The best boy on campus

Chapter 1080 Grandma!

"Ah!!" With a miserable cry, when Qu Rongjiang sprinkled all the explosives in the bullet on his leg, and then lit it on fire, Liu Boyang finally couldn't bear the hellish torture. Called out, but the fire only burned for a moment, all the gunpowder was burned out and then extinguished automatically, but Liu Boyang was tortured and couldn't hold it anymore, his consciousness sank, and he finally passed>

Xiao Xueting quickly hugged the collapsed Liu Boyang into her arms, cried and reprimanded Qu Rongjiang, "What did you do to him?!"

Qu Rongjiang sneered: "Don't worry, he'll be fine when he wakes up, how can disinfection not hurt?"

Xiao Xueting hugged the sleeping Liu Boyang pitifully, at a loss.

Qu Rongjiang took off the plastic gloves on his hands, wiped the sweat from his palms, and suddenly walked up to touch Xiao Xueting's pretty fair cheeks, Xiao Xueting quickly dodged, her face flushed a little.

"What? You don't admit it? You want to play tricks?" Qu Rongjiang changed his face and said sarcastically.

Xiao Xueting took a deep breath and said, "If you haven't seen him wake up with your own eyes, and if you haven't seen him safe and sound with your own eyes, don't even try to touch me!"

"Heh!" Qu Rongjiang sneered, "So worried about me?! It's up to you. My hands are sweaty now, how can I wash them off?"

Xiao Xueting sadly put Liu Boyang in her arms to lie down gently, regardless of the blood on his body that stained her quilt, she gently covered him with the quilt, until she heard that Liu Boyang was breathing evenly, she felt relieved and walked to the front to lead the way Said: "Come with me."

Before going out, Qu Rongjiang squinted his eyes and gave Liu Boyang a vicious look!


Xiao Xueting's grandma's house is really not that big, there is only a living room in the middle, and two side rooms on the left and right. The grandma sleeps on the left, and Xiao Xueting's room is on the right. Now she brings Qu Rongjiang into the living room and finds a face The basin poured hot water for him, and said lightly: "You can just wash here!"

While squatting down to wash his hands, Qu Rongjiang said sarcastically, "I saved your sweetheart, is this your attitude?"

Xiao Xueting turned around, ignored him, walked to the door of the living room and looked out at the dark yard outside, lost in thought. Suddenly, after washing his hands, Qu Rongjiang came up from behind and hugged her, sniffing greedily at the dirt on her body. Xiangxiang said: "Tingting, you are so beautiful, I can't wait, I want to get you tonight!" While talking, she wheezed her nose and panted shamelessly like a dog, her hands and feet began to be dishonest!

Xiao Xueting was taken aback, she hurriedly pushed him away in a panic, and said seriously: "Qu Rongjiang! Show me some respect!"

Qu Rongjiang wiped his face, raised his mouth and said, "What's the matter, do you still want to deny it? How did you promise me before? Hmm? It's not that you promised to do whatever I want, I can fuck you whenever I want? Are you trying to turn your face and deny anyone now? Xiao Xueting, do you believe that I immediately called the police and reported this to you?"

Xiao Xueting was ashamed and angry: "I told you everything, if you don't see him wake up, don't even try to touch me! Please leave now!"

"Fuck you! You little bitch dare to play me, do you really think that I have nothing to do with you? Now I don't owe you, you played me first! Don't think that I can't help you, today I will If you want to rape you, you can sue me!"

After talking about Qu Rongjiang, a hungry wolf pounced on him, and hugged Xiao Xueting into his arms again, gnawing and biting, Xiao Xueting was terrified. It is true that she was a little sister, but it is not true What kind of boxing skills do you know, if you really want to fight hand to hand, how can you be stronger than the previous man?

Now she can only struggle and resist helplessly, but she doesn't dare to beg for help. Firstly, she really has no idea and doesn't want to alarm the neighbors. If Liu Boyang is bumped into by them, it will be troublesome; If anyone came out at random, she would feel ashamed!

But the current Qu Rongjiang is not even a beast in clothes, he is clearly just a hungry wolf with lust in his head!With Xiao Xueting's strength, how could she beat him?After a while, Xiao Xueting threw Xiao Xueting to the ground, pressed her mouth and kissed, Xiao Xueting resisted desperately, tilted her head and dodged it, her knees slammed into Qu Rongjiang's lifeblood, and Qu Rongjiang was already on guard, so she hurriedly Bowing, Xiao Xueting's knee hit his lower abdomen forcefully, Qu Rongjiang screamed in pain, Xiao Xueting hurriedly cried and pushed him away, got up and ran!

"You little slut!! You are a bitch and still set up a chastity archway! If I don't do it today, your surname will not be Qu!!" Enduring the severe pain, Qu Rongjiang got up from the ground showing his true colors, grabbed it and wanted to run away Xiao Xueting, who went out, slapped Xiao Xueting out with a slap in the face, and fell directly on the sand. Qu Rongjiang rushed forward with another hungry tiger. Regardless of Xiao Xueting's hysterical resistance, he grabbed her hand and grabbed her chest. He tore off his clothes, sniffed greedily at the tip of his nose, and revealed a deranged and sinister smile. Just as he was pressing down on Xiao Xueting, who was crying and tears streaming down his face, the door of the bedroom on the right was suddenly blocked. Open it, and then the white-haired Xiao Xueting's grandmother came out grabbing hold of it, and said anxiously: "Tingting, is that you? I heard your voice? What happened?"

Thieves are always guilty, Qu Rongjiang was startled, turned to stare at Xiao Xueting viciously, covered her mouth with his big hand, and warned her not to speak out with his eyes!

Xiao Xueting herself didn't want her embarrassment to be known by her grandma. After all, she had always been a good girl in her grandma's heart, so she could only knock down her teeth and swallow it in her stomach, holding back her tears and not making a sound!

"Tingting! Tingting! Don't scare me, don't scare grandma! Where are you? Can you say something?" For the first time in his life, the old man hated his blindness. She couldn't see anything in the dark, she stretched out her hands anxiously to feel around the living room, how she wanted to touch her precious niece!However, she couldn't touch it, which made her even more anxious!

Suddenly, the old man stumbled because of his hasty pace, and unexpectedly lay forward by a strange coincidence, and just caught the sand with one hand. The posture of going up and down is obvious. Could it be that my precious niece is being bullied?

"Ah! You, who are you? Are you bullying Tingting?" The old man got up from the ground anxiously and angrily, and grabbed Qu Rongjiang with both hands. Qu Rongjiang was also angry while paled in panic !In a panic, he kicked grandma away, and wanted to run away when he got up, but the old man would never let this beast who dared to come home and insult his precious niece easily, unexpectedly got up from the ground again, and blocked the door all at once, Holding Qu Rongjiang tightly with both hands, he shouted to Xiao Xueting on the sand: "Tingting! Call the police! Call the police! We can't let him go today!!"

Qu Rongjiang was in a hurry, grabbed the old man's skinny hands and threw her away, slapped her grandmother aside, and wanted to run out, but Xiao Xueting's grandmother was still unwilling after a staggering fall Grabbing his clothes, "Tingting..."

Qu Rongjiang was completely driven crazy this time, he was full of anger when he didn't go to Xiao Xueting, but now this old lady is still clinging to him! !

Turning around, she kicked the old man's stomach, held her on the back of the head and pushed her back hard. Xiao Xueting's grandma fell and fell down. With the sound of "Bang!", the old man's body The back of her head collided with the sharp square glass coffee table screaming, and she let out a desperate scream, then fell to the ground and never got up againbr>

At that moment, Qu Rongjiang was frozen in place ㊣(6)!Because he was shocked to find that the old man's eyes rolled up, and a large pool of blood flowed out from the bottom of his>

kill! !This was Qu Rongjiang's first reaction! !

In an instant, his fur was frightened! !How dare you continue to stay here, rushing out of the living room as if you were dying, and escaped in a>

And Xiao Xueting was also stunned by the sudden situation in front of her. After she regained her senses, Lightning jumped down from the sand and hugged her grandma with both hands, but when her hands touched the back of the old man's head, it was sticky and hot. blood! !

Xiao Xueting was shocked and let out a miserable cry: "Grandma!!!"

ps: ask for a monthly pass

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