The best boy on campus

Chapter 1078 Despicable deal!

"You wishful thinking!" Xiao Xueting pushed him away, pointed at his nose suddenly and said, "Qu Rongjiang! Let me ask you one last time, are you going or not?"

Qu Rongjiang said with a deadpan smile: "If you don't agree to me, of course I won't go, but if you agree..." He glanced up and down at Xiao Xueting's chest and thighs, and said with a smile: "That can still be considered! "

Xiao Xueting was trembling all over by his taking advantage of the danger, and tremblingly said: "Qu Rongjiang, you are a disgusting bastard! Don't expect me to promise you in your next life! Let me tell you, I already have someone I like You're dead, you'd better stop thinking about me in the future, or he will be rude to you!"

"Really?" Qu Rongjiang laughed loudly when he heard this: "If I'm not wrong, the kid you asked me to save now is the kid you like? Haha, I'm one minute late, he Just hang up, I want to see how he can be rude to me!"

Xiao Xueting's face was pale, and she was speechless in anger!

"Tingting, waste, let's just spend it like this, anyway, if you don't agree, I won't go, let's see who consumes more energy than whom!" Qu Rongjiang smiled and thought he was sure of winning.

Xiao Xueting was about to go mad with anger, she wished she could rush to this despicable and shameless villain and slap him hard twice!What the hell did I do to come to beg him!

"Okay! Qu Rongjiang, you will die! You wait for me!" Xiao Xueting said harshly, turned around and walked out with big strides, but when Qu Rongjiang saw that she really wanted to go out, she gave her a big slap He grabbed her: "Where are you going?"

"Go away! Don't worry about it. It's not like I can't find anyone else except you. Don't think that you are the only one who can save you!" Xiao Xueting scolded angrily.

"Oh!" Qu Rongjiang sneered: "Yes, there are indeed many people who can save gunshot wounds in this world, but I dare say that at this time, there are really not many people who have not slept except me! Can you put them It’s hard to say when you scream! If you have the guts to go to a big hospital to find a doctor, you won’t come here! As long as you dare to walk out of this door, that kid will die, and you can decide for yourself!”


"Hehe, Tingting, why do you bother? Brother Qu, am I that bad? Are you afraid that I won't be able to support you? Isn't it fair for you to be my woman if I help you save someone's life? I've heard about you, didn't you use to be a little sister in school before, and let those little ruffians do it? Now it's just me, why are you so reserved? Believe it or not, Brother Qu, I can let you Exciting?"

"Qu Rongjiang! Shut up!!" Xiao Xueting's face turned blue. What she hates the most now is when others mention her history as a little concubine. She regrets it very much, and thinks it was her whole life The eternal scars and shadows, why should she uncover them nakedly?

"Shut up? There is no way! Since I have made my words so clear today, I will never give up until I achieve my goal! You must know that every second you delay now, that kid will be in danger! You are not untouched! A man fucked before, why didn't you let me? Afraid that I'd stab you badly? Huh?" Qu Rongjiang asked arrogantly!

"Shut up! Shut up!" Xiao Xueting couldn't take it anymore, she cried while holding her head!Every word Qu Rongjiang said was the most destructive blow to her body and mind. She had just experienced emotional trauma and beaten a child for a wicked person. How could she withstand this kind of stimulation?

Qu Rongjiang saw that Xiao Xueting was about to collapse, and knew that his goal was about to be achieved, so he pinched her chin, forcing Xiao Xueting to look up at him, "Well, promise me, I promise you will be popular Drink spicy ones, and taste unexpected tastes in bed..."

"Go to hell!" Xiao Xueting pushed Qu Rongjiang away fiercely, and ran out crying, but Qu Rongjiang's expression turned ferocious in an instant, and he turned around and pointed at the doorway: "As long as you dare to run out, I will rescue you and beat you immediately!" Call the police! See what happens to you and that kid!"

After he finished speaking, he walked up to Xiao Xueting who was glaring at her with a grim expression, lifted her chin and said, "Damn, you are so stubborn! I will make a final compromise, I will help you save that kid, you just let me Do it once! But that time, you have to do as I please, and you can let me do whatever I want, just once, okay? If it’s okay, it’s a deal, if it’s not, you can get out!”

After Qu Rongjiang finished speaking viciously, seeing Xiao Xueting burst into tears and stopped uttering a word, he smiled sinisterly in his heart, as long as this girl was fucked by him once, are you afraid that she won't be able to get on the pirate ship?


Liu Boyang waited in Xiao Xueting's room for a long time, but he didn't see the girl coming back. He felt a little confused, where did she go?Now that the outside is so chaotic, will she...?

Liu Boyang himself didn't even realize that in such a critical situation, he didn't have the heart to worry about himself, but Xiao Xueting was on his mind?

He couldn't help but want to call Xiao Xueting several times, but when he really took out the phone, he realized that the phone had been broken long ago, let alone Xiao Xueting, even if he wanted to contact Yang Lin's brothers They can't be contacted.

The blood on the leg is still flowing out continuously, which is not something that the cotton wool can stop, Liu Boyang only feels his body gradually becoming cold, and even his consciousness is gradually blurringbr>

I won't really die here?Liu Boyang smiled bitterly in his heart. To be honest, since he was shot in the leg, he really never worried that he would die because of it. He has survived many storms and waves, and will he die because of this small injury?That God is too>

But now, when he was leaning weakly in this narrow room alone, so exhausted that he could hardly move at all, this kind of thought came to him unconsciously, and unconsciously began to flow in his mind. Recalling many people and many things, there are brothers, daughters-in-law, grandpa, sister, uncle...etcbr>

People only fall into all kinds of nostalgia and memories when they are dying. Is it true that I am going to die?


In the end, when Liu Boyang was in a daze, leaning his head against the wall, and was about to fall into some kind of illusory dreamland, suddenly the door of the room (㊊⊕) was opened, and Xiao Xueting ran in rushing in. When he saw Liu Boyang's She was startled, and hurried up to push him, saying: "Liu Boyang! I'm back! I brought you the doctor! You must hold on, he can cure you in no time!"

Liu Boyang was finally called back to a sliver of consciousness, opened his eyes weakly, and said with a smile: "Girl, you are back..."

Hearing Liu Boyang's angry tone, Xiao Xueting couldn't help crying, and said with misty eyes, "Liu Boyang, don't scare me! Please persevere, I'll let the doctor come in to save you right now!"

"Girl, you have cried, are you outside..."

"No! No! I'm fine, I'm fine! Liu Boyang, don't worry about me, save yourself first!" Xiao Xueting didn't want Liu Boyang to worry, so she quickly forced a smile pretending to be okay.

ps: Brother Shi Mei gave three monthly tickets at once, which makes me feel so embarrassed, I can only add more... Haha, thank you brothers for your support!Let's come here in the future, if you have a lot of monthly tickets, I will add more, haha, the number one in the city is only a few monthly tickets a day, so what are you afraid of, maybe it will explode, hehe!Today is just the four changes. In addition, you have five groups that are already full. Now add this group, 141682463... Boring brother helped me build it

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