The best boy on campus

Chapter 1068 Dismiss Bawang Hall!

He Xiaobin shot Nangonghu lightly, ending the mafia tycoon who had dominated W City for more than 20 years, and even tore off the wolf heart order hanging around his neck. From now on, the wolf will be completely in w The city was removed from the list, and He Xiaobin took down the faction that originally belonged to Nangonghu with little effort-_

"Brother Bin, if we kill Nangonghu tonight, we've already wiped out the Wolf Society. What do you need this token for? Even without it, we can take over the Wolf Society's territory!" Photon and Du The two of Kay came up with the Micro Charger, and Guangzi said with a puzzled expression.

"If you can figure it out, you can be the boss, so why do you need me?" He Xiaobin smiled lightly and weighed the wolf's heart token in the shape of a golden wolf's heart in his hand, "This is called praying mantis catching cicada, oriole catching cicada. In the end! How did Nangong Hu die? If you don’t tell me, who else in the world knows? Since Liu Boyang must die tonight, I will reward him as a scapegoat! From now on, it will be said that Nangong Hu died in the Jiulong Club And I, He Xiaobin, desperately rescued him when he was dying. Nangonghu was grateful to me and handed over the wolf heart order to me to entrust his funeral. I have no choice but to reluctantly accept the new boss of the Wolf Club! "

When Guangzi and Du Kai heard this, their eyes lit up and they said: "Brother Bin, you are so tall! But the car on the opposite side came to check the wind just now, it should be sent by Bawangtang or Tianwangtang, if we are seen through by them , it’s not easy to tell a lie, shouldn’t they be done together now?”

He Xiaobin sneered coldly, and tightened his grip on the Wolf's Heart Order: "Need to say that?! Anyone who dares to block He Xiaobin's way tonight, I will let them die! I've been trying my best for so long, now is the time to close the net! The three major gangs, plus the Jiulong Society, will all become stepping stones for Lao Tzu to rule the world, and if I want to be the biggest winner!"

He Xiaobin dared to utter wild words, not arrogant, at least judging from the current situation, he did have the capital of arrogance, now Liu Boyang led the Kowloon Club was blocked by the fire in the Phoenix Garden, and the insane Qiao Si led 800 people Desperately rushed in to find Liu Boyang to settle accounts. Although more than 700 people in Bawangtang stayed outside the lane, none of them had hot weapons on them. The Wolf Club had been wiped out. The four major gangs "killed each other ", but he didn't know that He Xiaobin had rushed over to grab the head!


The car that was dispatched just now exploded on the other side of the highway. It was impossible for Dongfang Shuo not to have heard such a big noise. He was finally sure that his guess was completely correct. The spy was also killed, but he couldn't figure out who the other party was! There are only a few big gangs in City W, and there are only a handful of them who dare to attack the Wolf Club. Who dares to attack the four major gangs?

Dongfang Shuo is a person who is very good at judging the situation. He knows that the most important thing he should do now is to lead people to retreat quickly, but he is very unwilling to leave like this!

Now that idiot Qiao Si has led more than 800 people into the aisle in a rage. It is a breeze to kill him secretly. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it tonight, I don’t know when it will be destroyed in the future. Heavenly King Hall!Wealth and wealth are in danger, should I kill or retreat, should I take a gamble?

Dongfang Shuo's indecision wasted a lot of time, and many things were often broken because of the indecision of the family members!People miss a lot of good opportunities just because they think too much!

"Master Shuo! Look! Someone is coming over there!" Suddenly a younger brother pointed to the other side of the road and said.

Dongfang Shuo turned his head abruptly, and saw a lot of men in black rushing up from the other end of the road. From their posture, it seemed that everyone was holding a gun in their hand!

Dongfang Shuo finally knew that he couldn't hesitate any longer, and gritted his teeth unwillingly. This group of people who killed thousands of swords and ruined good things caused him to lose his only chance to kill Qiao Si!

"Damn it! Get out quickly!" Dongfang Shuo waved his hand fiercely, leading the people to retreat resolutely, but it's only now that he knows how to run, isn't it too late?

He Xiaobin personally led more than 200 men in black to rush to kill them, and started shooting random guns from a long distance away. Although the effective range of the micro-shooting is about 200 meters, the high-end ones in the hands of Guangzi and Du Kai were only sold by Lai Bingwen to He Xiaobin. The domestically produced sniper rifle, known as the number one sniper in Asia, has an effective range of about 2500 meters, that is to say, it can kill people in front of it across several intersections!

Dongfang Shuo only knew that the other party had guns, but he never expected that their guns were so unusual that they couldn't run away at all. Following several gunshots flying across the street, the two people around Dongfang Shuo screamed and were shot directly. Lie on the ground!

Dongfang Shuo was shocked!Knowing that he has encountered a hard stubble this time, this is the deepest death crisis he has felt since he set up his own family!The remorse in my heart is endless, if I knew this, I would have hesitated a fart just now, and ran away to save my life! !

"Run separately, don't get together!!" Dongfang Shuo shouted angrily!The only thing he can count on now is the superiority in numbers. Anyway, he still has more than 700 younger brothers. Even if the opponent kills one with one shot, it will be enough to kill him for a while!

After hearing this, the group of younger brothers hurriedly separated and ran away like a flock of sheep, but there were still gunshots from behind, and many people screamed and lay on the ground. For Guangzi and Du Kai, running in disorder in front With so many people around, they don't even need to aim, they can hit anyone with just one shot!

A few shrewd boys in Bawangtang noticed that running like this was not an option at all, how could people run past bullets?The group of people in the back seemed to be prepared!They hurriedly turned their heads and ran to the car parked behind at a great risk, yanked the door like crazy, scrambled to get in, slammed the accelerator and shouted: "Master Shuo, get in the car!"

Dongfang Shuo was so dizzy at this moment, he felt that there was a big hand of death approaching him without limit, and when he heard the voice behind him, he was overjoyed, right!Are you fucking confused? !Can't you just drive and run?

Just about to turn around and run back to get in the car, he suddenly opened his eyes, and saw a torpedo-shaped object with a long white light shooting towards the car like lightning on the black street. Dongfang Shuo panicked, Hun'er I was almost frightened, so I hurriedly stopped and continued to run forward, but it was still too late, I only heard a loud "Boom!!", it was earth-shattering!The car was directly blown away, burning into a big fireball from the mid-air and falling down, exploding countless sparks and wreckage of parts. Engulfed, even the flying fragments stabbed a large number of people to death!

Dongfang Shuo himself was the first to be blown away by the fire wave because he couldn't run in time. Moved!

"Master Shuo!!" The eyes of a large group of Bawangtang boys around him turned red instantly. That is the boss whom I have believed in for more than 20 years!He was blown up to death! !

But before they could reach Dongfang Shuo, two meteor-like shells flew over from behind, "Boom!" A few meters of big pit, countless gravel flying in all directions, I don't know how many people were sprayed to death, but the two groups of people who were unfortunately in the center of the explosion just now were directly blown into powder, and many others were directly sent flying for more than ten meters It was as tall as the tall buildings on both sides of the road. It crossed an arc in mid-air and fell down with a "smack" and "slap", and ㊣(6) fell into a meatloaf on the spot!

Seeing that the group of people in the Bawang Hall had nowhere to escape, He Xiaobin put away the bazooka with a cold smile, pointed at the messy crowd and said, "I'll kill them all! Don't let any one go today, I will let the Bawang The church is also delisted from City W!!"

ps: Brothers, yesterday was not Qingdi and I broke the appointment. It was an unfortunate news after the editor went to work. Recently, the recharge system in the city is broken, and the SMS cannot be recharged. That is to say, no matter how many updates I update, you will not be able to recharge. You can't subscribe either, which is tantamount to doing useless work!I hope you don’t blame me. Brothers who buy grains in the future don’t use text messages to recharge. You can use Shenzhouxing recharge card, Alipay, or mobile phone UnionPay to recharge. These three recharge methods are 100% credited to the account, and no handling fee will be deducted. of!

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