The best boy on campus

Chapter 1069 Solo killing Joe 4!

Tonight is destined to be a bloody and brutal night of massacres, some people cry for joy!

When Dongfang Shuo was bombed and disabled, more than 700 Bawangtang boys were killed and injured, and most of the rest were also knocked out of their wits, He Xiaobin had rushed up with more than 200 men in black. The only ones left among the more than 700 people were lying on the ground screaming. It cannot be said that none of them ran away, but at least [-]% of them died tragically under the random gunfire!Compared with Liu Boyang's domineering behavior, He Xiaobin is really a demonic tyrant who kills without blinking an eye!

There are more than 700 dead bodies all over the ground, plus more than 600 dead bodies on the other side of the road. In less than half a cup of tea, He Xiaobin wiped out the two super gangs in City W, taking two points of the entire City W in one fell swoop. One of the Jiangshan, his speed, I am afraid that even Liu Boyang can't compare, it is like riding a rocket to the boss position!

When the sound of the gunfire gradually died down, and the last little brother of the Bawangtang also died tragically under the slight impact, everything was finally over.

He Xiaobin handed the bazooka to Photon next to him, twirled the pistol, and walked in front of Dongfang Shuo who was only breathing. At this time, Dongfang Shuo still had the majestic appearance of the old boss. Swollen, his face was scorched like a toad, his hands and feet were twitching, and he was lying there with blood gurgling from the corner of his mouth. He could only look at He Xiaobin coming with half his face sideways.

"Master Shuo, long time no see, didn't expect it to be me?" He Xiaobin bent down and said with a smile.

" retribution...!!" Dongfang Shuo squeezed out a sentence with the last of his strength!

"Hehe, it's a pity you can't see it!" He Xiaobin sneered and pointed his gun at Dongfang Shuo's head. After three consecutive shots, Dongfang Shuo's blood burst all over the place.

"Brother Bin, now the Overlord Hall and the Wolf Club have been wiped out, and there is only one Heavenly King Hall left. Qiao Si didn't run away and didn't stay here. He probably rushed into the lane to sweep up the Kowloon Club. Should we go in and kill them too? ?" Du Kai asked He Xiaobin excitedly.

He Xiaobin smiled lightly and said: "No need, we'll just wait here at the door, no matter if he is Jiulong Society or Tianwangtang, as long as the first group of people come out, they will be shot to death directly, saving time and effort, why not do it? "

"Brother Bin is wise!" Du Kai took the order and immediately called the group of men in black to lie in ambush on both sides of the intersection. As long as anyone showed their heads or came out of it, they would all be killed immediately!


Just when He Xiaobin wiped out the Overlord Hall and the Wolf Club in one fell swoop outside the lane, the Nine Dragons Club and the Heavenly King Hall inside the lane also broke out in a fierce life-and-death conflict!

Originally, after Liu Boyang caused the tragic explosion, he really wanted to wait for the fire to subside and lead his brothers to retreat decisively. Liu Boyang is not a person who can’t understand the overall situation. He killed more than 4000 people at once. This is a big crime !Enough for ordinary people to be imprisoned for four thousand lifetimes, do you think it is serious?

Even if I have a grudge with the three major gangs, I still have to have a chance to report it. If I can't get away today, even the security team can't protect me in such a big case!

But who would have expected that the fire would die down very quickly, but before he could retreat, a large group of people came in with fire outside, and the leader was Qiao Si, the boss of Tianwangtang!

And Fourth Master Qiao stared at Liu Boyang's group of people standing there unharmed in the lane surrounded by heavy flames, he was stupid at that time!In any case, he couldn't figure out how the Nine Dragons Club managed to cause such a tragic and inhumane explosion when he was intact!

But right now, the enemies are meeting each other, and they are extremely jealous!Fourth Master Qiao didn't care about anything else, he raised his knife and pointed at Liu Boyang and the others, saying: "Little ones! They bombed our brothers so badly! Today either they die or we die! Seek justice for the dead brothers ! Kill them all!!"

In fact, the more than 800 people in Tianwangtang behind were already red-eyed. On the way in just now, they saw with their own eyes their former companions being burned into stinking corpses. Is there anything more irritating than this in the world?

Immediately raised the knife to respond, all of them rushed towards Liu Boyang and killed everyone without thinking about their own safety!

Liu Boyang frowned fiercely, these people really don't know what to do!Don't you know that every second counts now?Could it be that he wants to die with himself? !

It seems that if I don't kill them all today, I don't want to escape with my brothers!

"Kill!" Liu Boyang clenched the machete in his hand, and ordered coldly!

Immediately, the people from the Nine Dragons Club also screamed and killed, and they all faced the Heavenly King Hall and danced their knives to kill them, and the scuffle broke out!Together with Liu Boyang himself, Yang Lin, and Gao Zhenfei, they all went into battle in person, swung their machetes and entered the siege!As for the old Mao Guodong, Lai Bingwen, Feng Hu and Li Gui, let alone those people, they were like wolves joining a pack of tigers, killing corpses all over the ground, blood flowing like rivers!

Liu Boyang himself has not personally participated in this kind of melee where thousands of people fight hand-to-hand for many years. He chopped down five people in a row, and the only feeling in his heart is that the killing was very enjoyable and enjoyable!At this moment, the madness that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time had been completely ignited, and soon he was as red-eyed as if he went berserk!The machete flew up and down like a ghost, and every time it crossed a person's body, it took a life away!With the sound of "choking", he directly chopped off the knife of a younger brother of the other party, and slashed all the way with the blade, cutting the man in half alive!

But no matter what, the number of opponents is really too many, it is very cool to kill at first, but slowly the disadvantage of powerlessness is exposed.After all, the two sides are fighting in such a narrow place as the intersection, the hands and feet can't move at all, and no matter how good their skills are, they are useless!With Liu Boyang, Yang Lin, and Gao Zhenfei's strong strength, it's not bad to be able to display one-tenth of the usual, and it's impossible to directly injure a large area of ​​the enemy!But it won't work if it goes on like this, even an iron man can be exhausted, will he be tall until the year of the monkey? !

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The old cat seemed to think that killing was not enough, his body was huge, and so many people crowded together that he couldn't even fully move his arms ㊊(5), how suffocated he was!The more the old cat slashed, the more unhappy he felt. He wished that the tiger's body would shake everyone around him into the air, and then he could go on a killing spree!

"Brother Yang! This bastard is not the way to go! Qiao Si is obviously crazy, regardless of the consequences, we and he will be finished when the police come! Dafei and I will cover you, you go straight up and kill him first, they It's easy to kill when morale is gone!" Yang Lin said to Liu Boyang while struggling to cut down a few people!

Liu Boyang slashed away a man's machete, harvested the man's life with one blow, nodded coldly and said: "Okay!"

The three of them didn't hesitate, Yang Lin and Gao Zhenfei, one on the left and the other on the right, were like two guardian spirits, trying their best to open up the surrounding area, gritted their teeth and killed a large area, while Liu Boyang took advantage of the two to force the surrounding people back, He dashed forward, stomped on people with a step, turned around, stepped on the shoulders and heads of many Tianwangtang boys, and single-handedly killed Qiao Si!

Don't look at Qiao Si at this moment, he has already risked everything regardless of the consequences, but he is not really crazy, he also knows that he is afraid of death, when he ordered the younger brothers to rush up, he himself stayed behind and chose to save his life. Stepping on a wall of people to kill him and kill him, Mao was so frightened that he wanted to run back, but unfortunately he couldn't. He gritted his teeth and tried his best to parry, only to see Liu Boyang on the head of the younger brother closest to Qiao Si He stomped his foot heavily, and the whole person jumped into the air, and swung his knife to chop and kill in mid-air!

Qiao Si's eyes widened in astonishment, and he quickly raised the knife above his head, but how could his strength compare to Liu Boyang's thunderbolt? !

With a sound of "Dang!!", Qiao Si's machete was severed, the tiger's mouth burst open, and even both wrists were shattered!

Before his screams could come out, Liu Boyang took advantage of the momentum, kicked his footsteps, stabbed him flying and said, "Go to hell!"

ps: monthly pass, brothers.

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