thought in her mind, that is, she wished she could immediately roll on the bed with this boy and fight for [-] rounds

Liu Boyang was caught off guard by her, and was caught by her. After a thrilling stimulation, he immediately dodged and said coldly to Song Qianxia, ​​"What do you want, girl?" The reason for using such a cold expression is because Because he couldn't bear it anymore, this girl tested his man's bottom line again and again, and he couldn't help but explode

Seeing that Liu Boyang was still unwilling to make out with her, Song Qianxia ignored her dignity, her snow-white knees softened, and she knelt down on the ground, grabbed Liu Boyang's trousers, and begged: "I beg you, hurry up, hurry up!" Do you want to see me die? I’m dying of pain, please help me and want me.”

Seeing this scene, Sun Xiaorou knew that Song Qianxia had been completely tortured and her mind had collapsed. If Liu Boyang didn't make out with her again, she might be driven into hysteria and do some stupid things that hurt others and herself

She thought for a long time, then bit her lips tightly and said hesitatingly to Liu Boyang: "How's not possible... Brother Yang, you just..." She didn't go on with the rest of the words, she could only feel it, not express it in words

Liu Boyang was taken aback, looked up at his daughter-in-law, and saw that Sun Xiaorou also had a complex expression on her face, almost collapsed. You must know that Song Qianxia is not only tormenting herself, even Liu Boyang and Sun Xiaorou are being tortured together. with

She was obsessed with lust and couldn't extricate herself, and Liu Boyang, who was teased by her repeatedly, also endured very hard, but because of the presence of his wife Sun Xiaorou, he tried his best to restrain himself from erupting. Just hugging Song Qianxia and having sex, it can't be blamed for him taking advantage of others' dangers. I wonder if there is any man in the world who can withstand such a fatal temptation?

After recovering from his senses, Liu Boyang understood what his daughter-in-law meant. Indeed, if he did not possess her again, this little girl would probably be tortured to the point of madness. No one knew what would happen if she was allowed to suffer. Maybe Song Qianxia is over-stimulated, collapsed too much, and her life may be in danger, and she doesn't know what kind of medicine Hua She gave her. How can the effect of the medicine be so strong?

Liu Boyang finally realized that he had no choice. It was so fucking ridiculous. In the end, he was actually "reversed" by this little girl, or in such a situation

Song Qianxia below her was still working hard to get Liu Boyang's luck, her two hands were holding on to Liu Boyang's belt belt to help him untie it...

Liu Boyang smiled brightly, the lust that had been simmering for a long time finally couldn't hold back any longer, and broke out completely. He hugged Song Qianxia who was kneeling on the ground by the waist, and strode directly towards his bedroom...

Note to readers:

Collection, smashing bricks, tickets

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