The best boy on campus

Chapter 1081 Killing from 4 sides and 8 sides!

At this moment, Xiao Xueting was crying so heartbreakingly. All the good things her grandma loved her when she was a child came to her mind. Under the dim light, she couldn't believe it was a reality. The grandma who was the best to her since childhood Die here!

How I wish it was a nightmare!

But the sharp corners of the bloody glass coffee table, the old man sleeping in his arms with his eyes closed, and the blood flowing wantonly told Xiao Xueting cruelly that this was reality, and that grandma had really passed>

"Qu Rongjiang! Stop for me!!" Xiao Xueting put down her grandmother's body and scrambled, trying desperately to chase the murderer back, but she ran fast, and Qu Rongjiang ran even faster. Where is she now? There is also the shadow of the animal, which has long been empty in the courtyard, and even the courtyard door is shaking back and forth lonely with the night>

"Grandma...grandma...don't scare me..." At this moment, Xiao Xueting had no scruples anymore, she ran over crying and hugged the old man's gradually cooling body into her arms again, crying like a homeless "Grandma, I haven't confessed to you yet. I lied to you when I was young...I am not a good girl. I learned from others. I am sorry for your upbringing and teaching... But why did you even You didn't even give me a chance to reform myself, and you didn't even get to see me be a man again...!!"

But no matter how much she shook, the old man in her arms was silent. Xiao Xueting put her on the ground and kowtowed desperately to the old man, "Grandma, wake up! I beg you, wake up!! Don't scare me!" ...I really know I was wrong...!!"

Liu Boyang had already fallen asleep on Xiao Xueting's bed because he was too weak, but he was awakened by Xiao Xueting's hysterical cries. He struggled to get up, lifted the quilt on his body, and endured the numbness of his right calf Getting out of bed and walking to the door of the room, the scene in front of him made him startled suddenly, and he froze in place like a fool!

Under the dim light of the living room, a kind old man who was kind to him not long ago has returned to Jiuquan, and the ground is covered with blood, while a lonely girl is crying hoarsely, even her voice is>

Liu Boyang only felt that a cavity of anger filled his whole body in an instant, he clenched his fists fiercely, and even the broken arm of his left arm seemed to be able to use his strength, he gritted his teeth and moved to Xiao Xueting and asked, "Who did it?" of?!"

At this juncture, how could Xiao Xueting have the time to explain the ins and outs of the whole thing clearly, she just crawled over kneeling on her grandma's blood, grabbed Liu Boyang's trousers and cried like a silly child: "Liu Boyang, save my grandma , I beg you to save my grandma! I will repay you like a cow and a horse, please save her!"

Seeing Xiao Xueting like this, Liu Boyang was of course heartbroken. He tried his best to help her up from the ground, and asked with trembling lips, "Don't cry, tell me what's going on? Why did I fall asleep? This is Who the hell did it?!"

It might be that Liu Boyang's tone was too serious, or it might be that his expression was too angry and ferocious, Xiao Xueting was so frightened that her heart was broken and she didn't dare to say anything, she just kept crying, Liu Boyang was anxious, grabbed her hand and said: "Say it! !"

Xiao Xueting let out a "Wow!!", and threw herself into Liu Boyang's arms desperately, sobbing, "Yes... yes... Qu Rongjiang! It's the beast I asked him to heal your wounds!!"

Immediately, Xiao Xueting told the whole story of the whole matter, crying so helplessly and pitifully, the more Liu Boyang heard it, the more his heart ached, and at the end he was gnashing his teeth, wishing he could tear Qu's corpse into pieces! !

Liu Boyang is so outrageous, that bastard is trying to bully a girl in a different way, and even wants to run away after killing someone. He really thinks he is a dead person? !He completely forgot what situation he was in now, he gritted his teeth and pushed Xiao Xueting away and wanted to chase outside, Xiao Xueting cried and held him back and said: "Liu Boyang, don't chase me anymore... Woooo...he has already run away! Now Grandma was killed by me, woohoo, what should I do... what should I do?!"

Liu Boyang suddenly realized that revenge is secondary right now, comforting the injured girl is the first priority!He hurriedly turned around and hugged Xiao Xueting back into his arms, comforting her: "You didn't kill grandma, don't blame yourself, I promise you, I won't kill that surname Qu, I, Liu Boyang, will not be a human being! Hurry up and call a car now to see if grandma can be saved, and take her to the hospital first no matter what!"

"But you...then you..." Xiao Xueting looked at Liu Boyang with tears streaming down her face, wanting to say something like that and expose your identity, what should I do?br>

Liu Boyang waved his hand lightly: "Don't worry about me! It's important to save people first! Give me the phone!"

Xiao Xueting left Liu Boyang's embrace in a hurry, ran into the hut and took out her mobile phone, Liu Boyang dialed a number without saying a word, and after connecting, it was Yang Lin's cold voice: "Who?"

"It's me!" Liu Boyang said in a deep voice.

When Yang Lin heard this familiar voice, he immediately exclaimed in ecstasy: "Brother Yang, you are still alive!!! My brothers and I thought you were already... Bah bah! Fuck! Don't say unlucky things, Brother Yang Where are you now?"

"Don't worry about where I am, just do something for me right away!" Liu Boyang said coldly.

Yang Lin was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded: "Okay! Brother Yang, tell me!"

"Gather me all the brothers in City G and the eight surrounding cities, and kill me in City W tomorrow at the latest! The more the better! City W is surrounded by water from all directions. Find out the guy named Qu Rongjiang! If you let him run away, everyone will wait for me!" Liu Boyang said eloquently!

Yang Lin was even more shocked, what happened to make Brother Yang so angry?But he immediately responded: "No problem! I'll do it now! As long as you are still alive, brother Yang, you can talk about anything! I don't care what kind of novelist this Qu is, but if he dares to provoke you, it proves that he has done it." Registered in the Palace of the King of Hades! After catching him, he will be handed over to you immediately!"

Liu Boyang snorted coldly, but didn't say anything.

Yang Lin then asked again: "But Brother Yang, where are you now? My brothers and I went to pick you up! Now Dafei has been sent to the hospital by me, and the news of the chaos in the Phoenix Garden tonight has spread. Even the old men of our family know about it, they have already rushed over from County H overnight, and it is estimated that there will be another bloodbath!"

Liu Boyang glanced at Xiao Xueting, only to see Xiao Xueting lowered her head and told Liu Boyang the exact location of her grandma's house in a low voice, and Liu Boyang told Yang Lin verbatim, and Yang Lin promised to arrive in the shortest time!

After hanging up the phone, Liu Boyang returned the phone to Xiao Xueting: "Call a car now and see if grandma can be saved. If not...letting her lie here is not a solution..."

ps: Ask for a monthly pass!

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