The best boy on campus

Chapter 1079 Taking Bullets!

Although Xiao Xueting kept saying that she was fine, Liu Boyang still faintly felt that something was wrong with her, it seemed that she was different from before she went out.

But with Liu Boyang's current consciousness, he was completely incapable of finding out what was different about her. Xiao Xueting seemed to be avoiding something on purpose, she didn't dare to look Liu Boyang directly in the eyes, and ran out to bring Qu Rongjiang in.

Liu Boyang glanced at Qu Rongjiang dimly, without saying anything, Xiao Xueting supported him while swallowing tears, "Brother Qu, it's him, quickly help him to see!"

Qu Rongjiang carried a small box, walked up to Liu Boyang in a pretentious manner, pointed to his bloody calf and asked, "You were shot here?"

How could Liu Boyang know that this bastard had already forced Xiao Xueting to reach some kind of shady agreement, thinking that he really came to save him in the middle of the night, nodded weakly and said: "Yes..."

"Tingting, you lift up his trouser legs and let me see the wound." Qu Rongjiang instructed Xiao Xueting in a grandiose manner.It seems that he helped Liu Boyang roll up that bloody trouser leg with his own hands, and he thought it was>

Xiao Xueting quickly rolled up her sleeves, squatted down with her snow-white wrists exposed, and helped Liu Boyang roll up the trouser legs carefully. When she saw the bloody piece inside, she didn't have the slightest urge to feel sick or nauseated. The only reaction was heartache. Worried!

"Damn! The wound is so deep? So much blood? How long has it been since you were shot?" Qu Rongjiang looked at the deep wound and was startled!

Before Liu Boyang could say anything, Xiao Xueting hurriedly said, "It's been a long time! Can you save me?"

Looking at Xiao Xueting's anxious eyes, Qu Rongjiang felt a surge of anger in his heart, and said coldly: "Of course, as long as he is not dead, he will be saved, but Tingting, you have to be mentally prepared, even if he can be saved based on his condition, it will be fine." You are a cripple, and you can only be a cripple for the rest of your life!"

Hearing this, Liu Boyang opened his eyes suddenly without knowing where the strength came from, and stared at Qu Rongjiang coldly!And Qu Rongjiang ignored Liu Boyang at all, and only stared at Xiao Xueting with his wicked eyes?

"How could this be? Didn't you say you could save it completely when you came here? Couldn't it be restored to the way it was before?" Xiao Xueting asked anxiously.

Qu Rongjiang sneered, feeling even more upset, and said, "Back to the original? Are you joking? Don't even think about it! You didn't tell me that he was so serious when you came here. Besides, he was shot. Have you heard of anyone who can be restored?"

Qu Rongjiang's words were harsh and explicit, and he didn't seem to mind provoking Liu Boyang at all. At this time, Liu Boyang was going crazy when he heard that he would become disabled in the future!I haven't led my brothers to finish my own country, I haven't married my daughters-in-law in a glorious manner, I haven't glorified my ancestors and strengthened the Liu family, I haven't learned from a teacher to dominate the crowd, how can I become a lame man, how can I become a cripple?

"Then, what should we do now?" Girls are timid, and they are more likely to be intimidated when it comes to big things. Xiao Xueting couldn't help but asked with tears streaming down her face.

"What else can I do? Since you 'invited' me here, I will help you no matter what? Although I can't guarantee how he can be saved, I will try my best. However, you promised me, Don't go back on your word..." Qu Rongjiang said with a meaningful smile as he finally achieved the desired result after a series of deceptions.

Xiao Xueting had no choice but stood there clutching her little hands tightly, not daring to look at Liu Boyang while hiding, and could only cry and nod.

Qu Rongjiang had achieved his goal, and finally turned his head to Liu Boyang and said, "Boy, your leg is injured too badly. Now I will use a knife to take out the bullet for you, but let me tell you in advance that anesthesia will irritate you. It’s not good for your recovery, so I won’t hit it, I’ll just cut it with a knife, it might hurt a little, but since you’re a man, you have to bear it!”

Liu Boyang was stunned for a moment, thinking of his own recovery, he could only bear it now, nodded and said: "I see, you start!"

Xiao Xueting burst into tears when she heard what he said, she bit her lip and ran over to hold Liu Boyang's hand tightly, cheering him up, but the worry and heartache on her face seemed to be worse than Liu Boyang himself!

Qu Rongjiang cast a cold glance at Xiao Xueting's anxious appearance, feeling extremely jealous. He pretended to be self-serving and refused to give Liu Boyang anesthesia. Take out a long sharp knife like a watermelon knife, and prepare to use this knife to cut Liu Boyang's flesh!Although Liu Boyang was surprised, he didn't think about the other party's downfall at all. All his hopes are now pinned on this person, and he has no choice.

Of course, Qu Rongjiang himself knew very well that although he wanted Liu Boyang to suffer and suffer inhuman torture, the final result must be to cure Liu Boyang, otherwise how could Xiao Xueting have sex with him?So he squatted down, patted Liu Boyang's bloody flesh with his hands, and said lightly: "Hold it, I'm about to strike!"

Liu Boyang didn't say a word, but when the sharp blade cut into his calf and cut open his flesh, Liu Boyang's scalp was still tight from the pain!He gasped, gritted his teeth tightly, and firmly grasped Xiao Xueting's quilt with one hand, trying his best not to scream!

Gu Guan Yunchang scraped the bone to heal the poison, and still played chess with Ma Liang, how heroic and how praised? ! ——But the fact is, the whole goddamn fart! !Legends are legends after all, whoever believes them will go to hell!You let a knife tear your flesh and scrape it on your bones?Isn't the tough man afraid of pain? !What kind of reason is this? !

As Qu Rongjiang avenged his personal revenge by cutting open the flesh on his calf to take bullets, Liu Boyang almost collapsed from the pain!The cold sweat dripped down, and his breathing became violent. He held back his strength so as not to let himself make any sound. Xiao Xueting, who was next to him, saw it, and she had already bit her lip from crying. She wiped it with her hand. The cold sweat on Liu Boyang's face said: "Liu Boyang, you must hold back, just stick to the past! You believe me, I will not let you have any accidents!"

With trembling green lips, Liu Boyang nodded lightly and said with a smile: "I know, don't worry..."

This voice is still his usual voice!Xiao Xueting's heart turned cold all of a sudden, and she hugged Liu Boyang tightly in her arms with heartache, hugged him tightly with both arms without any scruples, and cried: "Don't look, don't look, it will be fine soon ..."

Time passed by every minute and every second, but every second was like a year to Liu Boyang now!I don't know how long it took until the blood under his feet almost stained the ground, and he almost fainted from the pain. Qu Rongjiang's operation was finally over. Xiao Xueting had already cried out of shape, under her plump breasts, Liu Boyang was about to fall asleep, so she quickly woke him up and said, "Liu Boyang, it's all right! The bullet has been taken out! You're all right!!"

Liu Boyang opened his eyes with a pale face, saw that Qu Rongjiang on the ground had already stood up with a bloody hand spreading the golden bullet, wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead and said: "Okay, I have already taken out the bullet, now I will help you stitch the wound, later I will pour out the gunpowder in the bullet, sprinkle it on your wound and ignite it for disinfection, it may hurt more, but you grit your teeth and endure it, It'll be fine as long as it lasts."

Liu Boyang nodded heavily breathing, Qu Rongjiang hooked the corner of his mouth, and glanced at Xiao Xueting, Xiao Xueting cried and turned her face away, not looking at him.

Qu Rongjiang smiled sinisterly, then squatted down again, took out the needle and thread to sew the wound for Liu ㊣(6) Boyang, but Liu Boyang's calf was completely numb now, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't feel the pain anymore. The needles threaded back and forth, and it was as insensible as a piece of wood.

Finally, it was another few minutes that felt like years, Qu Rongjiang retracted the needle and returned to the thread, bit off the white thread with his teeth, looked at Liu Boyang and said: "Now the meeting is over, I will help you disinfect, bear with it."

After speaking, he unscrewed the bullet with a sinister smile, and sprinkled all the gray explosives inside on Liu Boyang's calf, which instantly made Liu Boyang's body numb, and his whole body couldn't help but twitch violently!

ps: Asking for a monthly ticket... I am not a tyrant, but everyone has to believe that only after hard work can you be happy...

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