The best boy on campus

Chapter 107 Can't let you be wronged!

There was a soft "bang" sound in the bedroom, it was the sound of someone being "thrown" onto the bed, Song Qianxia's whole delicate body rolled slightly on the bed, and then draped those snow-white thighs, like a charming mermaid Like a princess, with a ruddy face looking at Liu Boyang *bubble! book*

As for Liu Boyang over there, since he made up his mind to do it, he naturally didn't hesitate, and took off his clothes three times, five times, and two times. Song Qianxia's body went up, and immediately embraced Song Qianxia who was enthusiastically catering. The two had a fiery wet kiss first. Song Qianxia thoroughly experienced Liu Boyang's high kissing skills, and was soon lost and forgotten by the kiss , the sweet body fluid in her mouth was sucked clean by Liu Boyang, she felt more and more angry, and she took the initiative to kick off her panties...

Now that we have to do it, Liu Boyang will naturally not be merciful. Just now, the little girl teased and tortured me so badly, so I don’t give her some color to see how I can do it. Panting and moaning endlessly, after doing enough foreplay, he stood up decisively to overcome difficulties

In Song Qianxia's painful screams, Liu Boyang finally got his wish, but his shoulder was about to suffer. Song Qianxia, ​​who was so painful that he almost cried out, bit it hard, but apart from the severe pain, it brought Liu Boyang more pain. Yes, it was an indescribable excitement...

The two of them were completely entangled together...

Seeing this charming scene in the room, Sun Xiaorou at the door felt very uncomfortable. It was one thing to say it, but another thing to see it with her own eyes. At this moment, her boyfriend was entangled with other girls like this It's so hot, how can she not be jealous and sour?Maybe even if Liu Boyang is allowed to have three wives and four concubines, Sun Xiaorou still needs a process of adaptation

At noon, Liu Boyang was extremely ferocious, galloping on Song Qianxia's body twice, until finally Song Qianxia let out a long scream, eyes turned white, and fell asleep after being swallowed by the raging tide, Liu Boyang didn't let her go

After venting, Liu Boyang turned around, only to find that Sun Xiaorou at the door was standing there lonely, her two little hands twisted together, looking extraordinarily alone, extraordinarily lonely

Liu Boyang secretly scolded himself for being damned, how could he have neglected his eldest daughter-in-law in such a caring enjoyment just now, he had to show something

At that moment, he stood up from the bed with bare feet, walked to Sun Xiaorou's side in a few strides, pinched her chin and said: "I'm sorry, daughter-in-law, I have made you feel wronged."

Sun Xiaorou looked at him with teary eyes and shook her head. Since it was her own choice, who can be blamed?

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you, that little girl is going to die, it's your turn" Liu Boyang said with a smirk

"Ah?" Sun Xiaorou's face was confused, and she didn't recover for a while. When she realized that Liu Boyang had touched her delicate thigh with one hand, she understood the meaning of Liu Boyang's words. She was startled, and hurriedly pushed her away. He, Brother Yang, he is too bad, he just finished doing it twice, and yet he still came to find him?

Although Sun Xiaorou wanted to do it a little bit in her heart, after all, she watched a real-life battle just now, and it was inevitable that she would not be hanged up, but she also knew that Liu Boyang was not made of iron after all, so how could she come so many times at the same time?What's more, she once read a book that if a boy does too much of that kind of thing in a day, it will be very bad for his health. She doesn't want to hurt Brother Yang just because of her greed and jealousy

In fact, to be honest, what Sun Xiaorou said is correct. At this moment, Liu Boyang has no desire to do that kind of thing. He has already tossed enough on Song Qianxia just now, so even if he still has the heart, it may not be true. have that strength

But now he has no choice but to let his daughter-in-law, Sun Xiaorou, look on stupidly all by herself, unable to enjoy anything?She is so tolerant and considerate to herself, even if she tries her best to compensate her, she must not neglect her

As a gentleman, you have to stand up at the critical moment, how can you let your daughter-in-law be wronged because of that matter?

"Brother Yang...don't" Sun Xiaorou weakly pushed away Liu Boyang's wanton thugs, and said softly

Panting heavily, Liu Boyang leaned over to her ear, bit her earlobe and said: "Daughter-in-law, I said before, I won't let you be wronged. Besides, you are so attractive to me, I can't get enough of you... "These two sentences are true words, and when it comes to the latter sentence, Liu Boyang's desire quietly rises. When his daughter-in-law Sun Xiaorou bathed Song Qianxia just now, her body was completely wet. , How can you not mobilize the flame in your heart?

"Brother Yang, this is not good for your health... um... don't..." Sun Xiaorou was unavoidable, and was carried onto the big bed by Liu Boyang. The kiss stopped, and soon she was also lost in the deep love...

As for his wife's body, Liu Boyang is very familiar with it, and tried his best to satisfy her...

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